Chapter 11
Maya's POV
"Dude you are dating a princess!!" Lily yells falling down on the bed.
We had just come back from dinner. My dinner was mainly staring at everyone and asking all the questions I could think of. Some questions they didn't want to answer and kept looking at Alex. The questions they did answer though, blew me away. For instance they have super hearing. In fact all their senses are super hightened. Super strength that was a cool one. Marcelo was happy to show me as he lifted both Lily and Alana with their chairs. I almost passed out but I immediately gripped Alex's hand on the table which for some reason calmed me down.
I found out that they didn't need to eat human food but they do just fit in. Alex on the other hand did not eat anything accept for dessert. Apparently she doesn't like human food. She didn't really elaborate much but I made a note to ask her later. And they don't really sleep, maybe two to thre hours at the most. Sometimes they can go a week without sleeping. No way I could survive that. I already knew they aren't alive and don't have a heartbeat but was strange was the fact that they are warm. They aren't cold like in the books.
"We are not dating, we haven't even kissed yet. I don't know what we are. Everything is just a bit crazy at the moment" I sigh sitting down next to her.
They gave us this room to sleep in. We are literally the only humans here and I am glad I don't have to sleep alone.
"Don't worry you'll get used to it" she smiles.
"Aren't you scared?" I ask in a low voice.
She moves closer to me and hold my hands. "Maya, you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I know it's all new and weird and your mind can't handle it but Alex will never ever hurt you ok. And she won't let anyone else hurt you."
"Ok" I let out a breath of relief.
We both took a shower and Alex gave us some of her clothes again. This is such a deja vu moment but luckily I am up and about this time. We got into bed and Lily almost fell asleep instantly.
I on the other hand couldn't. After the day I had I am not really surprised about that. I kept thinking about everything that happened. Everything Alex told me about her father and her. The fact that she could hear my heartbeat from so far away still amazes me.
After about an hour of tossing and turning I can't take it anymore. My mind is running wild with questions, I want to see her.
I slowly get up from the bed not wanting to wake Lily. I slowly open the door and closed it behind me. My breathing hitched when I come into a dead silent hallway. The lights are on but on a dim setting. I can't remember how to get to Alex's room because she carried me there the first time and second time I didn't concentrate when we went back down to eat. Stupid Maya. What now?
They can hear me right.
I step a few metres away from the door and close my eyes. "Uhm...Alex?" I feel a small breeze against my skin and cover my arms. Probably a window open somewhere.
"I-I really hope you can hear me and that this super hearing isn't a joke." I sigh. "My eyes are closed because I don't want to be frightened by you appearing out of nowhere. I am not scared of you I just don't want to turn around and be scared shitless. So I don't know what you are going to do because it's really quiet and I think any sound will scare me at this moment." I scratch me head in embarrassment. "Oh gosh, you are probably not even hearing me."
Then I suddenly feel a presence behind me and my heart stops for a few seconds.
Please be Alex and not a hungry vampire trying to kill me.
I take a deep breath and turn around not opening my eyes yet. I am not ready to see the face that is going to kill me.
I slowly put my hand out and flinch at me touching someone. I hesitate and put my hand out again, maybe I feel it again. There is definitely someone in front of me. "Oh gosh please don't kill me" I say in a shaky voice.
I feel a hand softly grab mine and I instantly feel a calmness over my body. I let out a deep breath as my hand is guided upwards. My fingers run over her shirt and then it comes into skin on skin contact. I get this warm feeling inside me that I can't explain and every ounce of fear has left my body. I know it's Alex. I can feel it's her.
My hand finds her face and I cup her cheek. I can feel her smiling in my hand and I can't help but smile too.
"Open your eyes Maya" she whispers and her voice is like music to my ears.
I slowly open my eyes to see the gorgeous woman in front of me. Hair perfect at the sides of her face, wearing black of course and I sweet smile on her face with my hand against her cheek.
My other hand grip the shirt on her chest and my head falls against her. "Thank goodness" I breathe out.
I feel her other hand gently pushing my back closer to her and I immediately wrap my arms around her neck for a hug.
"You were really brave" she whispers in my ear as she holds me tight. "But why aren't you sleeping?"
I pull away but keep my hands on her shoulders. "I wanted to see you and I don't know where your room is" I chuckle.
"Come" she takes my hand. "I will show you"
She laces her fingers with mine and my heart is pounding but her hand feels amazing. I think the last time she held my hand was at the carnival and that was amazing just like now.
We walk through the hallways and up a few stairs. I hold onto her arm with my other hand half leaning against her.
We arrive at two big doors and the guy I think his name is Lial opens the door for us. We walk in and the door close behind us. "Well I definitely would've gotten lost. This place is huge"
She laughs a bit and gives my hand a small squeeze before letting go. "I will give you a more detailed tour tomorrow ok" she smiles and walks to the balcony door. "Do you want to see the view?"
