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"Alright so, before they leave, we need to make one of them jealous," Freddie announced as soon as he came into the the room Brian and Deaky were at. Brian looked at Freddie with a confused look as did John, but when Freddie took out a picture of the blue-haired girl and the blonde-haired man smiling at the camera the photographer took, they quickly understood who he was talking about.
"Roger gets jealous pretty easily," Brian said, strumming his guitar as he looked at Freddie and John. He remembered Roger coming into his room, pacing back and forth as he ranted about how a man had flirted with Gisele and how Gisele was too naive to notice.
"Gisele can hide her feelings pretty well," Deaky said and the boys nodded. "She said that she'll only get jealous when she loves someone so much so I guess there's your person."
"Wait, but why make them jealous?" Brian asked. Deaky nodded along with him, the both staring at Freddie. The man only smirked.
"It's the step one on my list," Freddie answered.
"What list?"
"On me playing matchmaker of course," Freddie answered. "It's called Blue and Blondie... What a Match They Are. You got to agree with me."
"They really are a good match," Brian nodded. Deaky nodded in agreement. "They already act like a married couple, Fred. For God's sake, they sleep in the same bed and still call each other "friends" and Roger always come up from behind her and hug her and will always kiss her forehead. They're already in love, Fred, they just need a little push."
"And also," Deaky spoke up, "why that name? You're a singer and you make up good song titles, but Blue and Blondie... What A Match They Are, is not the title to put name the list."
"Are you both going to help me or is this going to be something that I have to do?" Freddie asked, placing his hands on his hips. The boys looked at each other, standing up.
"But," Brian said, putting his guitar down, "we're going to make a bet."
"I don't think Roger and Gigi would like that very much," Deaky commented. The boys ignored him and he shrugged, knowing they would do so. He sat on the chair next to them, crossing his arms and placing a leg over the other.
"50 pounds to say that Gigi will not get jealous," Brian said, taking out his hand. Freddie looked at his hand, raising an eyebrow before his hand raised up.
"50 pounds if my plan does work and they get together," Freddie added. The curly haired man hummed happily, shaking Freddie's hand before the both looked at Deaky.
He sighed, rolling his eyes as he knew what they were trying to imply by their raised eyebrows. He stood up, standing in between the two. He took out both his hands. "90 pounds if Gigi gets jealous but doesn't do anything about it, resulting in the both to not get together."
The two furrowed their eyebrows, shaking his hands with hesitation.
"Well, Brian," Freddie clapped his hands, looking at the man, "you look for a girl. Deaky stall Roger and Gisele for 5 minutes. I will call Sabrina and Johnnie to see if they can help us with this when the both head over there, if my plan doesn't work. Don't get your hopes up, darling."
"Yeah, Sabri is really excited to see you," Gisele said, looking at Roger due to him only being an inch taller than her. "Johnnie, too. He saw you playing drums and now he wants to be you."
"I'm excited to meet them in person," Roger smiled at the girl, staring at her with such awe as her blue hair framed her delicate face perfectly. Her eyes were looking around the dark night as they headed back to their hotel room. They had gone on a small walk at night, silently praying that no fans or paparazzi were awaiting for them as soon as they stepped foot outside on the cold night air. "Your aunt is really excited as well."
"You're going to meet everyone. My uncles are going to be there, my cousins, aunts, nephews, nieces, and they're all excited to see you. Johnnie and Sabri tend to talk a lot about you," Gisele grinned. Roger felt his heart quickened by the amount of family members that are going to be present, opening the door of the hotel doors as soon as they reached them. They quickly headed up towards their room.
"Do you they'll like me?"
"Of course they wi-"
Gisele looked at the person who called her name, coming face to face with Deaky as he smiled at the two. Gisele smiled, high fiving him as he stood in front of them. He smiled awkwardly and the couple could notice that he was hiding something as the girl knew the signs Deaky would do when he lied.
"How was your walk?" He asked both, fumbling with his hands behind his back as he looked at the two directly at their eyes.
Gisele furrowed her eyebrows. "Good. It was good. We were just talking about visiting my home."
"Oh that's good. By the way, uh, Freddie's having a small party in his room so I just wanted to come ask if you guys are going."
"I didn't know Fred was having a party," Roger stated, staring at the girl with the same confused expression. Gisele shrugged, looking back at Deaky as she placed her hands on the pockets of her pants.
"He just planned it," Deaky tilted his head to indicate to go to Freddie's room and the couple followed behind, still confused.
"But I'm not even dressed in the proper attire," Gisele mumbled at Roger as he furrowed his eyebrows at what she was saying. He scoffed.
"Oh please," he said, running his hands through her hair as he tried to fix the knots the wind had created. "You always wear the same kind of pants and the same kind of shirts. You're fine."
"You're right," the girl nodded, linking her arm with Roger's as Deaky opened the door for them to enter. "Thanks Dea."
"Where's Fred and Brian?" Roger asked. Deaky cleared his throat, sighing in relief as soon as he saw Freddie and Brian heading towards them.
"They're right there," Deaky pointed at the guitarist and lead singer, quickly heading towards them as the smell of alcohol and smoke lingered in the air. Gisele scrunched her nose at the smell.
"Rog, Gigi," Freddie grinned, taking Gigi away from Roger who immediately started to argue. "Don't worry, Roger, I'll bring your angel back." He turned to look at Gisele, smiling at her so she won't suspect anything. "Do you want anything to eat?"
"I want sweet food, Fred. I want ice cream, cookies, anything that will make me regret later on for eating it," Gisele answered, her mouth watering when she remembered her mother's soft chocolate chip cookies. "My mom used to make the best cookies ever."
"I know," Freddie hummed, "you gave me some remember?"
"Yeah," she yawned, looking around for Roger before she came upon him with another girl next to him, smiling at her. Freddie noticed the sudden change of mood but said nothing. She cleared her throat, acting as if she wasn't jealous. "I'm going to bed. It's been so hectic today and I just want to cuddle in my blankets. I just want to be more lazy. I'll see you later."
Freddie's expression dropped when Gisele walked out of the room just as Roger smiled fakely at the girl next to him, walking away and heading towards Freddie. He looked around, asking him, "Where's Gigi?"
"She was tired and was falling asleep so she went up to your guys' room."
Roger nodded, mumbling a bye to the man and leaving while Brian and Deaky stood by Freddie's side and Deaky held his hands out.
"Pay up boys," he said, "Gigi got jealous, yes. But, I don't see them kissing each other so..."
The boys groaned, passing him their money.
"Now what are we going to do with these hormonal people?"
i just finished this in class
so if there are any mistakes
im sorry ♥ have a good day!
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