The Cast. Let's Hit Those Relays
Ella Purnell as Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams. By all means, Ashley is the Soul of this ragtag group, never afraid to speak her mind, even if it's to her detriment. Hardcore Soldier and Extremely Loyal to a fault. Gifted with both an Assault and Sniper Rifle.
"Why is it when someone says with all due respect, they really just mean kiss my ass?"
Henry Cavill as Staff Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko. The Grit of the Normandy, Talented Biotic from the infamous Jump Zero, Biotic Application and Temperance Training or (BAaT). One of the longer serving members aboard the Normandy on her maiden voyage.
"Yeah Joker, I'm sure you didn't do ANYTHING to piss off the Captain."
Seth Green as Jeff "Joker" Moreau. The Helmsman of the Normandy SR-1, however is diagnosed with Vrolik's Syndrome AKA Brittle Bone disease so he's usually restricted to the cockpit.
"I'm not good, I'm not even great. I'm the best damn helmsman in the entire Alliance Fleet, Commander."
Isabela Merced as Tali'Zorah nar Rayaa
A quirky, wiry, yet reserved Quarian on her Pilgrimage, a Quarian rite of passage when she stumbles on back-breaking evidence required for Shepard's all but impossibly dangerous journey.
"The Pilgrimage itself proves we Quarians are willing to give ourselves up for the greater good. What would it say about me if I were to turn my back on this?"
John Cena as Garrus Vakarian. A Citadel-Security (C-SEC) Officer, disgruntled and demoralized by the bureaucracy in the workforce as well as being stifled at every turn by the current Executor in his investigation of Spectre Saren Arterius.
"Why do people always assume we just enjoy putting ourselves in harm's way?"
Paul "Triple H" Levesque as Urdnot Wrex. A Krogan Bounty who has an equal distaste in those weaker than him but just as much a distaste as those who push innocents around. Also has the secondary ambition of wanting to uniting all of the Krogan Clans together and putting an end to the Genophage, a military sterilization tactic put together by the Salarians and Turians to stunt the overpopulation of the Krogan race from potentially overwhelming the Galaxy and Council Species.
"THESE ARE MY PEOPLE SHEPARD! Now you have helped me, more than my own family would have in any situation and I'm thankful for that but when it comes this and the Genophage.... This is where our views stop in commonality"
Ana De Armas as Doctor Liara T'Soni.
The Prothean Expert and Researcher, daughter of the renowned Asari Matriarch Benezia. Unbelievably 106 years old, she's incredibly young for the Asari as they can live well into the millennia marks of years.
"That's why I find you so complex and interesting, Shepard. You were marked by that beacon on Eden Prime, you were actually touched by working Prothean technology!"
Salma Hayek as Benezia- An extremely formidable Asari Matriarch, Biotic and Saren's Accomplice in whatever their machinations may lay. Liara's mother despite their relationship being severely strained.
"You do not know the privilege of being a mother... There is power in creation, to mold and shape a life. To steer it towards either happiness or despair."
Mark Hamill as Saren Arterius- One of the best SPECTRES in the Council's arsenal. Has a long running history with Shepard's mentor, Captain David Anderson. Believed to have gone rogue but is being protected by the Council.
"Your species needs to learn its place Shepard."
Lieutenant Commander Y/N Shepard. (Base name will be Miles but you're all free to go with whatever you want as you read along.)
A Second-Generation Systems Alliance soldier, as both of his parents have or are currently serving (His father's whereabouts are unknown, presumed deceased, but his mother Hannah serves as the Executive Officer aboard the Alliance Dreadnought SSV Kilimanjaro). He isn't without his own scars in battle as he's the lone survivor of a vicious and life-altering Thresher-Maw attack on the remote planet of Akuze. He's known as sort of an easygoing executive officer of the Normandy but won't be afraid to flex his power in the most desperate situation if only to help gather his squadmates nerves. Elite with both Biotics and Gun-Play.
Also starring.....
Bryan Cranston as Admiral Steven Hackett
Ving Rhames as Captain David Anderson
Helen Mirren as Doctor Karin Chakwas
Frank Welker as Sovereign
Brie Larson as Councilor Tevos
Hugh Jackman as Councilor Sparatus
Paul Heyman as Councilor Valern
Barry Keoghan as Corporal Richard Jenkins
And Many MORE!!!!!!
Hey guys. HungrySavage here, you know me as Dulski and you're wondering.... ANOTHER PROJECT. IF THIS MODASUCKA doesn't update Heart of a Champion, Winning Time, wrap up Killer Ice or some other shit. And to that I say patience you grasshopper. This is something I've been wanting to do a few years now, Mass Effect is one of my favorite video game series of all time- yes even Andromeda, go suck ya muda. It's about time I break it down for you. Mass Effect Origins is my first foray into the Mass Effect Universe and the first of three Mass Effect stories I will be doing so yeah.... SERIESSSSS YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! I've still got some loose ends to wrap up so for know the casting list is up, feast your eyes. And toodles!
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