The Guardians seemed to have a respite after the liberation of Corellia and really who could blame them? The planet was once again free, and with it many of the soldiers, jedi, and civilians that had fought for it were returning to their normal life in droves. Well as normal as any of the Republic personale and the jedi could get during the light of this new founding war that had just erupted.
Another war would be complete disaster for both the Empire and the Republic, but yet here it was unfortunately. The Republic unlike during the Great Galactic War was much more prepared this time as many of it's fleets had already moved against the Imperial fleets in the outer rim, and the mid rim. It was no doubt that if this war went on for a longer period of time, then it would make the first war look timid in comparison from the causality count.
The struggle in this new Galactic War as everyone was calling it would be a hard fought one for either side, but many knew just how bloody it would become. Then again there was the few worlds within the galaxy that were idly sitting by watching as the two superpowers had gone to war once more. Other planets had begun to align with the powers, and others were undecisive. It was a feud that most people did not wish to happen within their lifetime again, but it was unavoidable.
Now the fate of power struggles throughout the entire galaxy was beginning to be the full spite of the war's making. First the operation against the Empire on Dromund Kaas had turned out to be successful with the death of the Sith emperor, but it only prolonged the war even more. The second major battle that occurred was the battle of Ilum and the fate of the jedi itself was in the balance with the crystals on Ilum being risked.
All the while the galaxy seemed to be in even more hurled hurt than it would have liked. The same could be said for the Guardians as they were flinged into the heap of mess that was the war. Even with everything going on with both the galaxy and the guild having it's own problems, things weren't exactly stellar at home least for Meg and Jael.
For nearly several weeks since the Conquest of Makeb and the seizing of CZ-198, things had not been going well for the two or rather Jaelynne specifically. By now it had seem to have been almost every night when she would frantically awaken from her sleep. From which she would be the same as always scared, shaking, and breathing as if though she had seen death itself twice over.
Time and time again, Megrybo would also awake when she did and would try to help her by soothing and calming her. The trouble of these supposed 'nightmares' as he put it were questionable, but that was possibly because of who she was seeing in these dreams. As it had nothing to do with anyone else, but with two members of each of their families that they both were notorious with.
Tage and Jaelynne's father were the prime targets of these dreams, or visions as they were properly called. Although there was some concern for them both as they thought as to what these visions were possibly pointing too. It just didn't make sense, nor did it make much more sense due to them being so barren in term. The entire situation was rather concerning and stressing for the both as they were trying their hardest to find out answers.
Yet although it was stressful for Megrybo who was trying his best to help with whatever he could during this small period, it was no worse than what Jaelynne was possibly going through as she was seemingly getting frequent headaches, and at times would become sporadically agitated at just anything stressful.
So when they awoke that one fateful morning it seemed more like a routine as they both got out of bed in a groggy sort of state. This was possibly the third time they had awoken in one night alone, but thankfully it was day now and the nightly occurrence was over again. Meg knew that Jaelynne would most likely apologize for her nightmares, and he was right.
"I'm sorry, it's just getting worse." She said once before she threw the covers back and climbed out of bed. Jael sighed as she walked as she came and went from the bathroom, getting ready while Meg was busy getting the droids ready for the day.
Meg knew and understood exactly what she was going through, and really didn't blame her. Even if they weren't getting enough sleep sometimes it wasn't changing much, but it was something that they both needed to deal with and soon. The visions as she stated were getting worse and the things that were contained within the visions were even more alarming as she continued to receive them nightly. Today however was possibly going to be yet another busy day as this new war was progressing.
"I know, I know and I understand like I always tell you." Meg stated softly as he passed by her to get ready himself. Although he could feel the insecurity and concern that was welling into Jaelynne as she tried to help the two droids from killing one another.
"Don't I know that?" She said with a sly smile as he came out of the bathroom finally. It was one of those smiles that he knew well, and if she was smiling like this it meant that she was both concerned and scared of whatever was clearly trying to get their attention these last few nights. Meg was mostly concerned for how this was affecting her emotionally as she had a very strong sore spot when it came to anything in relation to her father. Not to mention that Tage was somehow involved, and that itself usually spawned trouble wherever he was involved.
"Thankfully today is going to be a day off, but knowing how things have been going I used this time to rest before were called off again. We certainly need the rest right now." Meg said as he walked towards HK and checked whatever was left with the assassin droid. When the droid gave the all clear and was ready, only then did he return to his duties around the house with his astromech companion.
"Yeah." Jael sighed as she definitely needed that rest right about now. Although it seemed even on a day like this they wouldn't get it, and that had to do with the fact that they were running low on necessity. That probably had to do with the fact that they had three mouths to feed now, rather than two.
"I'll make the run, I'm sure you need to talk to Ashlie anyway while I'm gone." Meg stated as he noticed the lack of things that they needed for the house. While Jael was most likely questioning as to why he suspected that the two were going to talk, he knew very well that she would speak to her twin. It was in Jaelynne's nature as he knew all too well. The same could be said when she tried to stop him, but was just as easily turned down when he insisted to do so.
