Chapter 13: Troubled times ahead.
The two men and their allies were seemingly at an impasse once the Imperial's were routed from the fight. It was nice to finally have their enemy on the run, well that was at least for everyone there except Megrybo. As for himself he was too busy talking to this man who he had no formality with this, Roman Cell.
"Roman Cell? Never heard of you." Meg stated in complete confusion as was understandable in his situation. Never had had he heard of this man, or is unit before and yet here he was meeting them for the first time.
"Yes, I doubt you have. I'm a war hero on my home planet, but to the Republic I am just another soldier in their military." Roman responded to the question rather snappily and snarkly as was his custom. The man was a formal one when it came down to everything military wise, his manner and speech also made that apparent as well.
"So, why are you here master jedi? I can't believe it to be just a social call." The way Roman spoke was one of a sarcastic, but yet a calm and smart demeanor. This man was clearly trying not too push Meg's buttons or too wrong him in anyway for his status as a Jedi. It was obvious he was just a military man at heart and was only caring for the details at the moment, compared to just holding a short joint conversation with anyone right now. His motives were respectful at least.
"I was given orders to assist and help evacuate anyone that I could out of this area." Meg spoke calmly and directly as to ensure that his answer was genuine.
Roman outright laughed at the answer, but he quickly sobered up before saying, "I'm sorry master jedi but my orders are clear along with my current objective, that of which is now clear. With the Imperials still active in this region of corellia we will never be able to push them back and hopefully secure the planet if possible." The sheer defiance that stood within this man's composure and speech was unshakable. It seemed that Roman had a pride that hardly anyone could break.
"I suppose as of anything, you will need my help in breaking the Imperial's in this sector?" Meg asked as it would be typical response from any military soldier who had a Jedi lingering with him. So it wasn't surprising when Roman solemnly nodded towards his new Jedi companion.
"Then let us gather our forces and prepare to march towards the Imperial stronghold that they have set up nearby." Roman seemingly turned on his heels and walked towards the growing mass of his troops in the lobby. They were seemingly down to only a handful of troops, and were hoping that along the way they could find some stragglers from previous engagements.
"Oh pardon me, but I never seemed to receive your name master jedi." Roman said calmly and politely, this was a strict change from what he had even been acting like a moment ago.
"Megrybo, Megrybo Skylighter." Meg replied with some respect lingering in his voice. This soldier was seemingly respectful in everyway, if you could get past his sarcastic nature of course.
"Megrybo? A rather funny name might I say, but the name Skylighter does ring a bell around my planet at least." Roman seemed to be in deep thought as he tried to recall where he had heard the name Skylighter before on his home planet. Perhaps there was someone else with that name at one time there.
Roman had barely even given him time to continue however as he marched over towards the staggering group that was forming around the entrance of the hall.
"Alright men today we are preparing for a full scale assault on the Imperial Stronghold here in the Republic controlled shipyards, in one hour I expect everyone to be ready but if there is anyone who does not want to join me, and the Jedi in the fight to protect the people of the Republic on Corellia go right ahead and leave." He spoke calmly and swiftly, it was something that they were possibly all used to. His tone was also formal so it was evident that this was not the first time he had done this.
One of the soldiers after several minutes of talking, stood out and calmly hushed everyone else in the room before saying, "We've already gone through several stages of hell with you sir, what's one more we can't face together?" After the man had finished and had seated back where he was, it was apparent that his own answer was speaking for everyone as they began to pack, load munitions, help the wounded, or just the few who would help their fellow soldiers.
Roman who was satisfied decided that it would be best to help the officers that had remained. As for Meg he had decided to help several of the soldiers and the wounded get their supplies, and their munitions packed and ready for travel. It was definitely worth it as they soon realized that their strength was less than what they had both hoped for here. Although they were determined unlike any other group. That much was apparent to Megrybo as he knew that even with the ever increasing odd's, these men brushed it aside easily.
They would need that for the assault on the stronghold. If they could break it that was.
The group eventually did arrive at the stronghold. It took them the entire hour they needed to regroup and restock before they were able to leave. Another hour passed as well until they finally reached the stronghold on the far edges of the shipyard's, and was living up to it's title of being a stronghold.
