The Citadel: Disappointment Followed By Slivers of Hope
Ashley: Doctor Chakwas! Doctor Chakwas! I think he's waking up!
Karin Chakwas: Thank you, Chief. Shepard? Commander, can you hear me?
Hearing the faint voices of two females, Y/N Shepard, the executive officer of the SSV Normandy SR-1 began to stir after what had been like a four to six hour nap after being subjected to terrifying images of war, blood, death and the universe ending. Fighting against a killer migraine, the Akuze survivor wakes up, springing up damn if he threw his back out alarming the chief medical officer and lone 212 survivor of Eden Prime.
Shepard: Uh.... what happened?
Now in his usual Alliance Naval uniform, having been changed out of his combat gear, he tried not moving so fastly in the event he open any new wounds after the mission which ended in disaster with Richard Jenkins and turian Spectre Nihlus both being KIA'd by different means and the Prothean Beacon he and the Normandy were tasked in retrieving being destroyed after he rescued Ashley from that grim fate. Once he sits to a base, the veteran medical officer looks at Shepard.
Karin Chakwas: You gave us quite the scare there, Shepard. How are you feeling currently?
Shepard: A mixture of both having my ribs playing demolition derby with one another and the morning after I had shore leave as a private once again. How long was I out for?
Karin Chakwas: More or less about fifteen hours. I believe our new guest and Alenko said it had something to do with the beacon, that's about the gist I got out of it when they brought you, Nihlus and Jenkins back on board.
Shepard: Nihlus.... Richard..... I'm sorry, you two. My inability got you two killed. I'll never forgive myself.
He grips the metal bar of his bed hard as to express the bubbling rage over the loss of a dear comrade and subordinate in Richard as well as someone while he didn't have a deep connection with, a level of professional respect with someone like Nihlus having had some conversations about each other's military history was very much existent. Them both dying at the hands of the geth or whoever killed Nihlus was a massive blow to the usually sturdy and relaxed XO of the Normandy.
Ashley: It's my fault, Commander Shepard. When I got too close, I triggered some sort of security field and it began pulling me in like a black hole. You had to grab and throw me into Lieutenant Alenko.
Shepard: No, don't do that to yourself, Chief. You had no way of knowing that was going to be the end result. Don't impose blame on something you couldn't control.
He doesn't see it, but she begins to flash something like a small smile with her cheeks flaring up.
Karin Chakwas: That's the thing actually. We don't know what happened with the beacon, we don't even know if you two being near it is what caused it to react the way it did, unfortunately with its sudden destruction, it appears we'll never get the chance in finding out why?
Ashley: It self destructed, possibly a system overload. The blast knocked you out cold though. The Lieutenant and I had to carry you back onto the ship.
Shepard: I appreciate that, Chief. Thank you. I'll be sure to be pass the same sentiments Kaidan's way too.
She once more blushes, looking down to the floor, just as Karin concludes her do-over of Shepard.
Karin Chakwas: Physically, you're fine, the clean bill of health. However I detected, some unusual brain activity occuring within you, abnormal beta waves even. I'd like to run just a few more tests on you, given that I have also seen an increase in your rapid eye movement, which is associated more often than not with intense daydreams or nightmares.
Shepard: No, it wasn't dreaming, Doctor. It was-- I saw... Fuck... I'm not even sure what I saw. Death. Bloodshed. Destruction. The end times, nothing was really clear. It all came to me in a sudden blur.
The constant screaming from his visions rings hard into his brains, as if someone had been using long fingernails to scratch a chalkboard whilst also turning up the volume on a dying car engine.
Karin Chakwas: Hmmm.... this is all very interesting, I'll be adding this to my field notes, it could lend some help as to what we can do--- Oh, Captain Anderson, my apologies, I didn't hear you enter.
David enters, the door never letting anyone truly know the former First Contact War veteran had even crossed the threshold.
David Anderson: That's quite all right, how are our XO and newest soldier holding up, Doctor?
Karin Chakwas: Well all of the Commander's reading at least seem normal, I'd say he's going to be fine, unless he's holding out on me. As for Gunnery Chief Williams, all of her wounds have been tended to.
