Chapter 13
Alex's POV
After we came back from the village Maya kept nagging on me to answer her questions but I finally got her off my back when Lily suggested that they have a picnic on the hill next to the castle. They haven't really spent any time together so I agreed with Lily. They sent in their request for snacks to the kitchen and made their way to the grass with a blanket and some pillows.
I on the other hand are keeping them in my sight, sitting on my balcony and watching them from a distance.
I still don't trust the young vampires running around the kingdom. They wouldn't care about the necklace for a second. Especially on Lily's neck.
"You finally told her?" My dad steps in next to me.
"Yeah" I sigh with a smile. "I couldn't lie to her anymore"
"I am really happy for you honey" he puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah well she doesn't know everything yet so don't celebrate to soon." I sigh this time without a smile.
There is short silence before my father breaks, talking in a low voice "How long has it been?"
"About 4 months" I answer quickly because I know exactly what he is talking about.
"Ok that's not to bad. How long do you think you can go?" He asks.
"About 4 months" I chuckle nervously. "Fuck" I groan and my arms on the balcony in defeat.
"Why don't you just tell her Lex? She seems to be ok with the rest?"
"Yes, everything so far is cool and exciting. I don't think telling her that I need her blood to survive is going to go down so well." I rub my temples as I watch her and Lily laugh about something.
"Might as well tell her now Lex. I can tell your body is weaker. The animal blood isn't working for you anymore."
"Yeah I know. I just want her to get comfortable about everything for a bit. I don't want to scare her off just when I have her"
"Ok it's your choice honey." I taps my back and then he is off.
He is right, I can feel my body becoming weaker everyday. I really do need her blood. Ever since the day I laid eyes on her I haven't drank any human blood, I am not allowed to. I however made a stop at a strip club but it was on the same day and I was in shock, nobody needs to know that.
But because she is my mate I am only allowed to drink her blood and frankly I don't want anyone elses blood.
The first few months went fine but now that I have kissed her things have changed and it becomes more difficult. I would never hurt her and would never pressure her to give me blood. Well because the first drink should be directly from her body and that is definitely going to scare her.
And everything we do should be her decision. If she is to scared to give me her blood then well I would become weaker and weaker but I wouldn't die. I would just be a walking zombie. I would be fine with that as long as I have her with me.
I look down at them and now they are taking pictures, posing in front of the castle.
"We are going to be so popular cupcake. Who else in our school is spending Christmas break in a real castle in fucking Spain?" Lily says with an exciting voice.
"Lily, you know I hate being in the spotlight." My beautiful Maya sighs.
"Maya! We have 2 months of highschool left. You don't have to worry about your parents anymore. You are dating the most gorgeous woman on the fucking planet. You deserve to get some attention. They are going to be so jealous of you. This is your way of putting your finger up and say 'fuck you for all the years of teasing me for being single. Look at me now bitches' "
Maya laughs and I can't help but smile at it. She really does need to let loose a bit. The last few weeks of highschool should be memorable.
"I don't think Alex will like being on my social media Lily. And besides we have been together for like two days"
"Oh Bullshit. We all know you have had a thing going on way before everything happened with-. You know, that night. You only made it official two days ago"
Good point Lily. I have loved her since day one.
Maya doesn't say anything and she just lays there and watch Lily take a few selfies.
"Your Instagram is very boring. You need to show the world your girl. You will get followers just like that. You will be the most famous lesbian couple in the world. You are absolutely beautiful and she-"
"Ok, ok. I get it" Maya cuts her off.
"I am just saying , posting a picture of you two kissing would blow everyone's mind. Everyone will want to be you. Even I want to be you. I mean her bod-"
"Lily! Stop." Maya laughs. "She is my girlfriend. Stop thinking about her body"
That's my girl. This body is all yours baby.
"Sorry" Lily laughs.