That was one thing that Meg understood about Jaelynne. She was very curious about most things, and she would most likely pester and question everything that she could get out of Ashlie. He also understood that they needed to talk as well and to allow somethings to be settled as there was quite a bit of things that they were holding back right now. So he would let them, and he figured it would be best to do so while he was away.
So, with the decision made and his mind decided. Meg took the droids with him as for a little bit of company while he was gone, and before he did leave with them he made sure to give a soft kiss to Jaelynne before he did. Perhaps with that he hoped she would be more at ease knowing just how much he loved her, and at that moment he was right. He was thankful for that at least.
Because not even a few minutes after Meg, and the two droids were done collecting everything that they needed they had received an urgent call from Grand Master Melvas. "We need you and Jaelynne on Oricon. The recent war with the Dread Masters is becoming a great problem and we've been tasked with supporting the forces there. Jael will be meeting you there and will accompany you to your contact. Good Luck, Master Jedi."
When the call ended the only thing that Meg could do was glance over towards the two droids, who had apparently seen this coming.
"Statement: I and T7 shall take the supplies back home, while you and master Jaelynne are away." HK spoke in his metallic tone, but seemed to have a soft tone towards it as well.
With little cause for concern left and the apparent urgency in the Grand Master's message. Meg was forced with leaving the two droids with the supplies before heading out.
Today was just another day it seemed, so much for resting.
Upon landing on Oricon both Meg and Jaelynne were determined to find the CO of the Oricon forces on the planet. When they did they were disturbed by the incoherent babbling that the man spoke in between the debriefing he was giving them. Even before they made it to the LZ, they both felt the utter despair and darkness that was emitting from the surface. The two were not sure what they were expecting, but this...well this was not it all really. The Strike Team Oricon Camp was a muted chaos of people just shuffling around, grabbing their heads and murmuring to no one in particular.
The real question was what exactly was happening to these people around here? At least that was the question that was swimming in Meg's head at that particular moment. They both looked around and noticed the glazed looks in the people's eyes around the camp. Something was driving these people insane and it wasn't a pretty sight. Their contact was Sergeant Trila, who at the moment looked more than dazed, but tried her hardest to explain what she thought was happening.
"It's them...the Dread Masters. They are doing something to our heads so we can't think or feel for ourselves. Please for the sake of everyone here, scout out the Dread Fortress so we can stop this before more people are brought to their deaths in the end. Every scouting party I've sent so far have either disappeared or have been killed by enemies or wildlife." The sergeant seemed to struggle as she was debriefing them of the situation. It certainly didn't help that she kept clutching her head each minute.
"We will stop this, Sergeant. Don't worry and just try to rest as much as you can 'till we return, the same can be said for your men." Jaelynne told the woman calmly and politely.
The two moved through the camp while Meg was on his datapad, trying his hardest to learn anything that was known about these Dread Masters or whatever they called themselves. He noted that there were only five left out of six-Stryrak for instance was taken out previously in a join operation on Darvannis: all of who had mastered the Phobis device.
It was concerning to say at the least. The challenge that these particular ancient Sith posed was clearly evident, and would be a problem no matter what. He sighed, and looked towards Jael.
"Jael, take a look at this." He said, handing her his datapad as soon as she turned.
Her reaction was just what he was expecting when he handed the datapad to her.
"Holy...'Mind Rape'?! Oh boy, we'll need to take precautions for ourselves otherwise we will end up like every person in this camp." She handed the datapad back to him slowly, but it was evident that she had a very grim set to her mouth.
"Was already on it." Meg said with a mild smile.
Megrybo and Jaelynne each sent a bubble of energy around themselves, to protect them from the onslaught of the force powers these Dread Masters had and were using against everyone on the planet. They both made their way through the Tangled Grove to the Watchtower, but found heavy resistance on the Watchtower's steps. Although the two pushed forward eventually.
After clearing out the tower, they made their way back down to the steps and then further on eastward to where the Dread Fortress was said to be, or so on. They had to avoid the enemy camp to the southwest for well obvious reasons. The Dread Masters were bad enough in their own sense, but they didn't want to deal with the Sith Empire as well.
They scouted the various entrances into the Fortress and took note of the maze-like main entrance at the front of the Fortress. Unfortunately, it seemed to be the only way in despite the heavy presence of the guards protecting it. Their plain itself was simple as it covered infiltrating the Fortress, to confronting the Dread Masters with whatever remained of the Oricon Republic soldiers that were left on the planet. They knew that many of the soldiers were going to die just trying to fight the guard alone, so both Meg and Jael knew it would be up to them to stop the Dread Masters themselves.
Meg and Jael went over the information on the data pad about the six ancient Sith that made up the Dread Masters. They went completely and utterly ballistic when Styrak the alchemist was taken out they knew as well. Stryak was said to have been a necromancer; one who could raise and control the dead within an instant. It was obvious as well that Stryak was also confused for the group's leader Raptus due to their similar abilities in power. Even though he was no longer a threat, the same could not be said for his five brethren.
