liked by: jamie_tartt and 105,402 others
billie_kent: my best boy <3
colinhughes: he's one of our own, he's one of our own, nelson kent-tartt, he's one of our own!
jamie_tartt: i thought i was your best boy...
will_kitman: the very best boy!
alfiesykes98: my favourite housemate
"What are you looking at?" Billie smirked as she looked up from her phone, laying in her bed with Nelson curled up beside her while Jamie leant against the doorway of her bedroom.
"You," Jamie smiled, dressed in a pink hoodie and shorts co-ord, a fresh glow on his skin from his morning training session with Roy.
"What are you thinking about?" Billie asked, placing her phone on her bedside table.
"You," Jamie answered, "What were you dreaming about last night? You were wriggling about all night."
"You," Billie smirked knowingly.
"Me?" Jamie raised his eyebrows in intrigue as he approached the bed, "What was I doing in that dream of yours?"
"Can't tell you, it might not come true," Billie smiled, her gaze wandering up and down his body as he stood at the foot of her bed.
"Pretty sure that only applies to wishes, babe," Jamie laughed as he glanced between Billie and Nelson.
"Well, my wish is twenty minutes alone with you before we have to go to work," Billie remarked, holding her hands out to him.
Jamie noticed the way she smiled at him, the look in her eyes as she held her hands out to him, "Nelson, out."
Billie watched her dog loyally jump off the bed and leave the room before Jamie closed the door behind him, she wasn't sure that she was meant to find it attractive to see him succeeding in commanding their dog in what to do, but Jamie could do anything and she was sure she'd find it attractive.
"I like the pink," Billie told him as she sat up in her bed as Jamie took a seat beside her, "I fucking love it."
"You drive me crazy, Billie Kent," Jamie sighed as he gripped her thighs, pulling her onto his lap with ease, the grooves of his muscles were easily visible through the fabric of the hoodie as they flexed.
"I missed you," Billie mumbled as she began trailing kisses over Jamie's jaw.
"I wasn't gone that long, babe," Jamie reminded her, pulling her closer and allowing their chests to make contact as his hands slipped under the fabric of the baggy t-shirt she'd borrowed from his drawer, his hands warm against her cool skin.
"I want to be close to you," She muttered against his lips, her hands landing on the hem of his hoodie as she pulled it over his head, discarding it on the floor, letting her hands wander freely over his arms.
It had been like that between them since Jamie had started training with Roy. At first there was a lull in the physical side of Billie and Jamie's relationship, given how physically exhausted he was. But then he became acclimatised and so did Billie, because when he returned home each morning or evening laced in sweat, muscles tensed, she knew exactly what it was that she wanted.
They were incredibly creative when it came to finding time for sex in between Jamie's training sessions and the commute to work, not to mention the rendezvous and near misses in the cupboards and Billie's office at work. She loved him and he loved her, and that fuelled something in them both that neither of them had found with anyone else, like a fire that burned brightest in those moments.
And yet those physical feelings remained secondary to everything else that they shared. The emotional foundations of their relationship was what completed everything else, without that they wouldn't be Billie and Jamie.
Total Football was a concept that baffled Billie completely at first, given that it essentially deconstructed everything that the team had been taught from academy age onwards, so much that it had become instinctive. But once the coaches had explained the idea to her it made a little more sense, allowing the team to support each other as fluidly as they did emotionally.
Coach Beard had presented an exceptionally crafted presentation which Billie had sat in on, upon the team's request. She'd taken a seat at the back of the press room, scrolling through emails, only looking up at the mention of Jamie's Lust Conquers All appearance and Mama Beard's vibrator - levels right?
Somewhere between there and where she stood on the training pitch, Ted had invited Richmond's three biggest fans down to watch a training session, three fans who Billie knew well from her time working at the Crown and Anchor.
"Hello, lads," She smiled as she made her way over to the stand where they were sat, camera hanging from her neck as she walked, wearing another retro Nike tracksuit, "It's been a while."
"It's good to see you, Billie," Paul grinned as Baz and Jeremy maintained stern frowns as they focused on the team warming up.
"It's good to see you too boys," Billie nodded, glancing briefly over at her shoulder to see that Jamie's eyes were on her, she blew him a quick kiss before returning her attention to the three men in front of her, "Baz, Jeremy? You boys okay?"
"We're attempting to remain impartial," Baz told her.
"Pretending we don't care so that we don't get relegated," Jeremy added as Billie nodded slowly.
"I'm not sure that-" She cut herself off, not wanting to spoil their fun, "Sure, why not?"