Ashley: Once again, thank you, Doctor.
David Anderson: I'm glad to hear it from the both of you. But Shepard, I need to talk to you... in private.
Ashley: Aye, aye, Captain. I was actually meaning to check in with Lieutenant Alenko. I'm relieved to see you're all right, Commander. I'll be in the mess if either one of you need me.
She along with the veteran medical officer leave the medical bay and then David gets down to business.
David Anderson: Sounds like the blast got the better of you down there, Commander. How are you feeling, son? Are you sure you're okay?
Shepard: I'll be fine with a few more hours of relaxation. But losing Jenkins was a tough blow, he was one of our, David. I don't like it when soldiers die under my command, least of all when I send them to their death.
David Anderson: Jenkins wasn't your fault, Shepard. You and Alenko did everything you could once he fell to the ground, it was just that he was far too gone by the time you rendered aid. Geth technology is far too dangerous.
Shepard: Okay, sure. I'm still pissed off about the geth, we went in flying blind, Sir. Intel dropped a massive ball there. We didn't know what to expect and we lost Jenkins and the beacon because of it. That's why shit hit the fan when it did.
David Anderson: I get you're angry, you have every right to be Shepard. I know how prepared you like to be regarding mission intel but you must realize, the geth haven't been seen outside the Perseus Veil in over 200 years, I don't think even the most seasoned soldiers could've expected them to show up on Eden Prime like that and in force, no less.
Shepard: And I noticed Williams was on board, does that mean what I think it does?
David Anderson: It does indeed. I talked it over with Alliance brass, and they approved the move. Ashley is the newest member of the Normandy and she's starting her post effectively immediately.
Shepard: Good, I like that. She's one hell of a soldier. She'll be an amazing addition, given we lost a soldier in our ranks anyway.
David Anderson: The higher ups and I agree too. That's why I personally extended the invitation to her. She will most definitely offset Jenkins' death.
Shepard: All right, now with that all out of the way, you said you needed to talk to me in private, Captain?
David looks around to make sure there are no eyes and ears are prying on their conversation before he turns and gives his son-figure a well-meaning yet intense look.
David Anderson: I'm not going to lie to Shepard, things aren't looking too good for us. The beacon's destroyed, Jenkins and Nihlus are dead and the geth are now thrown into what was supposed to be a recon and recovery mission. We both know the Council is going to want answers and when they do, you better believe heads are going to roll.
Shepard: You know me, Sir. I have not a thing to hide, Alenko, Nihlus, Williams and I handled the mission by the book. Hopefully the Council can see past trying to baby us, and realize that.
David Anderson: And you already should know that I'll stand by you and your report, Shepard. You, Kaidan and Ashley are damned heroes in my book as far as I'm concerned. But that's not the reason I'm not here, well not all of it, entirely. It's the other turian who alledgedly killed Nihlus. Saren.
A noticeable tinge of disgust and venom hangs on David's words as he says his name, leaving Shepard to imagine what history the two shared.
David Anderson: Unfortunately, like Nihlus, Saren's a Spectre Agent himself, one of the best in fact. A living legend, but if he's working with the geth, then shit... it means he's gone rogue. And I shouldn't have to tell you this but a rogue Spectre is a dangerous Spectre, Shepard.. Saren not only is a sadistic bastard but he's a sadistic bastard who detests humans.
Shepard: And when you say he hates humans?
David Anderson: I absolutely mean it. He believes in his mind we're growing way too fast in the galaxy, taking it over and that we don't know our place within the cosmos. A lot of aliens are skewed towards that line of thinking but they don't do anything about it except curse underneath their breath. But if Saren has actually and willingly allied himself with the geth. I don't know how, why and I honestly don't wish to know. I only know he had something to do with that beacon before you came into contact with it. Help me out here, Shepard. You were out there before it self-destructed. What did you see, what did you find out? Any clue that might hint us what Saren's after?
Shepard: Just before I lost consciousness and they carried me back on board... I saw- well had some sort of vision.