"Oh yeah of course. I just don't....have a jacket. And it's kinda co-"
"Oh I am sorry let me get you one" she cuts me off going to her closet and getting me a jacket. She helps me put it on and it smells just like her.
"Thank you" I smile and I grab her hand again as she leads me to the balcony.
"Oh wow! Look at all the stars" I say looking up.
"It's beautiful isn't it" she smiles also looking up. We walk to the edge and look over the land. Everything is quiet and way in the distance there is a town or something. You can see the lights shining.
We stand there in silence for a minute before she hops onto the railing with her back to the edge. My heart stops for a moment but I guess she has super balance also so why worry.
"Can you die?" I ask looking at her. She smiles and plays with her hands in her lap.
"I can die yes."
"How? No human can even get close to kill you. A bullet won't even hurt you and every other vampire isn't strong enough?" I frown leaning with my side against the railing.
"My dad can kill me and also one other person." She says in a hesitant voice.
She rubs her eyes and looks up at the sky to take a deep breath. "Uhmm. I don't know..."
"Alex" I sigh. "Please just tell me"
"Maya.... it's not that easy for me." She sighs. "I am not scared of anything but I am scared to tell you this" she says in a shaky voice not able to even look at me.
I take a step in front of her and place my hands on knees. She grips the railing and takes a deep breath.
"Please look at me" I whisper and a few seconds later she meet my eyes. "Why are you scared?"
She takes a few seconds to answer. "Because I don't....." She looks away. "I don't want to lose you" she sighs.
"Why? Why would you lose me? I am not going anywhere" I frown. "Can you please just tell me?"
She pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath. "The day I met you in the hallway at school, you weren't just someone who looked familiar to me. I couldn't say anything because you literally took my breath away. I was at school to say hi to my dad and I was standing in the cafeteria when I smelled this vanilla scent. Now when a vampire smells that specific scent they are drawn to it like a magnet. That's where we met in the hallway. That scent came off you"
"What does that mean?" I frown still holding onto her. "Am I your ultimate prize?"
"No of course not" She looks at my hands and then reaches for both of them. "Only I can smell your scent because you..." She pauses and looks at me with tears in her eyes. "You are my soulmate"
I frown a bit and let out a nervous chuckle. "Uhm. Wh- what do you mean?"
"Well we actually call it just mate because I don't have a soul, but for you it can be soulmate. I am your soulmate" she says in a serious tone.
I take my hands away from her grip and run it through my hair. "Uhm" I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Can you explain a bit more? Because I am not sure I understand"
"Just like the conversation we had in my car about soulmates. This is just like that. You and I are destined to be together." She says stepping off the railing as I take a few steps back. "The moment you turned 18 you gave off a scent just for me but I wasn't close enough to smell it. Every vampire goes through their life trying to find their mate. Sometimes it's another vampire and sometimes like in my case, it's a human."
"How long have you searched for me?" I ask looking at her as my mind runs at super speed trying to understand this. I am her soulmate? How the hell did that happen? Wait...that explains a few things. Why she can make me calm. Why I can't stop thinking about her.
She gives me a sweet smile. "145 years"
I gasp and cover my mouth in shock. Then for some reason I start to laugh. "145 years? Are you serious? Is that how old you are?"
"Yes" she leans back against the railing crossing her arms. "But my human ID say I am 23"
"What the f-" I ask putting my hand on my forehead.
"I wish I could explain to you what I feel when I am with you. When you touch me or when you smile at me. I can't even begin to explain what it felt like to leave you. I have searched so long for you and when I found you, everything changed" she pauses and looks at me. "My purpose in life is to make you happy Maya. I want to keep you safe and protect you from anything. To care about you is all I want to do. To hold you and comfort you. To l-" she stops and take a deep breath.
"But no matter what I feel or how much I care about you, it's still your decision. I can't help that the universe decided that you are my mate but you don't have to choose me." She smiles. "You can decide if you want to be with me. From the very first day I met you I have let you decide everything you wanted. Even when you told me not to care about you, I respected your decision. I gave you the space you wanted even though I didn't stop. I took care of you in other ways, you just didn't know." She smiles.
"But I couldn't stop. Every cell in my body wants to be close to you and take care of you."
Alex's POV
I watch her back away against the railing and her heart is pounding in my ears. She is so scared and confused.
Please don't run baby. Please don't run. Please stay.
"Maya please just say something. I will explain everything you want to know but please just say something. Tell me what I can do to help you. I can see you are scared. Please don't be. I would never hurt you Maya, please know that. No matter what you decide. You don't have to be with me. I can call som-"
She lifts her hand to cut me off and takes a deep breath. "145 fucking years!!" She yells and I frown.