I laugh as I continue to watch them take a few more pictures. They sit back down and just enjoy the silence and watch the sunset. It is really beautiful and I wish I could be the one to be there with her but they need the quality time. I will get my time with her.
Maya's POV
Dinner finally comes and I am excited because I haven't seen Alex the whole afternoon. Lily and I spent some much needed time together and it was actually really nice. We talked about a lot things and it such a relief to have my best friend here.
We enter the dining room and we see Her parents are there with Alex's parents talking and laughing. They are definitely drinking what I now know is blood and not wine and I am ok with it, it's kinda normal for me now.
We greet everyone but I frown because Alex isn't here. Where is she? Is she in her room?
We sit and talk for a while when the double doors swings open and Marcelo comes flying through the air and sliding into the side of the table. I gasp and cover my mouth in shock.
"Alex come on" her dad sighs and shakes his head.
I turn my attention back to the doors and in comes Alex dressed in tight pants, leather jacket and black heels. Always elegant. She wipes her forehead as if she is sweating. "Sorry brother. Maybe next time"
Marcelo groans standing to his feet. "I will get you Lex. Just you wait"
Alex just rolls her eyes and fixes her hair before she steps towards the table. She takes a seat next to me and looks out to the rest of the table. "Good evening everyone." She says in a polite manner before she turns to me with a smile. "Hi"
"Hi" I smile back.
I just look at her in a confused manner but just as I want to ask what happened, the staff comes in with our food. We all digg in, eating in silence for a bit. I am actually really hungry and it's really good food.
Alex just sits back in her chair and looks at everyone. It's still weird that she doesn't eat but having her next to me is nice. What if we ever go out on a date? It's probably not going to a restaurant.
"So mom. I heard Alex almost killed you?" Lily breaks the silence. "What the hell happened?"
We all look between Alana and Alex for someone to start talking.
"Uhmm it was just a misunderstanding sweetie don't worry about it" Alana assures Lily with slight touch on her arm. "I didn't know she was the princess because I have never seen her before"
"How have you never seen her before?" Lily frowns taking the question right out of my mouth.
"Well uhmm she never came to our town before and I haven't been here so I didn't really get the chance to see her" she says with a small smile.
I see Alex shift in her seat and look at her fingers tapping on the table. "It was really just a misunderstanding Lily. I wouldn't have killed her without a good reason. Though trying to kill me was a good enough reason but she was in your house so I would've asked her questions and your father came in just at the right time" she smiles.
"Did he know who you were?" I ask looking at her.
She smiles slightly and nods. "Yes he did. He has known me a long time"
"She is the reason for my grey hair" Lily's dad laughs.
"Mine too" Alex's dad laughs as well.
"Ha-ha ok shut up" Alex says in a sarcastic tone. "And you all still love me"
"What? She gave you a hard time growing up?" I ask looking at both of them.
"Hard time? Oh my gosh where do I begin?" Lily's dad laughs wiping his face and I wait in anticipation for the story.
"Shut up Andrew" Alex says in a demanding tone but with a smile on her face.
Everyone laughs and Andrew sits back ready to talk. "Before you came al-"
In a blink of an eye I see Alex move beside me. The knife in my hand is gone and is suddenly planted in Andrew's shoulder, cutting his sentence short with a loud yelp in pain.
"Alex!" Both her parents yell at the same time.
Alex ignores them and keeps her eyes on Andrew. "Are you going to shut up now?" She smirks with a death glare.
"Y-yes" he stutters and holds his shoulder. He tries to take the knife out but the silver burns him. Now I get why they have different cutlery then the rest of us.
Alex stands up from her chair and walks over to the other side. She leans over to his ear and whisper something before taking out the knife with a bit of force. He groans and falls a bit forward holding his shoulder
"Sorry Maya. I will get you a new knife" she smiles softly in my direction before she walks away out of the room.
I sit there in total shock. My brain can't process what just happened. It all happened so fast. I didn't even see her throw the knife. Wait why did she throw it? Why didn't she want him to talk? What is she hiding?
