Fateful Journey: Eden Prime.
Udina: Well, what about Shepard? He's a spacer, lived aboard starships a majority of his life.
Anderson: Yes. Military service is practically in the kid's DNA. Both of his parents served or are currently still serving in the Navy.
Hackett: It should also go without saying, that he also saw his entire unit die on Akuze as well. Something like that, it wouldn't surprise me if Shepard had some severe emotional and mental scarring because of that.
These three men having a intimate yet intense conversation about the man at hand, Lieutenant Commander Y/N Shepard, the current Executive Officer or XO in military slang of the Normandy SR-1 about something with bated interest were none other Alliance Ambassador Donnel Udina, the captain of the ship in its maiden voyage, Captain David Edward Anderson and the current ranking officer of the Fifth Fleet, Admiral Steven Hackett. Whatever the business was, Shepard had recused himself to give his two superiors and humanity's political powerhouse Udina privacy as he got a gorgeous viewing of Planet Earth, his "home away from home" having been born in space in 2154.....
Anderson: Every soldier is going to wind up with scars, Admiral. Shepard's a survivor. That's the most important thing here.
Udina: I hear you, Captain Anderson, but still.... is that the type of person we can trust to protect the galaxy? And keep humanity's best interests at heart?
Anderson: The answer I'll give you Ambassdor? That's the type of person you want protecting the galaxy.
Leaving the last bit Donnel's question out intentionally, Anderson waited for Hackett to chime back in which the Systems Alliance Admiral wound up doing in rapid succession.
Hackett: I'm on board with this decision. Ambassador Udina?
Udina: I'll go ahead and make the call now.
In the 2148.... explorers on planet Mars discovered the remains of ancient spacefaring civilization. Now in the decades that followed this, these mysterious ruins and artifacts would reveal startling new technologies, enabling traveling to the furthest stars and cosmos. The basis of this advanced technology was a force that controlled the very fabric and elements of space and time. Some often call it greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy have often called it....
The SSV Normandy SR-1, fully known as the Systems Alliance Space Vehicle Normandy Stealth Reconnaissance-1 developed by the very best of the Turian Hierarchy, Alliance Military and full sponsorship from the Citadel Council passes by the Gas Giant known as Jupiter as Shepard began wading his way through the busying sea of fellow Normandy personnel, or rather his and CO's David Anderson's subordinates as a voice rings out over the intercom.
Joker: The Arcturus Prime Relay is within range. We are initiating the transmission sequence.
Jenkins: Commander Shepard.
Passing by Neptune, the relay, massive and unique in its design has an accompanying and dulcid light blue toned oculus as Joker, real name Jeff Moreau continually updates everyone on the situation.
Joker: We are connected, everyone. Calculating transit mass and destination. Standby. Acquiring approach vector, one last check. All right everyone, all stations secure for transit.
Shepard: Watch out, real quick.
We got our first real look at Shepard as his military grade equipment is shown prominently, his dreads also swinging back and forth while also being to the formal dress code of System Alliance standards. He also sports two firearms on his person with a pistol on his left flank and what appears to be a futuristic assault rifle way advanced from our times on the small of his back. And on the front of his armor was a large emblazoned N7 logo in silver and red on the right side.
Joker: Approach run has begun and the board is green. Hitting the relay.... in 3.... 2..... 1.....
And just as soon as the space-craft had hit the giant vessel.... the Normandy had just as quickly vanished from the Milky Way Galaxy to its intended destination.
Joker: All right.... thrusters... Check. Navigation. Check. Internal emissions sink are engaged. All systems are online. Drift? Just entering under 1500K
Just then, a turian who had been monitoring the helmsman of the Normandy, Nihlus looks on somewhat with a neutral to borderline pessimissm but passes it off as simple acknowledgement.
Nihlus: 1500K is good. Your Captain Anderson will be pleased.
Joker waits until he's sure the turian is absolutely gone or at least out of earshot so that he can finally get his thoughts out of him and make them be known.
Joker: I swear to God, I hate him.
It was then that Joker's co-pilot, Kaidan Alenko, a well-meaning young man gives Joker a look of concern and playful confusion, challenging him on his reasoning and apparent disdain of the Turian liaison.
Kaidan: Hang on.... I'm confused. He complimented your navigation skills, and you hate Nihlus?
Joker: Look Kaidan, you remember to zip up your jumpsuit after using the bathroom? That's nice, good and all. I just freakin' jumped us halfway across the galaxy into a brand new system at that! Not to mention, I hit a target the size of a pinhead. So that's by far superior! Besides, Spectres like Nihlus are trouble, call it a hunch or me just being paranoid, but I don't like having him on the ship.