David Anderson: A vision? A vision of what exactly?
Shepard: I don't know... it looked like synthetics, and they were absolutely slaughtering humans or at least what looked like human beings. Geth, maybe. I don't know.
David Anderson: We need to report this to the Council, Shepard.
Shepard: And what? Tell them that I had a bad dream or something? I highly doubt they're gonna believe anything I have to say, especially if they can't see it.
David Anderson: We don't exactly know what type of information was stored inside of the beacon, Shepard. Lost Prothean technology, perhaps. Blueprints for an ancient weapon of mass destruction, whatever it was, Saren now has it. And we need to get it back before he does God knows with it. But as long I've known Saren, he'll use his reputation and politics to yank himself out of whatever bullshit he might have landed in. He believes all humans are a blight on the Milky Way. This stands as an act of war, attacking Eden Prime like he has! He now has the secrets of the beacon with him, Shepard. In addition to an army of geth at his command as he so freely chooses? He will not stop until he's wiped all of humanity from the galaxy and history books.
Shepard, now armed in hearing Saren's grudge against humanity and possible machinations steels his jaw before developing his own laser focused face.
Shepard: Don't worry, Captain. Whether it kills me or not, I WILL find a way to stop Saren.
David Anderson: It's not that easy, though your confidence is refreshing. Saren's a Spectre, and as such, he can go anywhere and do almost anything with near impeccable immunity. That's why we need the Council on our side. And make sure we have something solid on our end to absolutely nail him to the cross.
Shepard: So gather evidence in proving the bird-brained bastard's gone wrong and the Council will revoke his Spectre status. I like that plan.
David Anderson: I'll contact the ambassador and see if he can the groundwork on setting up a meeting and in turn, an audience with the Council. He'll want his own debriefing from you, Williams and Alenko as soon as we dry dock on the Citadel. In the meantime, try to relax, I know it was hell on Earth back on Eden Prime. We should be getting close now, get in contact with Joker and tell him bring us there.
Shepard snaps to a salute as the Captain leaves the medical room.
Shepard: Aye, aye, Sir!
After he exits the medical bay and shares a few moments remembering Jenkins with both Alenko and Chakwas, deciding on how he should probably break the news to any family the Corporal might have had, he's stopped by Ashley.
Ashley: Commander, I'm sorry but I was hoping I ran into you. The crew could use some good news and a morale booster given what happened with Jenkins.
Shepard: It's no trouble at all Ashley, and you're right. Jenkins was indeed, a valuable asset and fine soldier in this crew.
Ashley: Part of me feels... guilty for what happened to him. If Jenkins were still alive, I probably wouldn't even be here.
Shepard: And I call bullshit, Chief. You're a mighty fine soldier, Williams. People like you belong on the Normandy.
Ashley: Thanks for saying that, Commander.
Shepard: Now keep it even with me. Things were pretty hectic even before we ran into you. Are you sure you're all right, Ashley?
Ashley: I've seen friends and comrades die before, Commander. This is nothing new to me, it comes with the territory of being a marine. But my entire squad was wiped out in mere minutes. That's nothing nor something I can just look past. And then you NEVER get used to seeing as many dead civilians like we did during the sweep. But things would've been a lot worse had you and Lieutenant Alenko not shown up when you did.
Shepard: Trust me, the sentiment with you is the same. I don't know if Alenko and I would've been able to get cut through the geth as fast as we did without your help, Williams. Take pride in that.
Ashley: Thanks again, Commander. You know I definitely had my reservations when I got assigned the Normandy, effective immediately. It's refreshing when someone actually attempts to make you feel welcome.
Shepard: I think you're going to fit in just fine, Williams.
He excuses himself, traveling the stairs to the very first floor of the ship and before long he finds himself in the cockpit where Joker is alone but unusually brimming with excitement.
Joker: Good timing there, Commander. I was just about to bring us all right into the Citadel, get to see all of that taxpayer money at work.