The stronghold in question was fashioned from an old complex from the corporate sector within the shipyards. While the defenses in the makeshift stronghold were strong themselves, it had nothing on how many troops it had as well. Not to also mention that this was the Imperial's main forward operating base within the sector. So it ruled that a forward assault of any kind would be suicidal.
Thankfully on their journey they managed to recover lost stragglers, and scattered groups of soldier's, militia, and rebels who decided to follow on. Now it was just a matter of how they would proceed from here on out where the stronghold was concerned. The usual tactic of besieging the stronghold and then assaulting the structure itself would not be practical or of any use at the moment.
Meg sighed inaudible as he listened to most of the few officers bicker about what should be done to ensure victory today. There was strategies of how they would get in, when they would go, and who would be partaking in this mission. Most of the ideas and propositions were laughable at best as they were textbook and easily predictable. Although there were some who thought differently in the group, and one of those was Roman.
"Attacking the Imperial base head on is undoubtfully, suicidal. As is, holding out for even more reinforcements and air support as it will draw more forces away from other key battles, and give the defenders more time to reinforce. The only thing I can come up with that will work, is for a small team to infiltrate the stronghold itself and shut down its defense systems and therefore weakening their defense incredibly."
"I propose that as of right now considering how we have a weaker force in this case then we need to hit them where they would be hit the most. By allowing our team to sabotage the base, and then have our forces converge on the base and eliminate it off the face of Corellia." Roman spoke stoically and calmly as he pointed at certain points on the holo table before them. It was almost like he was convincing the officers gathered on his method only, and it was obvious on all ends.
Although it seemed to have worked as many of the officer's and lieutenants seemed to solemnly nod their heads, and agree to what the captain had proposed. It wasn't like they had any better idea's at the moment anyway. Besides they would have to decide on who would go this time as well, and who would stay to help their forces after.
In the end and by the end of their brief meeting, only two people were chosen to be the infiltration team. Those two were Roman, and Meg. To the both of them however it felt more like they volunteered as no one else would even dare approach them or would have the guts to even try this task. So like usual, they would have to do much of the work themselves. Thankfully and separately the two men were used to this kind of thing so it would work fine, at least they hoped.
After the two were ready and prepared to leave, they did so. They decided to cut and find one of the older sewer systems that ran into the stronghold, but even that was a big chance if they ever heard it. Regardless they did eventually run into one of the ruined openings of the underground sewer system, and carefully entered the system without tripping or falling. The sewer on the other hand had seen better days as the artillery strikes had done a number on the exoskeleton of the sewer's roofing. Large gaping holes were plain in view everywhere they went, and the sewer had gotten so bad to the point that they had to trudge through the water which didn't help in this sense.
"Very distinctive smell down here." Meg chipped in silently and more to himself. If it were anyone else than him than they would possibly say the same thing as the sewer system obviously smelled horribly. The only thought that he could think of after was how he would possibly need to clean these clothes, as he knew very well that Jael would him for just smell alone, regardless of the trash and guck covering his robes.
Roman however could not help but to laugh at his jedi compatriot and calmly said, "I'm used to this on my home planets moon of Dxun, for the mud and much there was much worse than here." He continued after to trudge forward after speaking. This clearly didn't phase the soldier, and Meg seemed to quietly understand that as he kept quiet for the rest of the way. Only once they reached a small hatch above them did Roman check his holo-communicator to see if they were in the right position.
"Says we're in the right place, so this must be our entrance." Roman holstered the communicator back into the pocket where he kept it. With a small agreement from Meg and a little convincing, Meg agreed and got ready to boost Roman up. The man put on foot on his hands and then climbed on to him before Megrybo pushed him upward enough for Roman to grab the ledge of the opened hatch and climb up. A moment later the soldier returned and lowered his hand to Megrybo, who in turn jumped up and caught it only to be pulled up into the room above them.
"Where to now?" Meg asked as he brushed the guck and muck off his robes as best as he could. If he was being honest he would take being in the stronghold over being in that sewer any day from now on.
"From what I know? These bases usually have a central control room. If we find the control room we should be able to shut down most of their defenses, along with their anti-air defenses as well." Roman explain carefully as he looked back and forth in the hallway, outside of the room. It seemed they were in the clear as the two began their hunt for the control room in question. Although while there was clearly a good bit of security within the stronghold's interior the actual term of how many patrols they had run into wasn't bad at all.
