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Freddie awoke to the sound of someone knocking on the glass door, his cough not making his situation any better as he was laying down on the couch uncomfortably.
He immediately stood up when he noticed Mary standing there, a worried expression overtaking her face. She didn't want Gisele to see him like this. She would be too hurt to see him like this and when she noticed the girl's state by now, she knew the blue-haired already had enough on her plate.
"Hi," Mary smiled at him.
"Hi. Mary come in," before Freddie could say anything else, Mary engulfed him in a tight hug due to not seeing him at all for a few. "Why'd you come all this way?"
"—I just had this terrible dream that something happened to you," Mary looked around the room, bottles were scattered everywhere.
"I'm just working. That's all."
Gisele, Freddie thought of. Where was she? Was she okay? Was she happy? Did she care about Freddie? He just knew he didn't want her in his house due to the drugs sprawled on the table that had caused him to feel embarrassed when Mary noticed them. He didn't want the girl there because he knew how disappointed she would be if she saw how he was living.
"I miss you," Mary whispered to Freddie.
"I miss you," Freddie said back, "I miss you so much. You and Gisele. But I have to finish the second album. I need you to... Stay! Stay here with me—"
Love of my life, he had mentioned after. Mary couldn't help but rethink of Gisele who was heard singing that song while crying. Gisele needed to be here to support her best friend she never gave up on. Although she said some stuff as well, the bond between her and Freddie... it was unbreakable.
Mary gently took off Freddie's hands that were placed on the side of her head, holding them. She said in a hushed voice, "Freddie, what about Queen? Jim told me he's been trying to contact you about Live Aid and you won't take his calls. Gisele has even called in regard of her wedding, wishing for you to be the best man."
"What's Live Aid?" He asked.
"You haven't heard?" Mary could hear Gisele's voice in her head, yelling at Freddie. "Fred, it's the biggest concert that's ever been and will ever will be. It's for a family in Africa."
"Paul said it wasn't a good idea. That it would be a great distraction for my work. And that's what's important: that I finish this album. Stay with me, darling and it will be alright."
"Freddie I can't stay with you."
"Of course you can," Freddie argued, not wanting to let the woman of his life slip through his slender fingers again. "I need you, Mary."
"Freddie I'm pregnant," Mary cut him off. "And I'm pretty sure Gisele is too. I need to be there for her."
Freddie stared at her with shock and disbelief and he stayed quiet for a while 'til he broke it. "How could you?"
"How could I?" Mary breathed out. "Freddie, this has nothing to do with you. I came here on behalf of Gisele who has been worried sick about you. She has been stressed over the point where she just spaces out and locks herself in the room. She has lost her voice. She doesn't sing anymore. Why? Because you were her inspiration. I wanted to help my friend out. Roger has tried his best to make his girl happy. But all she could was think about you."
Paul and some other guys came in and Mary immediately stood next to Freddie when she heard the voice of, who Gisele called, the devil. "Freddie, sorry we're late." They all stopped in their tracks when they noticed the woman there, trying her best to not stare at them. "Mary, what a pleasant surprise."
He invited everyone in, grabbing some by their arms and pushing them. Mary shook her head as Freddie tried his best to not look at the men. When she heard and saw Paul she knew she had to leave. Everything was just so overwhelming.
"Actually," she started, about to leave. "I'm not staying."
"Wait, Mary," Freddie immediately chased after her. "Don't go." He stopped in front of her. "You told me you had a dream."
"I was trying to talk to you," she said. "It's like talking to my father. You want to tell me something but you couldn't say it because you had no voice."
She opened the door, walking out. Freddie stood there for a second, ignoring what Paul said as he immediately chased after the girl again.
He stood out by the car door, drenched in water.
"I'm happy for you," he said, eyes blurred with tears. "Truly, I am. Just... I'm frightened."
"You don't need to be," she said. "We all care for you. You are loved. By me, Brian, Deaky, Roger, your family, and most of all, you're loved by Gisele who has always thought about you and was there to hold your hand when you didn't want her to. It's enough. And these people, they don't care about you. Paul doesn't care about you. You don't belong here, Freddie. Come home."
"Home," Freddie only said, nodding slowly. She was about to close the door before she remembered something.
"And that's what Gisele has been trying to tell you. Paul isn't the best. Hell, he's the worst. She had tried to tell you many time he was controlling and he was mean. She gave you signs but you didn't care. She defended you when you got hated due to your teeth. She held your hand for comfort. She gave you advice when you needed it. She gave you what a best friend can: comfort and love. But, you believed everything Paul told you about her and that's not fair for her. "
She closed the door, telling the driver to go. Freddie was left in the rain, left alone and cold. He realized he was used by the man inside and he knew he should've listened to the girl when she had told him to not fall for the" villain mustache" he had.
"Freddie!" Paul yelled out. But Freddie didn't care what he said later on as he closed his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me about Live Aid and the wedding?" Freddie asked, not turning around. He didn't dare look at the man that ruined everything for him. But it was Freddie's fault for falling for it.
"The African Charity Gig?" Paul asked. "It would've been an embarrassment. I didn't want to waste your time and the wedding could've been a distraction."
Freddie held his hand out. "You should've told me."
"Of course I did," Paul lied. "You forgot. You're always forgetting things. Come in now and have a drink."
"You're out," Freddie told him. Paul, of course, asked what it meant he said. "I want you out of my life." Freddie shook his head when Paul mentioned something along the line of him being the only one in his life. "I blame myself."
"So I'm out?" Paul questioned. "Just like that? After everything we've been through. Think about the photos I have. I know who you are, Freddie Mercury."
Gisele would've beaten his ass by now, Freddie thought as he talked over them. "So fly off. Do what you like—" He saw a car coming from afar. But he didn't think much of it as he continues to rant off. "But promise me one thing; that I never see your face again. Ever.
"I didn't mean it. "
"I lost my friend because of you."
Freddie walked away but before he could walk away any further, he heard their song Under Pressure blasting loud by the car he had noticed.
The car halted in front of him, the radio still on as the person inside of it got out. Freddie smiled when he noticed the familiar blue-hair, smiling at him.
"Get in loser."
She looked over him, coming face to face with Paul. She frowned, immediately telling Fred to stay in the car. But he didn't listen as he stood behind the girl, watching her.
"This is what happens when you mess with my best friend," Gisele punched him in the cheek, causing the man to bite his cheek. "I told you karma was coming." She punched him harder in the nose, hearing a small crack. When the man bends down in pain, she placed her hands on his shoulders, her knee going up the face of the man she hated the most. "You never do that shit ever again."
She turned around and was immediately hugged tightly by Fred. She smiled, hugging him as tight as he was.
"I missed you, darling."
"I missed you, too, babe."
"The people on the edge of the night and love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves. This is our last dance. This is our last dance. This is ourselves under pressure, under pressure, pressure."
yes, you can all die peacefully now. but i
have noticed the comments on the last chapter
to not end this book. but, i will have another book.
a social media book in fact based on this faceclaim
and ben. yes, this book is coming to real life.
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