He hits a few panels, buttons with dulcid and sleepy time melodies beeps and before long the Normany finds itself in the crosshairs of a giant five pronged rotating deep station within the vast concept of space. The Citadel's massive length, shape and many observed signs of life, the tentacled super-structures illuminated with many golden and sparkling lights, making Normandy feeling like an ant to a dinosaur. Ashley, Kaidan and Shepard step back into the cockpit with Jeff, remarking at the enormity of a warship to their left.
Ashley: Look at the size of that ship! It's gigantic!
Kaidan: The Destiny Ascension, flagship of the Citadel Fleet.
Joker: Meh, size isn't everything, Kaidan.
Ashley: Why so touchy, Joker?
The Normandy waits for the clearance to approach the docking stations while Joker defends himself.
Joker: I'm just saying there Chief, you need some massive firepower too.
Ashley: Yeah but look at that behemoth! Its main gun alone could absolutely shred through any barriers on any ship in the Alliance fleet if someone on there was having a bad day!
Kaidan: You're right, Ashley. Good thing it's on our side then, heh.
Joker: Citadel Control, this is Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau and the SSV Normandy, requesting permission for dry docking.
Citadel Clearance: We hear you, Flight Lieutenant. Normandy, stand by for clearance. Clearance is granted, you may now begin your descent and approach, Flight Lieutenant Moreau. Transferring you to an Alliance operator.
Joker: Roger that, Alliance Tower. Normandy out.
A new line of communication opens up, a newer yet feminine voice conversing with Jeff with it coming from the aforementioned Alliance Tower.
Alliance Tower: Normandy, this is Alliance Tower. Please proceed with your descent to dock 422.
The usually at home pilot does as commanded, slowly but expertly guiding his baby right into the docking bay assigned to Normandy's mainteanance while the crew of the Eden Prime mission were prepared to face the wrath of the Council themselves....
Some time later....
Udina was not a happy customer after receiving word from both Steven Hackett and Anderson about the attack that had been the talking point of his outburst. Not only had this affected human politics and our economy but for humanity's ambassador, between the Council's hesitancy to send forces out to the Terminus Systems and many species underlying grudges with the newcomers to galactic space in recent memory, Udina wasn't having any of their ineptitude this time around. Yet even hologram versions of the Council were quick to remind Udina to know his role and to shut his mouth by using facts as first up was the usually reserved Salarian councilman Valern.
Valern: And there is your first problem, Ambassador Udina. The turians don't find colonies on the borders of the Terminus Systems.
Tevos, the Asari councilor and like most were striking in their beauty and personality, hits Udina with the second strike.
Tevos: While we're understanding of your emotional outbursts and we do grieve the losses suffered on Eden Prime, humanity knew the risks when you created settlements in the Traverse despite protests from all other species given the dangers imposed.
Donnel Udina: Well what about Saren, we have eyewitness testimony saying he was on Eden Prime and killed Nihlus, a fellow Spectre and colleague of his! You can't willingly ignore a menace like the one a rogue Spectre would cause! I DEMAND ACTION-
Sparatus: SILENCE, UDINA! Know this now, you don't get to make demands of the Council.
Tevos: Why don't we all take a step back and let the cooler heads prevail, yes? How about this. I can confirm that Citadel Security is investigating into any and all active charges you have launched Saren's way, Ambassador. All we can tell you right here and now is that we will discuss findings C-Sec has gathered at the hearing against him. Not a second earlier or later.
The trio of politicians and their imagesvanish from the beacons placed in his office with the disgruntled and steaming human ambassador now wheeling his frustration towards David and Y/N.
Donnel Udina: Captain Anderson, apologies you had to bear witness to that. I see that... you have brought half of the crew from your ship with you.
David Anderson: Just the field team from Eden Prime, Udina. In case you had questions of any sort for Commander Shepard, Lieutenant Alenko and Chief Williams.
Donnel Udina: I have you and Shepard's mission reports, though I can admit I haven't read them yet. I assume that they're both accurate?
Not appreciating the condescending tone oozing from Donnel's expressions after he was just rail-roaded by the Council, Anderson shakes it off, choosing to be more professional and not act on his inhibitions.