"We'll go easy on loverboy though, just for you," Baz assured her.
"No need," Billie replied, knowing that those men were absolutely harmless, "My brother's been putting him through his paces with extra training, so by all means, do you worst."
"Yes, boss," Jeremy saluted her.
"Good lads," Billie gave each of them a thumbs up, making her way back towards the pitch.
"Drinks on you next time you're at the Crown and Anchor?" Baz called out.
"You can't say that!" Paul hissed at his friend.
"Mate, she's dating Jamie Tartt, she'll be loaded," Jeremy assured him.
"Drinks are on loverboy," Billie gave the three of them a wave before returning to the pitch, adjusting her camera before promptly grabbing some candid content of the boys warming up.
Billie had been worried that she'd been spreading herself too thin since Keeley's departure from the club. She knew there were other clubs who had a team for every aspect of media, but she was a one woman band, which of course she was grateful for, but there was always the risk that it would one day burn her out.
"Hey, Ted!" Jeremy called out as the three coaches made their way onto the training pitch to join the team.
"Hey, fellas!" Ted waved back eagerly before he reached the team, blowing his whistle to alert them to his presence, "Alright, my Merry Pranksters, if we're gonna play Total Football, there are four things we need to focus on. Alright, number one, conditioning, y'all gotta get into even better shape, number two, versatility, number three; awareness, and number four...Well I don't know what that one is yet but I know it's important, starting today, we're gonna have to turn things up a notch around here, So I'ma hand it over to your drill instructor, Sergeant Roy Kent."
Roy simply nodded as Ted saluted him, returning his attention to the team, "Whistle! On your feet, maggots!" He shouted, causing the team to scramble to their feet in fear, "Today you're gonna run from end to end to end to end...but lucky for you, I'm in a good mood, so you've only gotta do that for the whole fucking practice...Whistle!"
Billie watched as the boys began to sprint towards the goalposts, delighted that all she had to do was take photos and videos of them as they ran. Even on their first length it was evident that Jamie was physically strongest, his stamina was quadruple what it had been at the start of the season.
"You did that," Billie nudged Roy with a smile, gesturing towards Jamie who was leading the pack as they continued to run back and forth.
"Well," Roy replied, aware that he couldn't take all the credit, given that Jamie's progress was also a result of his dedication to training and conditioning. As much as it would've pained Roy to admit it a year ago, Jamie was performing to the same standards as some of the elite players of Roy's generation, "That's all his doing."
"What do you think will happen in the next transfer window?" Billie asked the question that had been on her mind since she'd realised just how committed Jamie was to his training regime.
"Do you want my honest opinion or the letting you bury your head in the sand answer?" Roy replied, knowing that there were two very different answers to that question.
"I want you to give me your honest opinion as his coach not as my big brother," Billie told him as they both watched the boys continue their sprints.
"Did I say slow down?!" Roy shouted at the stragglers before glancing back at his sister, "He's a good player, Bils, we both know that, and amongst a team like this he stands out, he's given the opportunity to be creative with how he plays the ball."
"I'm sensing a but bigger than a Kardashian's," Billie sighed.
"He's at the point in his career when any Prem club would love to snap him up for a lower fee, train him up and then sell him on for triple what they bought him for," Roy told her, "Just look at Declan Rice going to Arsenal."
"He really loves it here, I love being here with him," Billie replied, her eyes trained on Jamie, "But I know that's not a reason to hold onto this place, this team."
"You've got nothing to worry about, kiddo," Roy assured her, "He'd tell you the second a club approached him with an offer, not just because he loves you, but because your opinion matters to him more than anyone else's."
In the same way that Billie's opinion mattered to Jamie, Jamie's opinion mattered to Billie in every sense. From the largest of life decisions to 'What should I wear for dinner with the girls?'
Being raised by a young mother like Georgie, Jamie had quickly learnt that an easier life was achieved by agreeing with everything that the women in his life said or suggested.
But unlike most young men he enjoyed taking those dressing room moments seriously, having been his mother's personal shopping assistant on all their trips to the local Primark or charity shops whenever she got a work bonus that James was none the wiser about. She'd treat Jamie to a new pair of trainers from Shoe Zone and herself to a top from Primark, nothing too special, just a treat to remind herself and her boy of their worth.
"Okay, so do we prefer the blazer dress or the chocolate brown dress?" Billie held up the two hangers as she stood at the end of her bed while Jamie and Nelson sat at the head of the bed, Nelson's head resting on Jamie's thigh.