After a great day I am relaxing in Alex's bathtub. I have officially brought my stuff to her room. I can't even think about being away from her for the whole night.
My whole body is covered in water and the bubble bath foam tickles my nose the whole time. I could sleep in here. I feel so at peace and calm.
"Maya, are you ok?" I hear Alex behind the door.
"I don't know do you want to come check?" I laugh.
I hear a thumb on the door and I assume it's her head. Yeah I am teasing her a bit. I chuckle and sit up straight. "Are you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah" she says in a sigh and I hear her walk away. I fall back into the bath and bite my nail with a smile on my face.
I can't wait to kiss her again.
With that thought I quickly wash my body and get out. I put on some of Alex's clothes to sleep in. They are so comfortable and it smells like her. I get a brush and step out the room brushing my hair. Alex is out on the balcony but she comes back as soon as she hears me.
"That bathtub is amazing" I say in a very dramatic voice and sit down on the bed.
"I am glad you like it." She smiles as she walks towards the bathroom. "Lial is going to bring up some hot chocolate for you in a minute"
"Ohh yay!" I smile as she grabs some clothes and closes the door behind her.
A few seconds later I hear the shower running and everything inside me wants to open the door and join her. I just want to see her body. I can only imagine how soft her skin is.
A slight knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts. "Come in"
The door opens and Lial comes in with two mugs of hot chocolate. He places the tray af the foot of the bed and gives me a slight nod.
"Oh that looks amazing. Thank you so much Lial." I smile at him.
He slightly bows and then leaves the room without saying anything else. I don't waste anymore time and go right for it. "Oh my gosh" I moan out after my sip. This is definitely the best hot chocolate I ever had.
I take another sip and just then the bathroom door opens and I almost spit the drink right out of my mouth. I slightly cough as I Alex comes out with the shortest pants and a plain black tank top. She has the most beautiful and toned legs I have ever seen. Her arms are muscular but not manly. I can see her toned stomach through her shirt and her hair is wet. I mean I knew I was gay since I was fourteen but this is something else. I am definitely honoured to see her like this.
"Are you ok?" She smiles as she walks around the bed to her side.
With my mouth slightly open and the mug in my hands, my eyes just travel up and down her body. I am not even hiding the fact that I am staring at her, I really don't care.
"Maya!" She snaps her fingers in front of my face. I can hear her but my eyes doesn't seem to find their higher up her body. "Eyes up here" she laughs.
"Why?" I say in a breathless voice as I still look at her legs as she stands next to the bed. The heat is definitely rushing to my face but not necessarily because I am a bit embarrassed. This is definitely flustered. She is doing things to me. She is making me dizzy. "You...are" I take a deep breath. "So beautiful" I smile finally looking into her eyes.
"Thank you." She smiles and grabs the tray off the bed before she climbs in.
"Why have you been hiding?"
"I haven't been hiding. I just prefer long sleeve clothing." She says laying down on her pillow but don't know why. She is definitely not going to sleep anytime soon, I have so many questions.
"You should prefer clothing like these" I smile but the realisation strikes me. "No wait. Long sleeve outside, this" I say lifting up the covers. "This you can wear inside. Where only I can see you"
"Why do you think I am wearing this tonight.This is for you. I have seen you half naked, it's the least I can do" she winks with a small chuckle.
"I really really appreciate your gesture. Like really appreciate it." I say lifting up the covers again to take a look.
She laughs and covers herself up. "Ok stop it now. How is your hot chocolate?"
"Oh my gosh. It's the absolute best. Aren't you drinking yours?"
"No. I brushed my teeth. I don't want anything sweet in my mouth before I sleep"
"What if want to make out with you?" I frown. "You would taste the hot chocolate on my tongue"
She immediately sits up next to me. "I wouldn't mind that at all" she smiles widely.