Kaidan: You're paranoid, Jeff. Nihlus hasn't given us a reason to distrust him in the slightest. So calm down. The Council has every right to send one of their best to keep on their investment, seeing as how they funded the Normandy's construction.
Joker: Sure that's the official story. But only a hare-brained baboon would believe in the official story like sheep.
Shepard: You're always expecting the worst, Joker. You gotta learn to be somewhat optimistic.
Joker: Meh, no disrespect Commander, but bad feelings are an occupational hazard. We don't go anywhere unless there's a good reason... so what are we even doing here?
David Anderson: Joker! I need a status report, on the double!
Joker: Oh hey there, Captain Anderson! Just cleared the Mass Relay. Stealth systems are engaged and everything across the board is loking solid.
David Anderson: Good, nice work, Joker. Now work on finding us a comm buoy and link us into the network. I want all of the mission reports relayed to back Alliance brass before we even touch down on Eden Prime.
Joker: Aye-Aye Captain. But you might want to brace yourself. I think Nihlus was headed your way-
David Anderson: Nihlus has already arrived here, Flight Lieutenant. I need you to tell Commander Shepard to meet he and I in the comm room for debriefing.
Joker shakes his head, before turning to face his friend and immediate superior after Anderson, who is quickly snapped out of his thoughts upon his name being called.
Joker: You get all of that, Commander?
Shepard: I did, and based by that tone, it's safe to say something royally pissed off the Captain. I better not keeping him or Nihlus waiting, especially if it has to do with the mission.
Joker: Pssh. Captain always sounds like that when he's talking to me....
Kaidan: And I CAN'T imagine why, Joker.
Leaving the cockpit, Shepard immediately headed for the armory to check out his inventory, doing a quick one-two of his armor and weapon layout before making his way to the meeting room of the ship which was parallel to the cockpit as he overhears a conversation between Navigator Richard Pressly and Chief Engineer Gregory "Greg" Adams.
Navigator Pressly: I'm telling you, he was blazing out of the cockpit on mission. As if shot out of a damn cannon.
Chief Adams: And I keep telling you, Rich, he's a Spectre. Of course Nihlus is on a mission.
Navigator Pressly: And we're getting dragged along right with him! Who knows where's he liable to lead us.
Chief Adams: Just relax, Pressly. Thinking like this, it's gonna give you an ulcer.
Navigator Pressly: Oh! Commander Shepard, I didn't see you there, Sir! Looks like we had a smooth run and everything. You heading down to see Captain Anderson?
Shepard: As a matter of fact, I was, Pressly. But it seems you like you don't trust our turian guest. What's troubling you about Nihlus?
Navigator Pressly: I'm sorry, Commander. It's not that I don't want to trust, Nihlus. I'm just having a chat with our expert engineer, Adams. I didn't mean to broadcast my negative thinking and cause any trouble. But even you have to admit, something's amiss. The whole crew's feeling it.
Shepard: You think the Alliance Brass is holding out on Captain Anderson and I?
Navigator Pressly: I wouldn't say all that. I'm just saying.... if all we were meant to do was test Normandy's stealth system, why isn't Captain Anderson running the ship? And there's the matter of our quote on quote, "Turian Guest"? What about Nihlus? Spectres are elite operatives, the top covert agents of the Galaxy. Why send a Spectre, a turian SPECTRE at that, on a simple shakedown run? Something just isn't adding up.
After talking on various topics, Shepard eventually talked his subordinate down, easing Pressly's nerves.
Shepard: Don't worry. I'll see if I can get any answers when I find the Captain.
Navigator Pressly: All right. Good luck, Commander.
But before he could put hand to thermal hand scanner to get his recognition, a couple of his subordinates flagged him down and it gained his attention. These two were Doctor Karin Chakwas and Corporal Richard Jenkins. The latter soldier offers a salute and tight salute to his superior.
Corporal Jenkins: I grew up on Eden Prime, Doc. It's serene and peaceful there, it's not typically the type of place Spectres go to visit, ya know? I feel like Nihlus is definitely hiding something about the mission.
Doctor Chakwas: A load of hogwash. The Captain is command of the Normandy.... he wouldn't orders from a Spectre... would he?
Corporal Jenkins: I don't think it's his choice, Doc. Spectres don't answer to answer to any and I mean anyone. They get to do whatever they want, can kill whoever they need or want to to get their mission done.
Doctor Chakwas: And I'm convinced you watch too many spy vids, Jenkins.