"What do you feel most confident in, babe?" Jamie asked, because he knew that was the most important component of choosing any outfit, it was often a factor that influenced his fashion choices that would be considered gareish compared to his girlfriend's defined taste.
"I mean I love them both," Billie sighed as her gaze flitted between the two dresses.
"Well, why don't you try 'em on, and the one that you don't wear tonight you can wear when I take you out next week," Jamie replied as Billie's eyes lit up.
"You're taking me out next week?" Billie grinned in delight, given that she couldn't quite remember the last time they had a moment for a proper date night that involved getting dressed up to go out.
"Roy's given me Wednesday night off," Jamie told her, "Said he'd work me double hard the next day to make up for it."
"Sounds like Roy," Billie replied before she pulled her t-shirt borrowed from Jamie off of her body, discarding it on her bed before she slipped the first dress on, careful to avoid ruining her hair and makeup, "Can you help me, J?"
"Of course," He hopped off of the bed, helping her wriggle into the expertly tailored dress, smiling to himself when he remembered that Fendi had gifted it to her as an option for their trip to the BAFTAs, "I like this one already."
"You don't think it's too much?" Billie replied as Jamie adjusted the back of the dress, enamoured by the way it served every curve of her body.
"Nothing's too much on you," Jamie smirked, leaning forward to steal a kiss.
"Uh!" Billie stepped back, "Lipstick."
"That's never stopped you before," Jamie frowned as he perched on the edge of her dressing table.
"Doesn't matter at the end of the night, Tartt, but I've just spent an hour getting ready, you can save your kisses for when I get home," She grinned, "So, what do we think about the dress?"
Jamie was anything but subtle in the way that his eyes wandered Billie's body as she stood in front of him, even giving him a little twirl as he revelled in her company, his heart skipping a beat at her charming smile.
"This is most definitely the one," Jamie stood up, placing a gentle kiss on her neck, "That's allowed, right?"
"I'll let it pass," Billie smirked, "I should probably book an Uber, can't be showing up late to girls night."
"Babe, you ain't getting an Uber, I'll be your chauffeur," Jamie assured her, earning a more than delighted grin from her.
"You gonna wear a little bow tie and open my car door for me?" Billie grinned.
"I love you, but don't push it."
billie_kent via instagram story
"So, Bils, what did Jamie think about your canal boat surprise?" Keeley asked as the three women sat in their booth in the classy restaurant chosen by Rebecca.
It had been longer than usual since the three soul sisters had spent some quality time together. Keeley was often weighed down with work over at the KJPR offices, which meant that any rare downtime Billie had over at Nelson Road was often spent with Rebecca and Higgins if Jamie didn't get to her first.
The three of them had a strong enough bond that they didn't need to see each other everyday to feel fulfilled, but of course it was always a treat to spend such time together. So after their failed attempt at a girl's night in Amsterdam, Rebecca insisted that they catch up over a meal at one of her favourite restaurants.
"It never happened, Roy made Jamie train, I went back to the hotel, got bored of editing and ended up joining my boys," Billie explained, smiling fondly as she picked at the last remaining dauphinoise potatoes on her plate, "We cycled until we found a windmill."
"A windmill?" Keeley raised her eyebrows in intrigue.
"It was a daft idea, but I think it meant more to me than that canal boat would've," Billie told them both, "Being able to watch the two most important men in my life bond is something I'm not quite sure that I can articulate."
"You've found your 'the one,' haven't you?" Rebecca beamed in delight at the young woman, incredibly happy for her.
"Yeah, I don't have any doubts," Billie grinned, "Which a year ago is something that would've terrified me, and I would've tried to sabotage it, in fact I probably did until I was finally honest with myself and Jamie."
"What changed?" Rebecca asked in intrigue.
"I realised that the way that Brad had treated me wasn't the archetype of the type of love I deserve," Billie concluded as she thought of how Jamie loved her made her feel, "It's the unconditional love Jamie gives me that I deserve."
"I'm so proud of you, lovely," Rebecca reached across the table and squeezed her hand.
"Anyway," Billie smiled, "Tell us more about this Dutch mystery man before my hormones get the better of me and I start crying happy tears about Jamie."
"Yeah, I want to hear more about this," Keeley sat up eagerly, the three women having briefly debriefed a few mornings ago over facetime, "How did you end up on this random man's boat?"
"I was walking in the cycle lane," Rebecca smiled fondly.