David Anderson: They sure as hell are, Ambassador. Though it sounds like you were able to convince the Council to give us an audience and lend us their ears.
Donnel Udina: I have. And they were NOT happy about it. Given that Saren's one of the best Spectre agents, maybe in the entire run of the task force, they don't appreciate the fact that he's been accused of treason. They feel his backstabbing and any potential back room dealings could blow back on them since they inducted him.
Shepard: Yeah, and I should give a damn where, Udina? Saren's a legitimate threat to every human colony out there, there's no telling how many lives, not just human are at stake. If they won't chain and stop him, then I will!
Donnel Udina: You can settle down right now, Commander. You've already done more than enough to not only jeopardize the mission, but your candidacy for the Spectres as well. The mission on Eden Prime was total failure. That was your one chance that you could get the job don, and instead Nihlus and Corporal Jenkins are now getting prepared to be buried by their families and the Prothean Beacon was destroyed!
Shepard: I'm sorry, what the fuck did you just say?
Indifferent of how he felt about him, it wasn't Udina's fault everything had gone to shit. Jenkins dying was a freak accident, saving Ashley was a spur of the moment event that occurred, but Nihlus getting his brains blown out by Saren, the massive spaceship that had scorched Eden Prime like a hot summer barbecue hotdog, and the Prothean Beacon being destroyed? How dare this clown that got absolutely routed like the 2018 Cavaliers place the mission's critical failure or at least near failure on him, and then rub salt in the wound after dropping the hard fact that his prospects as the first Human Spectre were pretty much shot with Nihlus being murdered before he could complete his evaluation. But before he could turn Donnel's face in a brown, bloody and pasty mush, Anderson steps in.
David Anderson: Now that's not fair to Shepard at all and you know it, Udina! That was Saren's fault, not Y/N's!
Donnel Udina: Then you had better hope we can turn up something bullet-proof with C-Sec's investigation into Saren to support our Hail-Mary level accusations. Otherwise to them, this will be another excuse to keep humans out of the Spectres entirely. Captain Anderson, come with me. I want to go over everything in precise detail before the meeting begins. As for you three, you can meet us at the Citadel Tower. The top level. I shall make you all have the necessary clearance to get in.
Anderson and Undina leave the ambassador's office with the former giving his soldiers a "good luck" look, stern in his gaze but sympathetic enough to bring gravity to their situation.
Ashley: And that's why I hate politicians.
Shepard: I can understand it, and honestly.... you and I probably won't be the last if the Council is even half of what Udina was just now.
After navigating through Udina's office and doing some.... "digging around" the trio moved to the east where another door awaited and they found two massive beings with almost hunched over backs and using their hands, sort of how gorillas would do. These were Elcor, a meek but overwhelmingly giant mammalian species with Shepard taking a look at a tinier individual all masked and tubed up. He was known as a Volus and the three were chatting up a storm.
Ashley: I can't tell the aliens from the animals.
One of the elcors, Xeltan had been unusually raucous and despite his fellow elcor trying to explain the situation but Xeltan wasn't having any of it.
Calyn: I understand what you are saying, but these allegations are very serious. I can't just-
Xeltan: This is serious. My reputation is at stake. I spoke with the Consort in confidence, and she alone. She has now betrayed that confidence.
Calyn: All right, I shall look into it for you, but in the meantime. Please do not do anything rash.
Xeltan: Hello there, humans. Sincere apology, but I am on business and cannot be distracted as of this moment.
Shepard: What's your trouble then? You seemed stressed, anything I can do to help.
Xeltan: Alarmed reaction. You overheard that, did you? This is all going so wrong and it is that Asari Consort's fault. She is the one who started all of this.
Shepard: Just slow down for a minute and breathe for us. What did this asari Consort do that pissed you off so badly?
Xeltan: Blunt response. I cannot talk about this any further. Too much sensitive information. Suffice it to say, she has compromised my authority as a diplomat.
Shepard: Where can I find her?
Xeltan: She is across from here, just take the bridge. Good day to you, human.