After several minutes they did find the control room, but found it to be guarded heavily by a few droids within the room itself. If the two wanted to avoid detection they would have to eliminate the droids quickly before they could alert the guards. Meg was almost ready for taking the droid's out quickly as he unholstered his lightsaber and got ready to charge them, but Roman had a better idea. Swiftly and silently, Roman pulled out a tiny object that resembled that of a thermal detonator and of course that alarmed Meg.
"What is that?" He asked alarmed, but was calmly reassured by Roman a moment later.
"A newer model of EMP grenade. This grenade will fry those droid's circuitry and deal with them only which is great for us." With little hesitation after speaking, Roman opened the door a little bit and tossed the grenade into the room. One of the droids looked at the device that landed next to his feet before he and the others were shocked by a blue electric field, and with that the droids went limp and then fell down to the ground
"We're clear." Roman said as he pried the door open with the nearby button panel. Almost immediately the two got to work on shutting down the most important of systems within the facility, and downloading any other data they could get. Meg was tasked with ensuring no other patrols would come by while this process was occurring, and Roman was busy trying to crack into the interface as he typed like a madman into the computer terminal.
"I have it!" Roman exclaimed a moment later and began pouring into the data, defense systems, and troop layouts that were present within the consoles systems. It was evident that by after a few minutes though that they were running out of time and Meg decided to close the door behind them.
"If I were you right now Roman, I'd shut down those defenses and droid's quickly." Meg said as he heard the next patrol group's coming closer and closer towards the door. Roman just looked towards his jedi friend and shook his head at him.
"I can do even better than that." He pressed several buttons and he grinned soon after, the defense were down. Those defenses included the built in shield generator, turrets, and the anti-air turrets that prevented any sense of attack possible. Then they heard something that caused Megrybo to be very alarmed. For blaster fire was heard echoing from outside the door and possibly through the entire facility.
"What is that I thought your men weren't supposed to attack yet?" Roman put his hand on the Megs shoulder.
"No my friend their still at the spot we left them I just reprogrammed the droids here to serve the Republic." Meg looked at him and smiled behind his mask. It was a rather sly and smart tactic even for himself. Soon they heard the eventual sounds of explosions and cries of battle above them and knew very well that the time of attack had come now, something they were both disappointed in as it was obvious that the officers didn't listen to the specific commands back at camp.
Despite that, the two hurried out of the room and avoided the scattered remains of both Imperial soldier's, and droids that were littered within the damaged, and scorched hallways. After a few minutes the two did eventually exit the main structure of the stronghold, but were surprised to see that the battle was already over by the time they got there. Bodies laid strewn throughout the courtyard with a various count of Imperial troops, droids, and just a few Republic troops that had sadly fallen. The rest of the Imperial's that had survived were being taken prisoner and were being shuffled to area's for them to be guarded.
Roman seemed to smile as he watched another line of Imperial prisoner pass by him a moment later. He happily looked at the jedi who was standing to his left and patted his shoulder before saying, "Thank you my friend, today you have helped in a great victory for the liberation of Corellia. Although I don't think our fight is done yet until we can drive our enemy off this planet for good." Roman seemed to straighten out and sigh after as he knew the fight for Corellia would be a bloody one in the end. There was so much death already, but they needed to free this planet and they would.
"Let me see if I can get some other's to come assist us, I'm sure after words we can all help each other in regaining each of the different sectors of the city." Meg said calmly as he turned towards Roman. The man planned to call anyone he knew from the guild, but he knew that most of the them would be busy on other assignments so his only hope rested in Jael. Really that's all he needed if he was being honest, but they wouldn't know until they would arrive.
"I hope so my friend, for we will need every person we can get to help us here." Roman said again with a little remorse. Although no-one, not even Meg could blame him for being doubtful even after getting this sort of major victory in the sector.
Freeing Corellia would be no piece of cake, and would require a tremendous sacrifice from many.
Only a few hours had gone by before Jaelynne had answered his call. While this was concerning to Megrybo at first, he knew rather well that she was busy on another assignment and couldn't answer earlier so things were understandable at the moment. When Jael answered the call however, Meg didn't waste any time to relay the information of just how desperate and fierce the situation didn't help that once again their group was under fire as well.