"And then I obviously got in a cyclist's way, and fell ass over tit into the canal," Rebecca told the young women who couldn't help but laugh, "Honestly, my jacket's still a bit canal-y," She told them as they continued to laugh, "It's really bad."
"Okay, so you never got his name?" Keeley asked as Rebecca shook her head, surprising both Billie and Keeley.
"And you never told him yours?" Billie added as Rebecca shook her head again.
"Yeah, see that part's not that weird to me," Keeley replied, having reached the conclusion that Rebecca's chance encounter with the handsome Dutchman had all components of a one night in heaven situation, all except the sex, "If you really didn't have sex with the guy, now that is fucking bonkers."
"Look, what we shared, it just-" Rebecca paused with a brief smile, "It transcended sex, it was..."
"Magic," Billie whispered, thinking of her own relationship with Jamie.
"Gezellig." Rebecca muttered, "But yeah, I would've liked to have seen his penis."
"My relationship with Jamie definitely transcends sex," Billie told the women as she took a large gulp of her pornstar martini, "Don't get me wrong, the sex is fucking transcendent and an entire outer body experience, I swear I end up seeing stars, but I do think that's because of the love, not just because he knows exactly what I like."
"How many of those have you had?" Rebecca laughed.
"Not enough," Billie smirked, waving at a passing waiter before pointing at her almost empty glass and gesturing for another, "You know why they call them pornstar martinis?"
"Please enlighten us."
"They loosen the anus," Billie told her two friends who couldn't help but laugh hysterically.
"Billie, you can't be serious?" Rebecca giggled.
"It's that or they were named that by a man who thought a pornstar would drink them," Billie explained, "Maybe the anus thing is something else...I really need to stop skimming the food and drink pages in Alfie's newspapers."
"It is so good to see you two," Keeley wrapped her arms around the two women with delighted smiles, instantly comforted by Billie's humour and Rebecca's anecdotes, "It's been way too long."
"Because we've lost you to another woman," Rebecca reminded her with a fond smile.
"I know, I'm sorry," Keeley sighed with slight regret.
"Oh, I am joking," Rebecca replied.
"So come on, how's it going?" Billie asked, feeling a need to demonstrate her interest, despite her investment in Keeley's relationship with Roy.
"It is great, I mean, she is so cool, she's smart, super foxy," Keeley replied as her eyes lit up, "She's an amazing gift giver, oh my God and the way she proclaimed our relationship to the entire office, it was so fucking hot."
Billie and Rebecca shared a mutual look of understanding, the two women had both been in incredibly public relationships with men who were higher in society than they were. They both knew what it meant to have the relationship you think you care so greatly about puppeteered by the other half, decisions made before you can even contemplate how you might feel about it.
It wasn't that Jack didn't have their approval, it was just that she demonstrated characteristics they'd both seen in the early days of their own previous relationships. Neither Billie or Rebecca wanted to worry Keeley, but they ultimately had her best interests at heart, and that was what mattered.
Rebecca felt that way about both Billie and Keeley, as an only child she had never known what it meant to have a brother or a sister. But whenever she looked at Billie or Keeley she found herself caring for them like they were her younger sisters. She only wanted the best for them, and she adored those girls in a way she had imagined she might adore a daughter one day.
"Mmm," Rebecca nodded, "I think she might be love bombing you."
"She's 'love what-ing' me?" Keeley replied.
"Love bombing," Billie told her, "When you're bombarded with expensive gifts and trips and grand gestures of love, they call that love bombing."
"Who does?"
"I don't know, they do, those 'they' out there that name stuff," Rebecca added, "What I do know is that in my second date with Rupert, second date, he took me to a car showroom and said 'which one do you want?'"
"Uh, I would fucking love that," Keeley sighed.
"What did you do?"
"I asked him if he was referring to the cars or the beautiful saleswomen suddenly tripping over themselves to help us," Rebecca told the two young women.
"I drove home in a bloody lovely Jaguar, of course," Rebecca smirked, "It just felt nice to be taken care of for once."
"Brad was the same, he was always buying me gifts at the beginning, and throughout our relationship," Billie sighed, "If I'm honest, I think it was his ways of papering over the cracks he'd caused."
"Look, we aren't saying that Jack is like Rupert or Brad, but sometimes shiny things can tarnish," Rebecca assured Keeley.
"I think it's fine," Keeley nodded.
"Okay, good, good," Billie smiled, reassured by Keeley's belief in her relationship.
"Just trust yourself," Rebecca added, "I ignored so many red flags in my past."
