. * • . ° ☆彡 °. • *.
Gisele sighed, Roger giving the girl his glasses as he noticed she was squinting at the flashing of the camera that the people were taking.
"As the leaders of Queen do you feel responsible for the success?" Someone asked, looking at Gisele and Freddie as they were sitting next to each other.
"We're not the leaders," Gisele answered, taking a sip of the cup that was filled with water in front of her. She listened to what Freddie said.
"We're only the lead singers," Freddie added. The both lead singers shifted uncomfortable from sitting next to each other. 2 years later and the two couldn't even look at each other before thinking back of the night Freddie ruined everything between them.
"Question for Freddie," a journalist called out and everyone got silent again. "Do you ever doubt your talent?"
"No," Freddie simply answered, eyebrows furrowed together. "That's a stupid question."
"Take it easy Fred," Brian told him, nodding to the blue haired girl as she gulped from the intense questions being thrown at them. Especially to Freddie.
"What's next?" Freddie asked, drinking from his own cup. Gisele felt Roger grab her hand, placing their laced fingers on his lap as he noticed that the girl didn't exactly like how the people in front of them were acting.
"Freddie your teeth," Gisele perked up at this, knowing that Freddie was self-conscious of his teeth. "When are you getting your teeth fixed?"
Gisele rubbed her forehead with her free hand, squeezing her boyfriend's hand, hearing bits of Freddie's answer and the people laughing.
"Why don't you get your manners fixed?" Freddie asked before Brian could finish his sentence. Brian smiled sarcastically at the crowd. "That's an asshole question to ask anybody."
Gisele grabbed Freddie's hand when she noticed he was rubbing his forehead and irritated by the amount of personal questions the journalists were asking. Freddie grabbed her hand, holding it tight.
She glared at every person there as a man questions Freddie something in which Freddie only answered with "what?"
"I don't know," Freddie held the blue head's hand, lacing their fingers together as the girl felt his hand shaking. "I haven't figured out love yet."
"Would it imply something else, Freddie?"
Freddie looked at Roger. "That would be a better question for Rog."
Gisele ignored his comment and Roger as well.
"Freddie, concerning your private life," Gisele let out a shaky breath, "there's lots of pictures of you on the tabloid looking drunk or ill."
Gisele banged her head on the table, holding the hands of the people dear to her.
"I'm sorry," Gisele loudly said for everyone to hear despite the microphone in front of her, "but I would advise if you all would stop being nosey and focus on the album instead of trying to pry into Freddie's personal life. That is none o your business. I also would like to comment that all of you are heartless people to come here and ask questions that can hurt someone. So can you all just shut—"
Freddie took off his glasses, as Brian spoke up, and rubbed beneath his eyebrows. Gisele rubbed his back, knowing that it won't do much but it's the least she could do to soothe him.
Freddie immediately got angry when a man asked him if his parents were angry, pointing at the man accusingly with his cigarette. The band stared at him, trying their best to stop Freddie from anything that will get them all in trouble.
"Freddie can you tell us the rumors concerning your sexuality?"
Gisele scoffed.
"What about the rumors concerning your lack of sexuality?" Gisele held back a laugh as she covered it up with a cough. "I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear."
"Can you answer the question?"
"What's your name?" Gisele asked, glaring at the woman as the woman herself shifted in her seat under the gaze of the female lead singer.
"Shirley Stone."
"Shirley," Freddie said.
"That thing between your legs," Gisele groaned softly as she knew what Freddie was going to say. "Does it bite?"
A man laughed at the back of the room.
"Can you answer the question please?"
Gisele inhaled harshly, feeling agitated by the amount of questions being thrown only at Freddie.
"There's five of us up here," Freddie wrapped an arm around Gisele's chair, feeling her still rubbing his back.
"What are you afraid of Freddie?"
"What is the truth?"
Freddie looked sick and he looked done with the amount of questions he didn't want to answer due to reasons he kept to himself. Thankfully, Gisele stood up, slamming her hands on the table, shutting everyone up.
"All of you are a bunch of assholes," she said with a calm voice. She looked at the woman. "And you should be ashamed of yourself by invading into someone's privacy. His sexuality does not matter to any of you. It's his business not yours. If there's not anymore questions, we're leaving."
Everybody started arguing and the boys stood up, Gisele helping Freddie stand up. But before they could turn around and leave, a question stopped everyone.
"Gisele don't you think that you should let the men work?" The band looked at the man that asked that and everybody gulped except the one responsible for the question. "I mean, aren't you, a woman supposed to be home making food for their husband and clean?"
The boys immediately stepped in, heading towards the man. Roger was fuming with anger, clearly angry that someone would really say that to his girlfriend in front of him.
Gisele immediately did something, stepping in in between Roger and the man. She pushed him softly by the chest, telling him that she was going to deal with it.
She turned to look at the man, squatting in front of him. "You don't ever ask that question in front of me, understood? I don't give a shit if you think that that's women's job but I can't seem to hear you over the large amount of crowds that are calling out my name. Women are more than what men think they're supposed to be. But don't worry. It's not your fault. It's simply how society views women as. You got journalists, some shitty ones but there's some good ass journalists, CEOs, singers, scientists, mathematicians, doctors, and many more. I hope to God I never hear those words from you or anyone in this room because karma will bite you all and chew you all up and throw your asses back out. Thank you."
The band smirked at Gisele's rant, high fiving her.
"You will hear from us again when we're up on stage with millions of people. Wish you all good luck."
next chapter is going to make
me so mad. it's even worse and
it will make you mad. just saying.
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