The trio after talking to the volus Din Korlack and the other elcor Calyn exited the office and continued to explore the Citadel in its grand majesty. It was like a mega-city, taking the best parts of all galactic space from the Asari, Salarian, Turian homeworlds in addition to other species planets like Earth were on full display. They then come across another turian with another title to his name, that being the Executor Pallin.
Executor Pallin: Commander Shepard! I wasn't expecting to see you here. Did Ambassador Udina send you?
Shepard: I wasn't sent by anyone, Sir. I just came by looking for some information.
That's when Shepard found out the hard way, that the Executor blatantly went out of his way to make Udina look like an angel when he lambasted Shepard skills on the battlefield.
Pallin: You humans have always been a curious bunch. Always going around and sticking your fingers in SOMEONE else's pie. Did I use the right human expression? Never mind that I asked.
Shepard: Something tells me based in that tone of yours, you aren't too fond my friends and I?
Pallin: I never think less of anyone, Shepard. It's just that I don't trust your kind. Not yet at least. Humans are all so eager to take the power that they can, and you're being given a lot. If the Council wishes to make humanity their new pet, who am I to stop them? Doesn't mean I have to pretend to like it.
Shepard: Favorites? The Council's been treating us like second class citizens, we have to fight for everything we get. It's always been that way too.
Pallin: Good, it seems being a soldier has taught you a core lesson. If only that would transfer to the rest of your species, instead of them expecting for everything to be handed. But don't expect us to just sit back and let you take the power. Now then, I'm very busy Commander, are we done here?
Seeing he was going to get nowhere with him, Shepard, Alenko and Ashley all leave frustratingly but not before.... making off with intel suggesting something big was happening in the Argos Rho and Hawking Eta clusters. They walk around for a bit before taking the elevator to the Citadel Tower.
Ashley: Say, the Council isn't going to ask me any questions, are they?
Kaidan: I highly doubt it. We all made our reports, it's just a matter of if we can trust Ambassador Udina.
Ashley: Can I take the "No the fuck we don't." option, Sir?
The elevator slides open with a rather subtle sound and surrounded by beautiful plants foreign to the system known as Sol, a gorgeous fountain but before they could make their way up to Udina, Anderson and the Council, two distant voices in shouting Turians could be had, one of them being Executor Pallin and the other wearing a cobalt blue and black armor piece with a visor going around his face and eyes.
Turian: I know Saren's doing something dirty, if you just give me a little more time, I can expose him! Stall them, whatever it takes Executor!
Pallin: Do you seriously hear yourself, Officer Vakarian? Stall the Council of all people? This investigation is over, Garrus. Move on or I'll be forced to remove you from the ranks C-Sec personally.
Garrus Vakarian, a second generation Citadel Security officer waited until Pallin was well out of earshot before he spat in the very spot the Executor had been standing across from him at before he saw the Alliance soldiers walking up to him.
Garrus: Commander Shepard. Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security. I am- well I was actually in charge of the official C-Sec investigation into Saren.
Shepard: I can see that, seems like the Executor wasn't having of you trying to get another chance. Something tells me people are way more scared of him than what he actually warrants. It also sounds like you're trying to bring him down just as much as I want to.
Garrus: I don't trust that bastard, regardless of his many legends as a Spectre. Something about him just makes me all uneasy and rubs me the wrong way. But him being a Spectre like I just said makes him untouchable. Everything he touches, it disappears without a second trace or gets classified. I can't find any solid evidence to nail him to the wall.
Kaidan: Commander, I believe the Council's ready for us.
Garrus: You all should probably get going. Good luck Shepard, maybe they'll listen to you.
Shepard: That's the hope at least.
The trio of humans make their way up several flight of stairs where they find an awaiting Udina and Anderson.
David Anderson: You all made it just in time.... come on the meeting's already started.
(The Meeting.)
Tevos: The geth attack on Eden Prime is of major concern, Ambassador Udina. But again, there's no hard proof against Saren to even link him and prove he was involved in any manner.
Sparatus: And the investigation by Citadel Security also turned up no evidence to support your accusation of Saren's treason.
