Chapter 15
Alex's POV
It's still early but I have to say my day has been a wild roller-coaster. This morning I woke up with Maya's hand roaming my body. My stomach was doing all kinds of flips with her just softly exploring my body. I really wanted to read her mind at the moment but I promised her and myself I wouldn't do it unless she gives me permission.
Then I got jealous and angry, I almost ruined the whole day for Maya but we worked it out. I asked her if we can just leave her questions for another time and just enjoy our night together and she agreed.
So here we are in my bedroom watching a movie. Maya has taken her place between my legs, laying back into my chest. My hands are wrapped around her waist and her one hand is placed over mine while the other one moves around. It's either on my leg or stroking up and down on my arm. It's found my cheek a few times with a small slap just to check if I am awake. Like I will sleep and miss this particular moment with her.
Her being this close to me, feeling so comfortable to lay like this makes me so happy. I really think she is still mad about the whole mind reading thing but she still wants my affection. I have to thank our mate bond for that one.
I can see her feelings have changed or rather grown stronger. Wherever we are she always makes sure that we touch. She wants to feel me and I have been craving that ever since I met her. I want to hold her every chance I get, I want her close to me.
So to say I happy at this exact moment is an understatement.
"Alex" she whispers and again her hand moves to my face but to my surprise it goes in my neck and she runs her fingers over my scalp.
"Hmm" I answer with my eyes closed. Her hand in my hair is the best feeling. Maybe I will fall asleep.
"Is it like a vampire thing or an Alex thing that you don't have social media?"
"Why?" I open my eyes and frown at her strange question.
She sighs and sits up straight, turns her body sideways and looks back at me. "I just want to know. I get that you can't have a profile where you look exactly the same for like 50 years. But can't you just like have an account for like five or seven years and then delete it?"
I rub her back in a loving manner. "I guess I can. It just didn't really matter to me before but what's wrong? Why are you asking me this now? You can post pictures Maya I really don't mind."
She sighs again and I frown. "What is wrong?" I ask again. I just wanted a normal fight free night and now she looks upset. What the fuck?
She rubs her eyes and looks at me. "I did few posts about us and I am really happy about it..."
"Nobody believes me" she whines and falls down into my chest.
I hold her and she cuddles into my neck. I suddenly realize what is going on. "Ok so for me to have a profile, people can see I really do exist?"
She sits up again with her hands on my chest. "Not just that. They think Lily paid you to do this for me. To get attention."
Why the fuck are high school students so mean?
I can see in her eyes this is hard for her. This is her first relationship and she is showing me off to the world and nobody believes her.
I sit up to get my phone and kiss her cheek in the process." I will do anything for you Maya" I whisper in her ear and give her a few more kisses.
Her smile widens and her heart rate picks up. "Really?"
"Yeah. Let's show those fuckers that you are mine" I grit through my teeth and cup her jaw before I give her a sloppy kiss.
She falls back down with me and we create a profile. She picked out a few pictures of me alone and then a few of us. She added her own captions to make it look like I really like her. One of the pictures is where we are kissing at sunset this afternoon. If that doesn't mean I like her then I don't know. But I let her do what she needs to.
While she was busy I just kept planting kisses at the side of her head, her shoulder and her neck. She was happy with my affection and I was happy to give it to her.
It's safe to say we had a great night together.
"Maya" I whisper kissing her shoulder. I absolutely know she is awake. I can sense it, she is just acting like she is in a deep sleep.
And I know why. Today we are going back and she doesn't want to. She spent the whole night fake crying and whining about the cold and the snow. She doesn't want to go back to school.
I also don't want to go back. I am going to miss waking up next to her and more so, going to miss her falling asleep in my arms every night.
She is staying at Lily's during the week and then she can come over during the weekends. I think they both will stay over because Lily and Marcelo have become really close the last couple of days.
I will still make sure to see her during the week but she has her final exams and I need her to concentrate on that. I heard they have a big project as well so she can't have me distracting her.
"Maya I can hear your irregular breathing. You are not sleeping." I slightly laugh. Just looking at her she looks asleep, she is really good at faking it but I know her to well. I know how she looks when she is fast asleep. I have stared at her every night.
