Chapter 6
Idk what to put as the photo so enjoy some Kagehina fanart ^^^❤
*The next morning*
Marcus was the first to wake up. He felt warm, comfortable, and safe. "I don't normally feel like this, where am I?" He thought before opening his eyes to see Damon asleep underneath him.
His eyes widened in shock as he sat up beside the sleeping Alpha.
"Why the fuck is he here?!" He thought, panicking slightly.
Damon woke up from the smell of distress pheromones, he was confused for about two seconds before he opened his eyes and saw Marcus sitting beside of him.
"Good morning." He said, his morning voice that was even more deep than his normal voice along with a little husk tone.
He too sat up, Marcus scooting backwards so there was more space between them.
"Morning? No offense but why are you sleeping in my bed with me? And why don't you have a shirt on?!" Marcus asked the last bit when he finally noticed, a blush growing on his face quickly.
"Well last night you fell asleep when we were watching Hamilton so I carried you here and when I tried to leave you asked me to stay. You said that you didnt like being alone and I would be heartless if I left you after you said that! As for your second question, I'm not wearing a shirt because I get hot at night. All we did was cuddle so don't worry about anything." Damon explained making Marcus's blush darken even more.
"Oh my Merlin, I'm so sorry. You could have left, I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry." Marcus apologized as he hid his red face into his hands.
"Its no problem, your a good cuddle buddy." Damon teased making Marcus's blush darken impossibly more.
"Did you message or call Flura? I really don't want her to be upset or worried. I'm way weaker than her and if she thinks I did something to you and wanted to fight me she would win and I would end up in the hospital." Marcus asked a new flash of panic going through his eyes.
"Yes I messaged her and if she tried to fight you then I would stop her before she could even get near you." Damon replied calming most of Marcus's nerves.
"Thank Merlin *Marcus let out a breath of relief* well is there any way I can repay you for having to deal with sleepy me?" He asked as he got off of the bed and grabbed clothes for him to change into later.
"A kiss?" Damon said with a smirk as Marcus dropped his clothes onto the floor in shock.
"W-what?" He stuttered, his eyes widening as he looked at Damon with bright red cheeks.
"I'm only messing with you... unless?" Damon said with a raised brow making Marcus's face somehow redden even more.
"Where would I have to kiss you?" Marcus asked shocking Damon that he was even considering it.
"Anywhere you want, I'm not picky." He replied with a wink as the tips of Marcus's ears and neck turned red as well.
"Fine." Marcus replied before walking up to Damon surprising the Alpha.
He walked up to Damon and moved onto the bed where he was sitting. Marcus strattled Damon and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"Are you sure about this? I was mostly joking but I don't mind." Damon asked as Marcus moved one of his hands to hold Damon's with.
"Oh I'm positive." Marcus replied with a small smile before leaning close to Damon.
Damon started to close his eyes intisipating Marcus to kiss him on the lips but before he fully shut them Marcus brought his hand to his lips and pecked the back of it.
"There is your kiss, now what do you want for breakfast?" Marcus asked as he attempted to get off of Damon's lap.
Damon, not satisfied with his kiss wrapped his arms around Marcus's lower back and pulled him closer with a low growl
"That was a shit kiss, I want to cuddle as a real repayment." He said not wanting to make Marcus uncomfortable with a real kiss.
"We can cuddle after breakfast, I'm hungry right now." Marcus tried to convince Damon seeing as he truly was hungry at the moment and wanted food.
"Fineeeee." Damon said exaggerating the ending for longer than nessarry.
He then let Marcus get up and get off of his lap.
The two made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen when Marcus froze.
"Fuck fuck fuck." He muttered as his eyes widened and he stumbled back away from Damon.
Damon was confused until he noticed the change in Marcus's sent.
He was having his heat...
835 Words! Sorry this is short but I will update soon (not like anyone is reading this anyway😅) Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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