Corporal Jenkins: Here let's ask the Commander. What do you think, Commander Shepard? We're not staying on Eden Prime too long, are we? I'm itching and hungry for some real action, Sir!
Doctor Chakwas: And it's your precise amount of overeagerness that lands more crew members in the infirmary being patched up more than just the standard check up post-mission. I sincerely hope you're kidding on this front, Corporal.
Shepard: Doctor Chakwas brings up a good point. You should probably calm yourself down and focus up, Jenkins. A good solider knows how to fight, but an even better one knows how to stay calm even under duress and fire.
Corporal Jenkins: Sorry about that, Commander. I just hate all this boring waiting on pins and needles. I've never really been on a mission like this before. Not with a real-life Spectre aboard.
Shepard: I overheard you both and you said you were from Eden Prime right, Jenkins? Is it idyllic as they make it out to be?
Corporal Jenkins: Like you wouldn't believe Commander. They've been really careful as of late with development, so you don't have to worry about city noise, traffic or pollution. Thing is though, my parents lived on the outskirts of the colony. There was this massive hill I would climb all the time at night, and then I'd just stare across the endless fields back at the lights from the main settlement. Serene and absolutely gorgeous but over time as I got older, I realized all that peace and tranquility was starting to wear on me. So I joined the ranks of the Alliance, life can get a little boring after a while.
Shepard: So. Any idea as to why Eden Prime was chose as our destination for this mission?
Rubbing his chin, Jenkins can't come up with a solid answer.
Corporal Jenkins: I wouldn't know, Commander. Eden Prime's been one of our more stable colonies. Good place to take the Normandy, I mean for her shakedown run is my assumption. No real danger there. But I just feel there's something more to the story than what we're being sold on. We've got a legitimate Spectre in our presence! You can see why I'm so wound up now. I can't wait for the real thing to start you know?!
Shepard: Listen, just treat like you would any other mission you would have gone on, trust your instincts and everything is going to shake out.
Corporal Jenkins: That's easy for you to say, Sir. You legitimately proved yourself on Akuze. Everyone knows what you're capable of. This is my big chance-
Shepard: Let me stop you right there, kid. You're a bright mind and an excellent soldier, Jenkins. Not to mention even younger than I am. Don't do something reckless or stupid that'll jeopardize the whole mission or worse, get you killed. You understand me? Everyone's coming back alive from Eden Prime. Plus, I try not to think about Akuze too much.
Jenkins: I'm- I'm sorry Commander. I didn't mean to touch that sore spot in your life. We all respect for what you did and endured there. I don't think even the most hardened soldier could survive that.
Seemingly getting to the spry and young Jenkins while talking about the Spectres and thoughts on Nihlus a little bit more, Shepard pressed the biometric scanner which read his hand signature to the exact T..... allowing him then access to the threshold between the main portions of the ship and the communications room of the SR-1. Awaiting him in the all but claustorphobic room was the Turian Spectre Agent overlooking the layout of Eden Prime from planetary orbit on the giant screen, along with other vital information displayed.
Shepard: Spectre Agent Nihlus.
Nihlus turns around, acknowledging the Commander politely but with neutrality.
Nihlus: Commander Shepard. I was hoping you arrived here first before Captain Anderson. It'll give us ample time to converse.
Shepard: Sure. What about?
Nihlus looks back at this screen before trading a more serious look with the lone Akuze Massarce survivor.
Nihlus: It's about this planet, Eden Prime. I overheard your conversation with Corporal Jenkins and he stated he was born there. I'm interested in this world. I've heard it's quite the marvel.
Shepard: Yes. They say Eden Prime is a paradise.
Nihlus: Indeed. Even for all this supposed tranquility, serenity and peace. Eden Prime has become a beacon of sorts for your people, yes? The mere proof that humanity are not only capable enough in establishing their own homes and colonies across the galaxy, but even moreso of protecting them. That begs the next question I'm about to ask Shepard and it doesn't pertain even to you but all of humankind. How safe is it all really?
Shepard analyzed the line of questioning, assessing it as both a half threat and real-deal motive.
Shepard: You know something that we don't? Share freely, Spectre Nihlus.
Nihlus: Forgive my bluntness, Commander Shepard, but I'll come out and say it so the sticks in the mud known as the Council don't beat it over the head like a dead horse. Your people are still relative newcomers, Shepard. The galaxy, as you very well know, can be a dangerous place. Is the Alliance truly ready for this?
Shepard: Ready for what?
The door slides vertically revealing the man behind the commands of the Normandy, former First Contact War hero of old, David Anderson, the mentor of Commander Shepard in his formal uniform.