I put my empty mug down on the floor and turn to her. "Ok since you are sitting up. I have some questions"
She rolls her eyes and whines very dramatically. "Noooo" she slides down under the covers again. "I know what you're going to ask"
"No you don't" I roll my eyes. She covers her head with the blanket but I pull it off again. "Alex!"
"Mayyaaa" she whines and rolls over to me and wraps her arms and legs around me.
I laugh as she brings my down laying next to her. She buries her face in my neck and as much as like this position, I really want to talk to her. "Stop distracting me" I laugh and hit her shoulder.
She laughs and let's me go but only a bit. Her arm and leg are still draped over my body. I can feel her skin rubbing against my own and it's driving me insane. I sit up against the headboard again but my hands are drawn like a magnet to her leg.
The moment my hands find her outer thigh my body internally crumble. Her skin is so soft and I can feel the lines of her muscles with my fingertips. My hands move over her leg and I feel the hem of her pants and my heart rate picks up a few beats faster. I know her pants are very short and only a couple of inches away is her ass.
"Maya" she chuckles me out of my trance.
"Hhmm?" I shake my head and look at her. She must have been looking at me the whole time and I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.
"Are you ok?" She laughs.
"No" I push her leg off my body. "You are distracting me. Move away. I can't think when you touch me" I laugh and push her away from me.
She laughs and sits next to me also leaning back against the headboard. "Can I atleast hold your hand?"
"Always" I smile and put my hand in her lap. She immediately laces her fingers with mine and she smiles.
"Can I kiss you?" She whispers.
"You don't have to ask me Alex. You can kiss me anytime you want" I blush.
"I just don't want to make you uncomfortable or something. You know with everything..." She trails off looking to her lap.
I smile at her concern for me. Only if she knew I want to kiss her every second of every day.
I lean over to her and cup her cheek to look at me. "You can kiss me anytime you want. You would never make me uncomfortable." I whisper very close to her lips.
"You sure?" She slightly smiles.
I only smile and lean closer to connect our lips. I slip my hand to the back of her neck and deepen the kiss a little. I can feel my eyes glow and the feeling is amazing. I can't help but moan a little because her lips are so soft and her breath is so fresh. I feel her smile against my lips and I know she enjoys this too.
I grab her throat and push her away from me. "Stop distracting me." My eyes are glowing and I blink a few times to return back to reality. I take a deep breath and tighten my grip around her throat to stop myself from kissing her again.
She laughs and pecks my lips a few more times. "Ok sorry. What do you want to ask me?" She says holding my hand in her lap and playing with my fingers.
I am a little closer this time but I don't mind. Our bodies are rubbed up against each other and our faces not so far apart. "Why were you at Lily's house that one night?"
She smiles and leans her head back against the backboard. "That was the day you yelled at me at school. The day you said you don't need anyone else and so on. She slipped me her address so I went there and she told me why you acted like that. She told me everything about your parents and school and things. She helped me understand."
"Ooh ok. I remember that day" I scratch my head. "I am sorry Alex. I didn't mean-"
"Maya stop" she cuts me off. "It's fine. You had a really good reason. Please don't apologize for that. Incase you haven't noticed, I didn't really listen to you. I mean you are in my bed" she smirks.
I hit her shoulder and she laughs. "So you never listen to anything I say?" I playfully raise my eyebrows at her.
"Of course I listen Maya" she rolls her eyes.
"I know" I smile and give her a quick kiss. Well I planned to give her a quick kiss but it deepened real quick. I take in a deep breath of her scent and slightly moand, she always smells amazing.
Here we go again.
"Alexxx!" I whine pulling away from her.
"You kissed me?" She laughs.
"Yeah but...your...just stop distracting me!" I cover my face. It's not totally her fault. It's my fault too. "Ok let me ask you something else"
"Why didn't you want Mr Reynolds to talk tonight at dinner?" I frown. "What is it that you don't want me to know?"