"Cheers to that," Billie nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, well, maybe we're love blind?" Keeley suggested.
"Love blind, what's that?" Rebecca asked.
"It's an emotional version of colour blindness where a person interprets red flags as giant green, just fucking go for it flags," Keeley explained.
"Did you come up with that?" Billie asked.
"Yeah, I did," Keeley nodded proudly.
"Oh my God," Rebecca gasped, "You're one of those 'they' that name stuff."
"Shit, I think I might be," Keeley whispered.
"I think you might be," Rebecca remarked, before grabbing the attention of a passing waitress, "Sorry, excuse me; could we get the bill please? Thank you."
"Actually, the bill was taken care of by Jack, she said she hopes you both enjoyed your meal," The waitress informed the three friends.
"What a massive surprise," Rebecca gasped dramatically.
"Wow, yeah." Keeley nodded as Billie and Rebecca grinned "What?"
"Well, then I think we ought to have some tiramisu, don't you?" Rebecca remarked.
"Strawberry cheesecake for me please," Billie added, her child-like taste palette winning yet again.
"Definitely," The waitress nodded.
"And three bottles of the '34 Château Chevalier Blanc Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru to go," Rebecca smiled, "And one for yourself."
Rebecca and Billie simultaneously mimed a heart to their chest exploding dramatically, which was nothing but a fond gesture for their friend.
Once the ladies had finished up their desserts they made their way towards the front of the restaurant, Rebecca handing the waitress a wad of four twenty pound notes as a tip, "Thank you so much for a lovely evening," She smiled at the young woman who stared at her in shock.
Billie glanced out of the large tinted windows at the front of the restaurant, noticing the presence of several men dressed in heavy coats, clutching cameras similar to her own, "Do you know who they're here for?"
"I shouldn't say, but a few Chelsea players are sitting over there," The waitress gestured to a booth on the other side of the restaurant.
Billie looked over her shoulder, her eyes widening as she laid eyes on Brad, accompanied by Mason Mount, Reece James and a couple of players she didn't recognise, "That's not good," Billie whispered as Rebecca and Keeley followed her gaze.
"Just don't look at him, Bils, he might not notice us," Keeley assured her.
"It's not him that I'm worried about, I can handle him," Billie muttered as she looked back at her friends, "It's them out there, they'll have pictures of Brad arriving and then they'll get their pictures of me leaving and they'll be very clever to sell their own version of this story."
"What's Jamie up to tonight?" Rebecca asked.
"He's at home with Nelson," Billie told her.
"So ask him to pick you up, tell him to wear something nice, get him to come into the restaurant, the pair of you will be papped leaving together, that's their story," Rebecca told her, spoken like a woman who had been in a similar situation before.
Billie did as Rebecca suggested, calling Jamie and explaining the situation, the second she mentioned Brad he told her he'd get there as quickly as he could, not wanting to risk her feeling uncomfortable in his presence. And he was in fact very quick, arriving about thirty minutes later which was impressive given the distance.
"That's him," Billie gestured out of the window at the white Range Rover with blacked out windows, Jamie's dog friendly choice of car, which pulled up right outside the front of the restaurant, the flashes on the photographers' cameras going off the minute Jamie climbed out of the car.
She watched as he promptly closed the driver's door, keeping his head down as he made his way past the photographers, promptly entering the restaurant to be met with a relieved grin from Billie.
"Hey, babe," He wrapped his arms around her, greeting her with a quick kiss, glancing over her shoulder at Brad who was too invested in whatever story he was telling to notice his ex and her boyfriend, "You okay?"
"Yeah," She nodded, "Can we just get out of here?"
"Of course," He took her hand in his, squeezing it in reassurance, before glancing between Keeley and Rebecca, "You ladies want a lift?"
"That'd be great, thanks, Jamie," Keeley nodded.
"That goes for me too," Rebecca smiled, "Aren't we lucky?"
"Come on?" Jamie squeezed Billie's hand, "Let's get you home."
Taking the lead, Jamie kept his hand interlocked with Billie's, leading her out of the restaurant as the doorman held the door open for the couple. The photographers erupted into chatter, shouting all sorts of questions that the pair had become used to hearing. Jamie maintained a tight grip on Billie's hand, leading her around to the passenger door and opening it for her, waiting for her to climb into the passenger seat as Rebecca and Keeley hopped into the back.
Billie smiled at Jamie as he took his place in the driver's seat, letting out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, J," She smiled.
"Told you I'd be your chauffeur, babe," Jamie smirked, "Just missing the bow tie, eh?"
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