Raptus was by far the oldest, who was the group's leader and a man of Force words, and could command people to live or die through fear itself. The man was possibly the easiest to identify due to his distinguished clothing and his rather unique helmet. Strangely he had the ability to shift dimensions and control them, so they would likely have to avoid being pulled into one. Even that would be a challenge for them.
Brontes, one of the two female Dread Masters, was a deep concern as well because of her tentacles that could rise from the floor and would be focused more on Brontes' Force abilities. The woman's specialty was in artifacts and history, but the former Sith Sorceress was also proficient in anything scientific which shadowed many. It was her that came up with the idea to modify weapons and technological advances for the Dread Masters. That was probably what lead to their escape in the first place.
Bestia, was the second of the two female Dread Masters and was just as deadly as she was a beast master making her much more of a force to be reckoned with. If any of the Dread Masters were to be taken out first and or quickly as possibly, it was her. She was well known for calling upon the assistance of Dread Monsters and larva as well.
Tyrans is a highly mathematical mind and with it his mind allows him to be an excellent strategist. They would have to outwit that brain of his if they would to survive an encounter with him, they knew well. He also had a Inferno ability which would attack both of them at the same time, so they would have to avoid them leisurely.
Calphayus was the so-called prophet of the group. Jaelynne sardonically wondered if he would see their attacks coming. Meg noted his power in accordance to the fact that Jaelynne pointed out his saber staff of the unusual color of cyan. It was strange for a Sith at least.
The two returned to the camp and Jaelynne informed Sergeant Trila of their plans, but while doing so Megrybo made a call to Grand Master Melvas. It was agreed the members of their own Order who were arriving late would meet them at the entrance so they prepared the camp to leave.
Trila gathered up the soldiers that she knew still had most of their wits and minds still together. Both Megrybo and Jaelynne pushed out the protective bubble to include those in the team that would be travelling with them. It was only then that they started to spot a huge difference in the men before and then now. The power that the Dread Masters had used on this people had been reverted, it seemed their ability to affect them could be interrupted.
The group made their way under Trila's command to the maze entrance and covered the two Jedi, who in turn made a beeline for the Fortress steps and entrance. Surprisingly, they had little to no resistance at the entrance or just getting inside at least.
"I have a bad feeling here..." Jael said quietly.
"Yeah. I know, I have it too." Meg returned, grimacing under his mask.
They were fortunate that they called Grand Master Melvas, who thankfully agreed to come with several of their Order to assist them. They'd need all the help they could get, both Megrybo and Jaelynne knew that. They waited just inside the entrance for their Order to arrive, and once they did they moved forward into the Fortress.
It was a battle like no other and none of them would possibly forget it. As Trila and her forces fought desperately to keep the remaining Dread Guard busy, the group of Jedi and Military personnel from the Guardians Order went through the Fortress. They first came upon Dread Master Bestia, in which the fight was as brutal as any other they had ever had. These Dread Masters were not ordinary Sith as they were possibly the strongest that Meg, Jael and their friends had ever faced. Calphayus was next, then Raptus, and Tyrans all very difficult. Eventually Brontes appeared and the group faced her down with unfortuantely heavy casualties, more than anyone wanted. Tiak was dead, as was Ronin, and Shiara. Then there were several who were injured, including Jael and Meg, but were treated after their return.
"Today was a victory and a loss for everyone here. For today we will remember that which we have gained and lost here. We will celebrate the achievements of our fallen brothers and sisters from here on out." Melvas told them when they returned to camp. While it was rousing it certainly didn't help with some pain at first.
Then there would be even more pain later.
Meg later that night was trying his best to rouse Jaelynne; it was clear that she was having a nightmare. At first he thought it was pain from her injuries from before, but thankfully it wasn't in this sense. Although this was becoming a nightly thing now, he realized with concern. As he watched his love go back to sleep in a fitful state, he made a decision and would stick with it.
His plan was to talk to his brother and see if he would admit to the meeting between him and his former father-in-law and what they were up to. Clearly, whatever it was made Jael have prophetic nightmares. With Tage he already knew that they were up to no good and he would be damned if he didn't found out what and why.
He awoke before Jael did, slipping out of bed to wash, eat, and dress without disturbing her. Meg had shut down the droids for nearly half an hour, not wanting them to accompany him. He wanted to do this alone despite the obvious danger in it, in a bit of irony he figured his father would be proud for doing something so reckless and bold. Later on however he would realize just how foolish that was by just not even bringing HK along with him.
Meg met up with Tage on dantooine and confronted him about it, demanding him immediately everything going on. Then it happened, one minute he was talking to him and the next he heard someone approaching before he was knocked out cold. The next he found when he awoke was that he was in a cold, steel room and he was obviously chained, and bloody from an apparent head wound.
His only reaction was a sigh as he realized just how upset Jaelynne was going to be upon noticing how long he would be gone. He was already regretting even doing this now.
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