She sighs and closes her eyes. I can tell she doesn't want me to know this. "Please tell me. You literally know everything about me and I feel like I have to drag everything out of you."
"Ok, sorry you are right. Uhmm" she pauses. "It's just I was different before I met you. And I am not proud of my past and I don't want you to think of me like that because since I found you everything changed for me. I am not that person anymore"
"Ok?" I frown.
"Uhmm, ok well after about 50 years of searching for my mate, I kinda gave up. All my friends got theirs and I never did so I kinda went off the road. I did things I am not proud off. I traveled all around the world and partied my life away."
"So when you say you did things you are not proud off. What does that mean?" I push on. She always gives me the simplest answer but I need details.
"Maya" she sighs.
"Alex please" I breathe out.
"I slept with women to get what I want and then compell them to forget about me. But Maya I am not that person anymore. I swear" she says in a very serious tone.
I stare at her for a moment and then just out into the room. I don't know what to say? She slept with women all over the world? I haven't even seen anyone else naked, except for Lily but that's not the same. I am still a virgin and here is Alex who has slept with maybe hundreds of women.
"Maya?" She calls for me.
"Yeah?" I force a smile and look at her.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I am perfect. Thank you for telling me" I nod and squeeze her hand.
"You don't look ok. Maya I promise I am not like that anymore. You are the only one I want. I am not a player anymore. I am so sorry please don't let this bother you." She sighs.
"It doesn't" I shake my head. "I'll be right back. I am just going to brush my teeth"
She doesn't want me to go but I smile at her and she lets me go. I stand up and go to the bathroom. I close the door and lean back against it.
I am nothing compared to them. She is going to be so disappointed in me. She is going to think I am a loser. Ok I am, but still. I have absolutely no experience. I don't even know what I am doing when I kiss her. I am just going for it. What if she doesn't like it? She probably doesn't. Why am I her mate? She is so out of my league.
I slide my back against the door till my ass is on the ground. I rest my head in my hands and take a deep breath.
Alex's POV
Fucking hell why does she think that? She is beautiful and the most perfect girl in the whole world. I can't wait to feel her body underneath me and I know it's going to be amazing. I don't even think about those other girls. She is the only girl I want and need.
"Maya" I whisper bending down at the door. "Can you please just come out so we can talk? I can feel you are not ok"
"I am fine Alex" she says in a low voice and I can feel her sadness. She is crying and my heart just breaks. She stands up and moves away from the door but I hear her pacing up and down in the bathroom.
Come on Maya. You can be sexy like a Brazilian woman or a dance like a Spanish girl. A French girl or party like a college girl. What does she even like? Probably total opposite of me. I am a stupid nerd in highschool. Why did the universe pick me? She is a princess for crying out loud.
Oh fuck it.
I open the door without knocking. She is leaning against the counter and gasp as I enter. "Maya" I breathe out and move closer to her. She looks my body up and down.
Oh gosh she is so hot. I don't deserve her.
I place both my hands on her hips and lift her on the counter. She gasps again but her hands find my shoulders as I step between her legs. "Maya please talk to me" I whisper looking in her eyes.
She takes a deep breath and looks down at the floor. "Alex I..." She hesitates.
I lift her chin to look at me. "I am so sorry Maya. I thought I'd never find you. I was angry and depressed. I am not proud of-" I whisper but she cuts me off.
"I don't care about that Alex. You have been alive for 145 years. I didn't really think you were I virgin. I just didn't think what it would mean for us."
"What do you mean?" I frown.
I might as well just tell her now. At least she won't expect anything less.
"Alex" she sighs. "I am not like those other girls. I have never been in a relationship. You are the first person I've made out with and I don't even know what I was doing. And I...." She pauses and looks anywhere but at me.