"Maya Bishop open your fucking eyes or I will throw you out of bed." I laugh.
She doesn't open her eyes but she let's out a small chuckle.
"You asked for it" I say climbing over her body. I place a few pillows on the floor because I don't want to hurt her.
I put my hands under the blankets and grab both her ankles.
"No!" she yells in laughter desperately trying to grab onto the sheets as I pull her lower half over the edge of the bed. Her upper body is covered by the blanket and I can't see her face but she is laughing in a fake cry.
I pause and hold her legs in my hand. Her shorts has moved up a bit and her legs are totally exposed to me. It's only a small piece of material that is covering what my eyes want to see most. I bite down on my lower lip trying to gather my thoughts. How I would worship this beautiful body with my tongue.
"Alex!" she yells and struggles to get the blanket over her head. Her head comes into view with her hair draped over her face. "I am going to fall" she laughs and whine at the same time.
"That's what you get when you ignore me."
"I am sorry." she laughs and tries to pull her legs free from my grip.
I give her a sly grin and start to pull her over the edge. She screams and pleads but I keep dragging her over the edge.
With just her shoulders on the mattress and hips buck upward to keep herself steady, I smile at the sight. She is actually very strong, I like it.
I move in between her legs and grab her shirt. In one motion I pull her up and she immediately wraps her legs and arms around me in laughter.
I hold her and walk her to the bathroom. I place her down on the sink but she doesn't want to let go of my neck. She just keeps me in a hug position as her laughter dies down.
I rub my hands up and down her back till I hear her taking a deep breath. "Only two more months"
"Promise me things won't change between us" she whispers against my neck and I immediately frown and pull away to look at her.
I cup her face and look her in the eyes. "Why would you think anything will change?"
"I don't know. I know we won't spend as much time together with me being at school."
"Maya I am still going to see you almost everyday. I-"
"Almost?" she frowns
"Maya this is going to be a crazy busy few weeks for you. You need to concentrate on your exams and projects and everything else. Come on we talked about it." I whisper rubbing her lower back.
She whines and falls into my shoulder again. "I know. I was just trying my luck again."
I smile and kiss her head. "Let's just wait and see what your exam schedule looks like and everything else you need to do"
"What if I have to study over the weekend?" she mumbles into my neck.
"I have a desk where you can sit"
I feel her smile against my skin and her legs kick in excitement. "Ok"
I give her a tight squeeze and step away. "Ok go shower we are leaving in an hour."
The pout on her face makes me want to wrap her up in my arms and cuddle her in my bed, but I have to be strong. I kiss her hand a few times and quickly walk out the bathroom without looking back.
I know if I look back and see her pouty face, I will give in and wrap her in a tight hug again.
Our relationship has grown so much over the past few days. We haven't fought once. We spent every day outside with Lily and Marcelo but at night we took some alone time. We either cuddled in bed watching a movie, or we would take a walk in the castle.
On new years eve we all went up on the roof to watch the fireworks from the nearby village and yes she got her first new year's kiss.
I am so proud of Maya and how far she had come. From the first day she arrived, yelling and shaking out of anger. To now sitting on my bathroom counter whining because she doesn't want to go back. She doesn't want to spend so much time away from each other.
I mean I totally get it. I am just as upset about it. If it were up to me I would have asked her to stay with me but she can't. The case is still going on with her parents and apparently she can only stay with Alana and Andrew untill the court date. I still think it's bullshit but the lawyer said she can't permanently stay with me because I am part of the case. I am the whole reason he parents lashed out on her and her parents think I am the one who called the police.
They aren't wrong about that but nevertheless, it's only a few more months before she is done with school. Then she won't have to deal with this shit anymore.
For now I just have to be patient and cooperate with the police.
But I'm actually just upset about the whole thing because I just don't want to be away from her.
Not even for an hour.
Maya's POV
Walking into school while freezing my butt off is definitely not fun. It's been two weeks since we got back and I am still not used to it. I hate winter and I hate snow. I hate the cloudy weather, everything is grey and depressing.