"Is that all you have to say? Did you even hear what I said?"
"I heard you. I might have missed a few things but I think I got most of it...but...145 years. Holy shit" she bends down with her hands on her knees.
I open my mouth to say something but just close it again because right now I am shocked. I just poured my heart out and she is still stuck on my age. Is she serious?
She comes back up and I stare at her in disbelief.
"So uhmm" she starts. "You, the daughter of dracula, a vampire, is destined to be with me? A useless senior in highschool with one friend and no family?"
"Yes but-"
She raises her finger and I stop again.
"You and I met in a hallway on a normal day of school. You didn't speak for almost two minutes. I thought you where going to hit me but that was the moment you finally found me?"
"And everything that happened after that. The lunch, the car ride, the fake tutor, the business trip everything you did for me and Lily was because you cared about me? You left me in that shitty town all alone and asked everyone else to watch over me because you thought I wanted you away from me?"
"Yes" I breathe out.
"Alex you saved my life. I almost died" she starts to tear up. "That was the worst day of my life but you know what? That was also the best day of my life because that's when I stopped" she pauses and it takes everything inside me not to hold her.
"That's when I stopped being scared. Because you were there, I was in your arms and You held me. You saved me Alex."
I feel my breathing change because I was honestly a little nervous. I don't know where she is going with this.
"So you know what? Yes, I am so confused right now. I am shocked to my very core but I am not going to run. I am not scared of you. Everything makes sense now. This is why I can't stop thinking about you. This is why I feel safe around you. You changed my life Alex. Why would I run away from the only person in my life that makes me feel things I have never felt before?"
I stand up straight from the railing as the tears run down my cheeks. I slowly step closer to her and she never breaks eye contact with me.
"I am not scared of you. It will take some time to get use to everything but I know in my heart that you won't hurt me."
"I would never" I whisper reaching only about two steps away from her.
"I want to be with you Alex. I am done being afraid, even in this crazy kingdom you call home. I want to know everything about you. Even the parts you don't want to tell me because I am not going to run" she says stepping right up to me and putting her hands on my chest.
I immediately grab it and hold it tight. I take a deep breath and cup the one side of her face. She gives me a small smile and I can't believe this is happening.
She chose me. She wants to be with me.
"I really want to kiss you" I whisper in a breathless voice as I look into her beautiful eyes.
"Please kiss me" she pleads in the same tone.
I put a strand of hair behind her ear and smile. "I have wanted to kiss you the first day we met but I wanted you to know everything before I do because a kiss changes things. You will feel new things"
She grips my shirt and pulls me towards her. She is a human she couldn't possibly pull with that little effort but I wanted her to.
"Alex" she whispers only inches away from my lips. "I want to feel what you feel"
You don't have to tell my twice baby.
I smile, pull her face closer and connect our lips in a gentle kiss. The moment they touch I can feel my eyes glow. Her lips are so soft and perfect, I want to kiss them everyday of my life. Our lips move together as if we have kissed for centuries. Maya let's out a small moan and she pulls away.
"Wow! What the hell was that?" She whispers touching her lips and looking into my eyes. I see her eyes glow just like mine and I assume she saw mine glow too because she lets out a small gasp and covers her mouth. "Alex. Your eyes"
"Your eyes too" I smile.
She turns her head to the side and makes her way to the window but never letting go of my hand. "It's only for a few seconds"
"What does that mean?"
"It means we have connected on another level. You will now begin to feel a stronger connection to me. And as the time goes on our bond will only grow."
She smiles as I tell her this. "Can we kiss in front of the mirror?" She says and pulls me inside the room.
"Did you hear anything I just said?" I laugh and let her drag me to the bathroom.
"Yes I did but tell me again after we kiss. I want to see my eyes in the mirror." She giggles and puts her hands on my shoulders in front of the counter.
"So you don't want to kiss me because it's amazing. You only want to see your eyes. That's a bit hurtful" I laugh.
I can't blame her though, this is all very new to her and right now I don't care what she wants. She is still here any I just kissed her. She wants to be with me, so I will do anything she wants.
"Oh boohoo. Help me up" she looks towards the sink and I pick her up without any effort and place her on the counter. Without thinking about it she opens her legs for me and I take my place between her legs as she gets the mirror off the wall.
I only smile at her excitement as she holds the mirror behind my head.
"Ok, ok, kiss me" she smiles looking at me.
I laugh and place my hands on her hips leaning into her. Our lips touch and this time the kiss is a bit more passionate. After a few seconds I feel my eyes glow and I know she feels it too.