"I am a virgin" she says in low voice. "And you-"
"No baby stop" I cup her cheeks. "Please don't think about that. I don't care what you have done and what you haven't done. This is you and me. It's going to be so much better because I care so much about you and I didn't give a fuck about those girls. I don't even think about them and I would never compare you to them. You are my mate. You are my perfect match. You shouldn't worry about being inexperienced Maya, when we kiss my world turns upside down. I feel these fireworks going off in my brain. I have never felt anything like that and I could kiss you all day everyday because it's that good." I smile at the end.
She hasn't said anything she just stares at me.
"Maya I don't care that you are a virgin. I am actually glad because I might have killed the person who had the chance to take it. But you don't have to worry about sex now. We aren't going to rush into anything ok?"
I wait for an answer and her eyes flicker between mine. "Did you just call me baby?"
"What? Wh- oh shit I am sorry. I didn't mean to-"
She cuts me off with a beautiful smile. "I really like it"
"Ok. It just slipped out sorry" I blush with a small smile. I didn't even hear it come out my mouth. "Wait? Did you even hear what I just said? Every time I pour my heart out you get stuck on one thing I said"
"Yeah I heard you" she smiles and her hands travel up and down my bare arms. "I just don't want you to be disappointed"
I grab her lower back and push her closer to me. "I am most certainly not disappointed Maya. You-" I take a deep breath looking down at her lips. "You do things to my body that I can not explain. You are so beautiful and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you."
She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls our faces closer. "I am the lucky one Alex. Thank you for saying all those things. I might be a virgin but you should hear my thoughts. Not so innocent" she chuckles.
"I have heard them." I smile but she quickly jumps away from me.
"What!?" She yells.
Oh fuck.
I can't lie to her now. Fuck why did I say that? I was so in the moment. She distracted me.
I quickly move away from her and pinch the bridge of my nose in regret.
"Alex can you hear my thoughts?! " She yells again. "And when!?"
"Ok uhm can you just not yell at me please and let me explain."
She jumps off the counter and walks into the bedroom with her head in her hands.
Oh my gosh she can hear my thoughts. Since when? After we kissed. She said things will change. Is that how we grow closer to each other? Oh my gosh did she hear what I thought about her coming out the shower? This morning when we kissed? No no no no. This is so embarrassing. Wait....
She gives me a death glare. "Did you just?"
"Yes and you don't have to be embarrassed about it Maya please"
"Oh my gosh" she takes a pillow and starts hitting me with it. "Why didn't you tell me!" She yells.
"Because it has been going on to long. You would've been mad either way. I was just hoping for a better time." I admit.
"So you have been hearing my thoughts ever since we met?!" She yells with raised eyebrows.
"Yes but only when I wanted too" I object not that I think it will help.
"That doesn't make it better Alex. Those are fucking private!" She yells again and pace around the room. Wow she is really mad. She cursed at me so she is really mad. I knew she would be but I am not prepared to defend myself from this anger.
"I had to know what you were thinking when we met. I had to know if you even liked me. You were giving me mixed signals. If you didn't like me then it would've been fine. I would've left and let you live your life but you felt the connection. So I stayed. I didn't care if you didn't want a relationship or couldn't have one. I just wanted to be near you and protect you. After you said you didn't want anyone to care about you I left you alone. I stayed out of your mind because you needed to figure out what you wanted."
She looks at me from across the room and her tears are building up.
"Maya I am sorry. I know your thoughts are private and I didn't do it for my own satisfaction. When you came here I just needed to make sure you were ok. So yes I did hear your thoughts this morning and yes things change as we get more comfortable around each other. I am going to tell you all about it when the time comes. Like I have said almost ten times, I don't want to overwhelm you everything Maya."
She frowns and looks shifts in her stance. "What were you going to tell me?"
I sigh and place my hands on my hips. I might as well tell her now.
"Alex!" She yells.
"Ok, ok. Only one more thing for the night. Then that is it."
She nods for me to continue.