I want to be in Spain with my girlfriend, sitting in her lap under the beautiful hot sun. But no, I have to go to school.
"Cheer up cupcake. It's not so bad." Lily holds my hand as we step into the hallway.
I sigh and try to be positive because it is actually not so bad, I just miss Alex. We only have two months left then we can leave this place for good.
As we turn a corner I see a football player leaning against my locker and I sigh. I don't have the strength for a prank this early in the morning.
"Hi" he smirks standing up straight. I look at him and take a few glances behind me to be prepared for any traps. Lily is also on high alert, looking all around us.
"Sorry I just want to get some books from my locker" I say in a low voice avoiding his eyes and opening my locker.
"I saw some pictures of you and your new girl. What's the deal with that? I didn't even know you were a lesbian. I have had my eye on you for a long time."
Oh wow, nice try buddy. It's not going to work.
"Bullshit, you don't even know her last name asshole" Lily steps in front of me. "So just walk away, it's not going to work honey. She is taken."
I can't help but laugh at his expression. He looks between me and Lily. "Whatever, you are both fucking losers anyway" he scoffs and turns around to leave.
"Yeah we know and we like it " Lily yells as he walks away.
She turns to me and we both laugh. "I can't wait to see what Alex will do to him. Trying to steal her girl is probably one of the worst things someone can do" Lily laughs as we walk to our first class.
I just shake my head and laugh. She would totally lose her shit but nothing really happened, he was probably just trying to make fun of me anyway.
The teacher gives us our exam schedules and it's actually not that bad. I will have enough time to study for everything without burning myself out. That is of course if I start this weekend. Maybe Alex was right, this is a crucial time for me and I need to focus on my school work.
I quickly get my phone take a picture to send it to her.
Me: Got my schedule. There goes my sleep for the next four weeks.
I put my phone away just as the bell rings for my next class. I sigh and get up from my seat because there isn't much I can do about school right now. I have to push through these last few weeks.
Lunch time comes around and I find Lily at our usual spot already eating her lunch. She is always so hungry. "Hey how boring was your classes?" she talks with a full mouth.
"You don't even want to know. English and History was fine, I think we are done with our work but then Math hit me in the face" I sigh and fall down on my arms.
"You also got the project huh?"
"It's ok we will get it done." she says in a comforting voice. "Maybe Alex can help us with it. Apparently she is great at math"
"What?" I lift my head to look at her.
"Didn't she tell you? Apparently she is a smart-ass just like you." she laughs.
"I know she is smart but I didn't think in math. She doesn't even fit the nerd stereotype."
"You can say that again." she smirks and I swing to slap her arm but she pulls away and I miss.
We both laugh and she just continues to eat her lunch.
I get out my phone and see a text from Alex.
Alex🖤 : Oh it's not that bad. And you will have plenty of sleep baby. We can draw up a study schedule.
I smile and reply.
Me: Definitely add an extra ten minutes of cuddle time. ☺️
Alex🖤 : 20 minutes!!
I smile as I read her text because just thinking about laying in her arms makes me so happy.
It's not like I am dreading the exams, I mean I actually like to study. Is that weird? Maybe I am just so use to it but it's all I have ever known but it's different this time. I have a girlfriend now, I have a person in my life that I cannot stay away from. I have someone that crosses my mind every waking minute.
How am I supposed to not see her after school like we have done the past two weeks. She has been here everyday to pick up Lilly and me. She has been there every day, spending time with both of us and every night she would cuddle me to sleep. She never spends the night to my disappointment but I know it was just to protect me. She didn't want to complicate things with my father's case
But now she won't be there every afternoon and I hate that.
"So I have to start this weekend. Fantastic" I sigh and drop my head onto the mattress, suddenly feeling like suffocating will be less horrible than thinking about studying.
"It's just four weeks" Alex whispers against my head and a comforting hand is running up and down my back. "It will be over before you know it."
I keep my face down and hold my breath.
"Maya" she slightly taps my back but I keep quiet. "Your heartbeat is slowing down and I don't like that" she says a bit louder.