"Aahhhhhh!!!!!" She yells in laughter pulling away from me. She pushes her head past mine to get closer to the mirror. "What?! This is so cool" she squeals.
I laugh and just enjoy the closeness I have with her. I have her in my arms, I can hug her and this position is particularly very enjoyable for me.
I'm standing between her legs, my hands on her hips and my face buried in her neck. I can hear her heart pounding fast from the joy she is experiencing and it's the most beautiful sound in the world.
She pulls back and looks at me. "This is so cool" she whispers with a big smile on her face.
"I am glad you feel that way" I laugh still holding her close.
She bends to the side to put the mirror down and wraps her arms around my neck. "It feels amazing" she whispers and bites her bottom lip.
"It does feel amazing" I smile up at her. "And it gets better than this"
"How?" She frowns.
"Do you want to feel?" I smile.
"Yes" she smiles widely and I move closer to her.
"Ok" I whisper against her lips before I kiss her softly. I run my hands around her hips to her lower back and press her against me. I feel my eyes glow and she moans at the same feeling. Right then I slowly part my lips. "Do you trust me?" I whisper between kisses.
"Yes" she says in a breathless voice, hugging her arms tightly around my neck. I take a deep breath and just before the glow disappears I slowly run my tongue over her lips and she opens up for me. I slip my tongue into her mouth and at the touch of our tongues Maya gasps at the feeling. I know what she feels because I feel it too. My eyes are glowing and I feel my fangs tingle. My whole body reacts to her tongue dancing with mine.
The kiss is slow and deep with our bodies pressed against each other and our lips moving in sync. She moans into my mouth and I swear I could feel my body crumble right into her.
She pulls away gasping for air and rests her head against mine looking at me. Her eyes has a bright golden glow and I think mine is the same. Maybe a bit different, my pupils are probably dilated because of my arousal. Oh how I have dreamt about kissing her like that.
"Wow!" She whispers in a breathless voice and hugs me tight around my neck.
Oh my gosh. That was absolutely amazing. That was my first make out session with anyone. I hope I didn't embarrass myself. I hope it was ok. Shit what if she thinks I am a bad kisser. I can't tell her this was my first time. That's even more embarrassing. I am 18 years old and never been kissed. Well I've had a peck but nothing more than that.
Oh baby you were amazing. I smile and give her another soft kiss on her shoulder before I step away to let her catch her breath.
"I have a few more questions" she says between breaths.
"How about we talk some more tomorrow? You need to sleep, it's late" I say holding both her hands.
"C-Can I sleep in your room? You can totally say no" she quickly adds.
"If it were up to me you won't ever sleep anywhere else but that is totally your choice" I say mocking her a bit.
She hits my shoulder. "I don't appreciate the sarcasm but the rest of it was cute" she smiles.
"Come let's go" I say picking her off the counter to her feet.
She yawns as she comes next to the bed. I think she was tired this whole time but the glowing eyes thing really changed her mood.
I quickly close the balcony doors and watch her take off her jacket. I walk to my closet and within two seconds I am dressed in my sleepwear.
"I don't think I have ever seen you barefoot" she smiles already laying in my bed.
"Well we haven't slept in the same bed so that's probably why" I wink and get in on the other side.
I turn to face her and the blankets are pulled up to her nose and she stares at me. "Are you a cuddler?" She blushes.
"No, so please just stay on your side of the bed" I say laying flat on my back, looking up at the ceiling.
I hear her mouth opening in shock and I can't help but laugh. "I am kidding, come here" I say and pull her over to me.
She wraps her arm and leg over my body laying her head on my shoulder. I gently rub her back and listen to her heartbeat beating at a calm rhythm.
"Good night Maya"
"Good night Alex"
Oh my gosh cuddling with her is the best feeling. I have only shared a bed with Lily and we have spooned but not like this. That would be weird. Her body is so warm and comfortable. I could sleep like this for the rest of my life. I can't believe I am here with her. I can't believe we are sort of together right? I mean we had a steamy make out session in the bathroom. I did tell her I want to be with her and am her mate so we are together right? Should I ask her to be my girlfriend? Maybe I should buy her a gift. Wait, speaking of gifts where is my necklace? Doesn't she want me to have it anymore? It was so beautiful. I will definitely ask her tomorrow.
I can't help but smile as I listen to her thoughts. She is still so overwhelmed with everything and it's not exactly what I wanted for her. I wanted to ease her into everything but she is so curious and I really don't want to lie or keep anything from her again. I just want her to be okay with everything.
But here we are. She is laying in my bed and I'm finally holding her in my arms. After I left town I never thought this day would come. I really did give up on the idea of being with her.
But she didn't run away and now I can enjoy the warmth of her skin against mine, the sound of her beating heart and hold her as she falls asleep in my arms.
I finally have my girl.
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