"When we eventually get to a certain point in our relationship and we share certain things. We would be able to communicate telepathically"
She stares at me for a moment and she holds her breath. I rather not get in her mind right now. Her glare is still a bit intimidating and she doesn't move. She bites her cheek and I can hear her biting on her teeth. She is so angry.
Suddenly her eyes go wide and now I am holding my breath. "Alex you said you heard my sexual thoughts. When was that?"
"Ahh fuck" I sigh and sit down on the bed. I cover my face in defeat. Why did I have to say that? Idiot.
"Alex!" She yells again and I immediately look up. She walks closer to me and her glare is even more angry.
"I don't want to say" I whisper. I am literally scared of her right now. At least she didn't run away. I bet she is killing me in her mind. I don't need to get in her mind to know that.
"Alex!" she grits through her teeth, crossing her arms over her stomach waiting for me to answer.
I sigh and now I look anywhere but at her. How are we here? A couple of minutes ago she was so vulnerable and cute. I was standing between her legs on the verge of a very steamy make out session. And now she is angry and I am guilty. What the fuck now?
"The time you didn't want me around. Just after the whole tutor lie. You got money right, and you bought something for yourself." I pause and look at her.
After a few seconds her expression changes from confused to realisation. Her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth in shock.
"At first I didn't know what was going on. You told Lily at school that you are going to use it tonight and I was hoping for a baseball bat to you parents head but when I got there it was something else"
She covers her eyes and she starts pacing again. I really want to know what's going on in her mind right now.
"Maya I am so sorry. That was really inappropriate but I couldn't stop. I heard you say my name and-"
She puts her finger up and I immediately stay quiet. "I need some air" she whispers with her hand on her chest.
She walks towards the balcony. "And stay out of my head!" she yells back to me as she steps out.
I wouldn't dare. I am definitely dead in her head now. I fall back onto the bed with a sigh. I fucked up. Why did you stay Alex? Because she was thinking about you while she fucked herself. Yes, that's why. It was fucking sexy but I regret it now.
At least she didn't run away. She is just out on the balcony for some air. I guess that is a good sign.
It's really hard not to go out there but I am respecting her wishes. I can hear her heartbeat and breathing. She seems ok but she is mad. She is really mad.
After a few minutes I just sit there and rub my hand over the covers. I miss her. I want her here with me.
I decide to stand up and slowly walk to the balcony doors. I see her standing against the railing, looking over the fields. I can hear her shivering and rubbing her arms. It must be cold but she is to stubborn to come back inside.
I make the bold move of going behind her. She luckily heard me but didn't say anything. I slowly wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulders. "Maya, I am really sorry" I whisper and kiss her cheek a few times.
"Stop distracting me. I am still mad at you" she says looking down at her hands on the railing.
"That's fair but please come back inside. You can be mad at me in there. It's cold out here"
She takes a deep breath. I can tell she doesn't want me to be right but I can feel the coldness on her skin. She is freezing.
"Ok" she mumbles and turns around in my arms. "You will carry me back inside"
"What?" I frown.
She only glares at me without saying anything.
"Yes, I will" I say and immediately pick her up and carry her back inside.
I put her down on the bed and she gets under the covers. I quickly close the balcony doors and get into bed as well. She has her back towards me and I just sigh. I definitely have some making up to do tomorrow. I put off the light and look up at the ceiling.
"Hold me" she mumbles under her breath and I slightly smile. I move closer to her and wrap my arm around her. She moves her body into me and I feel her body relax against me. "I haven't forgiven you yet"
"I know" I kiss her cheek and shoulders a few times. "Thank you for staying" I whisper and lay my head down.
She turns around and faces me. "I am not going anywhere" she whispers and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. "But I am still mad at you" she slaps me on the cheek.
"I know" I whisper and pull her body closer to mine. "Goodnight Maya"
"Goodnight Alex" she whispers back and I let out a breath of relief.
She didn't leave. She is still mad at me but she didn't leave.
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