"Well thankfully I was being reassigned to Corellia. Though you know me, I would have gone there even if it wasn't on my orders list." Jaelynne gave him a small smile as she was trying to keep herself calm from just the anxiety of seeing Meg almost being hit by explosions left and right. The situation could not be bad enough for himself as he knew it was being stressful for her watching.
Meg on the other hand on just hearing that she was coming was very happy. He only hoped that it would be soon considering how this current battle was going in one of the many parks in the Axial Park district. The battle within the district had been fierce lately due to the entrenched Imperials and turncoats that had betrayed the Republic for a better offer. It made any fight here difficult, and before long Meg was forced to hang up the call abruptly when a single explosion nearly killed himself, and several others.
One by one the men were given the order to retreat from the open ground that they were fighting in, and with that included Megrybo and Roman. It was another setback that they would all have to deal with unfortunately. So when they returned to the Republic staging base near the tram station with the rest of the survivors, things didn't go well as morale was being affected once again.
It only took a day or two later for Megrybo to get word that Jaelynne had finally arrived on Corellia. The time it took was rather unfortunate as she was being tasked along the way, but it was hopeful that their ragtag group of soldiers would finally be getting a break with more reinforcements. For it wasn't just Jaelynne who was arriving, but she would be arriving the same day that more Republic forces from other territories were being brought in to help fight and relieve those who had given so much already.
"I will be leaving my forces under your temporary command until I return. For I will be journeying back to the spaceport to meet with our reinforcements, and your jedi friend." Roman spoke nonchalantly as he walked towards the booming hyper-tram before him. Meg on the other hand stood at the bottom of the tram's ramp and solemnly nodded to his new found friend.
"I'll try to keep those Imp's back as long as I can, but if we will need to push forward I won't hesitate to do so." Meg retorted back to his friend. It was clearly evident that he was determined to finally get out of this hellhole of a district within Coronet city. Even if it meant pushing a bit more for just any ground.
Roman however smiled and laughed before calmly speaking, "I don't doubt you will my friend, be well." He briskly saluted him quickly and entered the tram. Within minutes the tram door's closed and the tram itself sped away from the station at a very high speed.
It took nearly an hour or two before Roman would return with both Jaelynne, and their extra reinforcements from the spaceport. By that time, Megrybo and the remainder of the forces that they had prior had managed to push the enemy back by a considerable amount to the point that the Imperial's were most likely considering the possibility of abandoning the sector. However the Empire only abandoned the sector once the Republic forces were able to liberate their allied forces under the command of jedi commander Corin Tok.
Soon after they proceeded with their combined forces towards the remained of the upper shipyards to secure them, and once they were secured they moved onwards to the Government District. The resistance within the final district was heavier than anyone could have expected, but in the end, Roman decided to stay behind with his troops until they were able to recover and their enemy was eradicated off the face of the planet.
After parting with Roman, Meg and Jael discovered and then allied with whatever remained of the Green Jedi and other Republic forces to win back Corellia from the Empire's clutches. Working with master Sumalee, they managed to disintegrate the cell working for the legendary Voidwolf after the betrayal from Darmas Pollaran and Senator Dodonna came to light much to the shock of all those involved.
They had to deal with master Syo Bakarn next as well, it was a troubling matter as he was an old friend to both of them. They learned shortly after from Roman and his forces that Darth Decimus was the ultimate master mind, and leader of the Imperial forces on Corellia. With the combined strength of Roman's forces, the Green Jedi, and other republic forces they were able to confront and defeat the sith lord along with all his allied who surrounded him.
Meg and Jael were presented as heroes of the Republic and Corellia once the fighting ended, which was merely only a week or two after Decimus' death. Refusing to let the unsung hero of the entire event go unnoticed, Meg motioned his friend Roman forward, introducing him as the 'true hero' of Corellia, saying that without his cunning leadership and assistance they could not have been able to liberate Corellia's capital. Roman who was happy to hear recognition for the first time in his career, went to shake hands with Meg and clapped him on the back.
Meg smiled proudly as he looked over at Jaelynne who smiled back towards him and winked. Although she had to make sure that she was being discreet as Roman gave her a cautious look after seeing the all too 'friendly' gesture. He was too smart for anyone's good. However one thing was certain about their victory today after weeks of fighting.
Corellia was once again liberated and free, and was safely away from the clutches of the Empire once again.
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