A few seconds later I am flipped onto my back and I can't help but let out a slight chuckle.
"Stop doing that" she says hovering over me.
I just slightly smile at the sight of her. She is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could look at her the whole day. Not to mention the current position we are in, this is definitely one of my favourites.
Over these three weeks that we have been together, things have changed dramatically, just like she said it would. I want to kiss her all the time. I feel the need to have her body close to me every time I see her.
And I think she feels the same because whenever I am around she always pulls me closer. It makes me feel safe, protected and loved.
Is this what it's supposed to feel like? I don't have anything to compare it to. It feels amazing though and it has only been three weeks. How will I feel after a few months?
"Stop smiling like that, I am mad at you" she interrupts my thoughts with a small grin on her face.
I put my hands in her neck and without asking she leans down, knowing exactly what I want.
Her lips meet mine in a soft yet hungry kiss. Every kiss we share behind a closed door is always full of passion, and this one is no different. Within seconds I feel my eyes glowing bright behind my eyelids.
She places her whole body over mine but the considerate girlfriend she is, she never puts her full weight on me. She's always worried that she will hurt me or something but I really want to feel her on top of me.
So my hips have a mind of their own as they buck up towards her. The minimal friction makes me open my mouth for her tongue to enter and she doesn't waste time to do so.
I wrap my arms around her neck to hold her in place because I am not planning on letting her go anytime soon.
With every passing second the kiss deepens and it becomes harder to control my moans. She feels so good against me. Her tongue is in complete control of my whole body. She makes me feel safe and I trust her with every inch of me. I know she will never hurt me because she is always so gentle and careful with me. I guess that's what turns me on the most ; how much she cares about me.
So I make the bold move, one that I have tried multiple times in these heated moments between us. I lower my hands to cup her face and let out a small moan. I can feel her jaw tighten in my hands, clearly affected by my vocal reaction. Also like many times before.
But that clearly didn't work, I need something more. I move my hands down the sides of her body, stopping at the hem of her shirt. Also like many times before, I slowly put my hands into her shirt. Both my hands touching her stomach with the tips of my fingers.
I hear her breath a little heavier but she doesn't stop me. I feel this is progress, maybe she will give in this time.
"Baby" she whispers into my mouth. I cut her off pushing my tongue into her mouth before she can say anything else. I know every touch is intensified for her. I can only imagine how she must feel. But why doesn't she just give in?
Going all out I place both my palms on her stomach and buck my hips into hers.
"Fuck" she breathes out and just like every other time she moves away from me, standing on her hands and knees. "We can't"
I sigh in disappointment and throw my arms over my face.
"No don't do that please. It's-"
"Yeah yeah I know." I cut her off with an annoyed tone. "We have to take things slow and I have to concentrate on my exams."
"No, no, no" she pulls me up by my arms and makes me sit up. She places me between her legs and traps me in. "Don't be like that Maya. I am doing this for you."
I just stare at her and take a few deep breaths. I feel kinda bad because this shouldn't matter. I am not mad at her, I am just frustrated. I want more of her, I want her to have more of me.
"Maya please" she whispers and run her hand through my hair. "I can't be a distraction. Otherwise I am leaving-"
"No!" I immediately object. "Ok, ok.... Aarrgghh" I groan and fall down on my bed again. "Would you please help me and Lilly with our math project then?" I ask in a low voice.
"Of course baby." she rubs up and down my legs.
I stand up from the bed, a bit aggressively. I am still frustrated but it's not her fault. "Since we can't solve this problem, might as well solve some other problems." I turn around with my book in my hand, looking at her with a forced smile on my face.
"You don't have to be so dramatic about it my gosh" she stands up and rolls her eyes at me.
I can't help but laugh at her own dramatic expression as she walks past me. She is teasing me about overreacting and I deserve it because I did overreact.
She swings the door open with a loud sigh and walks down the hallway, leaving me in my room.
"Unbelievable" I whisper under my breath.
"I heard that!" she yells from downstairs. I groan in laughter again and walk down the hallway.
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