Donnel Udina: But an eyewitness saw him brutally execute another one of YOUR OWN SPECTRES WITH NIHLUS IN COLD BLOOD!
Valern: We've read the Eden Prime reports, Ambassador. The words of an honestly.... overtraumatized dockworker... it's simply not enough to hold up in terms of validity and hardly compelling.
Meanwhile a very tall yet hologram version of Saren stands menancingly west of the Council as he put his two cents in, defending his actions and obvious guilt the Council just wasn't seeing or refused to ignore.
Saren: I refute these heinous accusations. Nihlus was a trusted colleague. And a dear friend, I'm still reeling once I caught wind of his passing.
David Anderson: That just made it easier for you to catch him off guard!
Saren: I knew I recognized that husky yet strained voice somewhere. Captain David Anderson. You along with Udina always seem to be involved in some capacity whenever humanity makes these vicious claims against me. You don't ever learn, do you? And this.... must be Commander Y/N Shepard, your protégé. The very same Commander Y/N Shepard who happens to be the very reason the Citadel doesn't have the Prothean Beacon.
Shepard: I can already tell... I'm gonna hate this bird-faced motherfucker. You're the one who caused the beacon to get destroyed, not me. And then like a sneaky coward, you chose to cover up that and you killing Nihlus. Too bad you did a shit job. And another thing, the mission to Eden Prime was top secret information, how did you even know about it?
The hologram looks uninterested but for the slightest second, Saren looks like he wanted to come alive and boom Shepard in the head for that smartass comment. But he naturally puts on a facade and continues running down the Akuze survivor and the turian tasked with evaluating Shepard for Spectre candidacy.
Saren: Shift the blame just to cover your own failure and inepititude. Just like Captain Anderson, he seems to have taught you everything, Shepard. And the question to your other answer, Nihlus's files were transferred to me upon his passing. I read your report. I was unimpressed. But what you can expect out of a.... human?
Shepard: Saren despises humanity. That's the reason he attacked Eden Prime! How can you all not see it?!
Saren: Your species needs to learn and earn its place, Shepard. Humanity is nowhere prepared to join the Council. Hells, you're not even ready to join the Spectres!
Tevos, sensing the purpose of the meeting was getting completely derailed and sidetracked, calms everyone in attendance down.
Tevos: Shepard's potential admission into the Spectres is not the purpose of this meeting, Spectre Arterius. Please do well in remembering that.
Saren: There IS NO purpose behind this meeting, Councilor. The humans are wasting all of your time attempting to slander my record and name. And frankly, I'm insulted I even have to be here.
Shepard: Spectre or not, you're one cocky son of a bitch, thinking you're untouchable. You can't hide behind the Council forever like a priveliged ass child.
David Anderson: There's still one pressing matter we need to get to the bottom of, Commander Shepard's vision. It may have been triggered by the beacon itself.
Saren: Are we seriously going to enter dreams and nightmares into this hearing as evidence? How can I ever hope to defend my innocence against this type of testimony. A testimony we can't even see?
Sparatus: I agree with Saren. Information... as well as our unified judgement, it must be be based on purely facts and evidence. Not wild imaginings and reckless speculation on what he MIGHT do.
Valern: Do you have anything else you wish to the meeting, Commander Shepard?
Shepard: No. You've already come to your decision, I'm not wasting anymore words when I could be doing worthwhile.
The Turian, Asari and Salarian Councilors, the leading authority for their respective species all look between their colleagues, silently finding a unified answer amongst each other. The breaths were tight but the result? Unsurprising.
Tevos: Then it is with our decision that we... find no evidence of any connection between Saren and the geth. Ambassador Udina. It is with regret that we announce your petition to have him stripped of his Spectre status and disbarred is hereby null and void. And with that. This meeting is adjourned.
Saren: Thank you Councilors. I'm glad to see that justice was served. Now then, I've got better business to attend to.
He cuts off the communication, ending the trial for his professional income. With the councilors all leaving after the adjournment, Shepard and Anderson both left the podium, leaving Udina to silently mutter and curse under his breath. When all is settled, Udina now calmed but obviously upset turns to David enraged.
