I stand in a line, frozen and emotionless. I'm the 17th person in line because that's my age. They line the slaves by how old they are. Most of the slaves next to me were either from Africa or Latin America. I was the only different one because I was actually born in the U.S. In fact, my family use to be wealthy. My father use to be a general in one of the south colonies. But he later became more focus into dugs and drinks than his family and we've been struggling.
The only reason didn't eat, sleep, or even speak was to get this money for my family. Once I'm owned, all the money that my owner pays me will go to my family.
One by one the speaker calls the slave number on their rope tying their wrist. Soon they call number 16 and I start to get nervous. Who would want to buy me? A small boy ( we are having a smol John ) who would leave a perfectly good family? If I don't get owned, I'll be killed!
" Number 17!"
I slowly walk out onto the small stage. The rope tied around my wrist burned every time I took a step. I trip on one of the steps, which is very embarrassing. Some of the slaves behind me snickered at my actions but I payed them no mind. This day will change my life forever. It would get sold and move with some stranger or get killed.
" 150! Anybody 150!" Yelled the auctioneer. A few people in the audience yelled random numbers but I honestly didn't care. Just someone please take me in. Soon, the numbers were getting higher and higher.
" Anyone 650?! Going once! Twice! Sol-"
" 1000 dollars!"
The whole audience gasp at how high the price was. I look up to see a man wearing all black. He had a light skin and long hair that was about shoulder length. He had a small peach fuzz and his eyes were brown with a hint of blue. But the most thing I saw was how mean he looked. He looked like a guy who would kill a puppy just because it peed on the carpet. Someone you should fear of. Who can haunt you in your dreams. Scary.
" 1000!? Anyone? Going once! Twice! Sold!"
I stare in disbelief. I didn't expect me to worth this much. The scary man went up to the stage and cut the rope that was connected to the other slaves. He pulled me down and all the way to the carriage where there were beautiful white horses in the front and a man in the front of the carriage. This man must be very rich.
" Ready Mr. Hamilton?" Said the man on the horse.
" Yes. Also, put him in the back carriage with Ms. Reynolds." He said back referring to me. The man jumps off the horse and grabs me but the rope still tied on me. I cry in pain and he pushed me in a carriage behind the on with the white horses. This one had black horses and the carriage was red. I sat across a woman. Dark skinned, wearing a red dress, with dark hair.
" Hi. I'm Maria, Mr. Hamilton's personal assistant." She said with a smile. She had the the exact opposite personality than that Hamilton man. She had a warm welcoming face.
" J-John Laurens ." I stuttered. The carriage started to move and I looked out the window. All I saw were trees, and trees,......... and trees. It was silent in the ride, but I had no intentions of talking to Mrs. Reynolds. I dont plan on making friends.
" Mr. Hamilton isn't all that bad." She says chuckling. I guess she saw the nervousness in my face.
" You think so ma'am? He stared into my soul when he bought me."
" I've known Mr. Hamilton since he was a young boy. Trust me." She gives me a warms smile and looks out the window.
" Yes ma'am."
" Please, call me Maria or Mrs. Reynolds. You make me sound old. I'm only in my early 20s. So formal."
I mentally kick myself in the face.
" I'm sorry ma'm- I mean Mrs. Reynolds...I was born into a wealthy family."
" Wealthy huh? Do you read?"
" I read everyday Mrs. Reynolds."
" I already like you. Unfortunately you won't be able to read while working. Maybe once in a while I'll bring you a book."
" Thank you."
It was now silent again. Soon I see a few lights between trees. We must be close to home. Then soon there was a silver gate and a long road. About a few minutes later there was a grand open house right in front of my eyes. Bigger than my house! I can't believe I was going to stay in this huge home.
I was finally out of the carriage with Mrs. Reynolds. She open to door for me to see other slaves cleaning. . One slave had a yellow ribbon on her ponytail and tried to hide a smile. The other one had a red ribbon with dark skin. Lastly, a girl with small curls.
" Girls, I want you to meet John Laurens." Said Mrs. Reynolds.
All the girls stopped what they were doing and went up to me.
" Hi! I'm Margarita, but you can call me Peggy!" Says the yellow ribbon one. She seem like the childish type just by looking at her voice.
" Hello. I'm Angelica, Peggy's older sister." Says the one with the red ribbon. She was more calm and quiet then Peggy.
" Sally. It's nice to meet you." Says the last one.
" Girls, Mr. Hamilton assignment John to work in the house. Teach him what he needs to know and give him his uniform." Mrs. Reynolds told to girls looking at the floors.
" Whoever did the floors did a marvelous job." She smiles.
" Thank you Maria. John is a boy and we don't have an indoor boy outfit. Should we sew him one or-" says Angelica but is quickly interrupted by Mrs. Reynolds.
" No darling. He will be fine me with a women's uniform. Besides, we don't have anymore material."
Great. Now I have to wear a girl dress. This is not what I expected when I walked in the house. I thought I would be working outside since I'm a boy. But oh well.
Mrs. Reynolds turns to me. " Don't worry. You will do great here."
How did I do?
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