Donnel Udina: I just KNEW bringing you here would be a mistake, Anderson. You and Saren have too much history with each other. And it made the Council question our motives.
David Anderson: You don't get to toss blame just because you didn't get your way. Don't be mad the Council absolutely clowned you twice in the span of an hour. But I know Saren. That bastard is working with the geth to ensure one thing.... the eradication of the entire human race. Every colony we have ever established is under a severe risk. Every world we control, is not safe as long as he's roaming around. Not even the Earth is safe!
Shepard: It's clear he's very dangerous and manipulative. We need to deal with Saren our damn selves since the Council is clearly afraid of him and doing any damage control he's capable of.
Donnel Udina: Well as a Spectre, he's practically the closest thing to untouchable there will be. We'll need another way to expose him.
Kaidan then remembered the disgruntled turian C-Sec officer, Garrus, they bumped into before the meeting had taken place in the Citadel Tower.
Kaidan: What about Garrus? That C-Sec officer we saw arguing with the Executor just now?
Ashley: That's right! He was begging Executor Pallin to give him more time in his investigation into Saren so he could finish his report and dole out his findings against him. Seemed to me he was really close in finding something.
Shepard: All right seems like my crew is in unison. Any idea as to where we can locate officer Vakarian?
Donnel Udina: Yes. I happen to have a contact within C-Sec who could help us track down Garrus. I believe his name was Harkin.
It was at that particular moment that the rest of the Normandy crew noticed Anderson tense up severely at the mention of Harkin's name.
Shepard: You all right over there, Sir?
David Anderson: Forget him. They suspended Harkin's idiotic ass last month for drinking on the clock. You'd have better fun watching paint on a wall dry than to be around that loser.
Donnel Udina: Oh you won't have to, I'm putting Shepard in charge of this. The Council will use any and all excuses like your familiar history with Saren to ignore anything we happen to find or turn up.
Shepard began to protest but his direct superior immediately cut him off.
David Anderson: No. Udina's a lot of things but the ambassador is right about this. My feelings about Saren will cast a negative cloud on this plan we've got going now. I'm going to recuse myself from the mission.
Donnel Udina: I actually have some business to handle. Captain, whenever you have the chance. Meet me in my office later.
David Anderson: As I was saying before I got cut off. Harkin's probably getting sauced right now, enjoying the last few days of his "sabbatical". It's still a lose-lose situation with him but if you think you can get to him, he frequents the Chora's Den in the lower section of the Wards.
Shepard: Any other leads that can lead us to Saren's guilt?
David Anderson: Actually. You could talk to Barla Von, you'll more than likely find him holed up in the financial district. Word on the block is that he happens to be an agent for the Shadow Broker. How true that rumor is, I'll leave to him.
Ashley: Shadow... Broker?
David Anderson: Yes. One of the most elite information brokers in the entire Milky Way combined. They buy and sell all secrets for top dollar. I've heard where Barla Von's one of his top representatives. He might have something on Saren, MIGHT being the operative word.
Shepard: So what's this history between you and Saren?
There was a pregnant silence between the humans before Anderson drew a shaky breath, recounting the mission that stuck with him for a long time, even now as a hardened veteran.
David Anderson: It all happened twenty years ago.... I was apart of a mission that occurred in the Skyllian Verge. I happened to get paired with Saren to find and neutralize a well known terrorist threat. Now Saren and I eliminated the target which I was proud about. But a lot of good people, innocent people wound up getting killed in the process. And the official records just gloss over that fact. But I've seen with my own two eyes just how Saren operates. No hesitation at all in his movements. If it meant getting his mark down, he'd happily sacrifice thousands if not hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions and billions of people just to end an ongoing conflict. All while without a second thought of the death toll being considered.
More conversations were had before the Normandy's commanding officer had finally left for Udina's office, leaving just her crew and Executive Officer to begin their search of Garrus Vakarian and whatever evidence he might have had. But to Shepard? It was just one massive disappointment after another brutal disappointment.
End of Chapter Three!
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