David Anderson: Nihlus. I think it's about high time we really tell the commander the real purpose of this "shakedown run" you've initiated.
Shepard: You've been holding out on me too, Sir?
David Anderson: Far from it, Son.
Nihlus: Shepard... this mission that we're about to go on. There are far more consequences and implications for it to even be called a shakedown run.
Shepard: I figured as much. I just wish you two came to me, man to man, or rather in Nihlus's case, turian to man and let me know ahead of time.
Anderson quickly apologizes but begins to fill his apprentice in on the situation.
David Anderson: We're making a covert pick-up on Eden Prime. That's why I ordered Joker to activate the Normandy's stealth systems.
Shepard: There's got to be a reason why you didn't tell me about this, Captain.
David Anderson: Again Shepard, I couldn't. This comes straight down from Alliance brass. Strictly a need-to-know basis. What I can say though is a research team on Eden Prime unearthed some sort of ancient beacon during one of their more recent excavations. It was Prothean.
Shepard: I see. What else can you tell about the beacon then?
David Anderson: This is huge news, Shepard. If you recall, when humanity last made a discovery such as something this grand, it jumped forward our technology damn near two hundred years. Yet even then, Eden Prime doesn't have the necessary resources to handle something this unique. Which is why the Normandy is tasked with bringing back the beacon to the Citadel for further examination and proper studying.
Nihlus: And as you could have already predicted by my presence Shepard, this goes beyond just simple human interests. This newly discovered beacon could affect all known species in the Milky Way Galaxy and Council Space..
Shepard: And had we kept it for ourselves-
Nihlus: Humans... don't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to things like this. Not since the infamous First Contact War that shed so much innocent human and turian blood. Most beings of both species are still highly distrustful of one another.
David Anderson: And sharing the beacon over with the Council is a surefire way to improve relations with all the races. It could also help combining the absolute best scientific minds from all species who wish to partake in this discovery and their expertise. They happen to know more about the Protheans than we ever could.
Nihlus: And yet it's not the only reason I'm here, Commander.
Shepard: Come again, there's another motive for your happening here, Nihlus?
David Anderson: That's right Shepard. Nihlus wants to see you action in the field.... he is here to evaluate you.
Shepard: Evaluate.... me? I should've figured that. It would explain why he and I keep bumping into one another in the weirdest of times.
David Anderson: Humanity's been on the doorstep for a very long time now, Shepard and we're about to kick the door down. We scratched, bled and dug our way for this. We want a larger say in how the interstellar politics carry on. We want to have more sway and say with the Citadel Council. Which is why this your official field candidacy test for potential SPECTRE consideration, son. They represent the Council's authority and unlimited power. If we can get just one human inducted within those ranks, it would show just how far the Alliance as a whole has come.
Nihlus: It goes without saying, not many could have survived the harrowing incident of Akuze quite like you did, Shepard. That tragedy not only developed a great warrior but showed an indomitable will to live and carry his fallen teammates' legacy. That in of itself is a most useful talent or quality. Hence why as Captain Anderson stated, I put your name forward for potential SPECTRE consideration.
While on the inside, he was gushing and beaming like a moron, whilst trying to fight back the many butterflies in his system, Shepard kept it absolutely composed as he looked at Spectre and mentor.
Shepard: Just tell me what I have to do next, Nihlus.
Nihlus: It's nothing too serious. I just need to see all of your skills for myself. Eden Prime is going to be the first of many missions we go on together and I'll update the Council on your strengths, weaknesses and so forth.
David Anderson: You'll be in charge of the ground team tasked with securing the beacon, Shepard. Do so and get it aboard the Normandy ASAP. Nihlus will be accompanying you and the team as a ghost of sorts, just observing.
Shepard: I'm all ready to go. Let's get the rest of the team settled up. Go ahead and give the word, Captain Anderson, Sir.
David Anderson: The good news is we should be approaching near Eden Prime's-
Joker: Captain Anderson! We've got a problem.
Joker, his voice sounding a little more worried than what everyone is accustomed to out of him, rings into the comm room as the three men tune in.
David Anderson: What's wrong, Joker?
Joker: It's a transmission from Eden Prime, Sir. You might wanna get a good look at this.
David Anderson: Patch it through, we're still in the meeting room!
Jeff does what is asked of him, and soon a hellish motion picture paints itself on the monitor, gunfire is being exchanged a lone standing female soldier with harried voices in the background. Soon, the woman stares the person from their point of view down, seeing them in the line of new dangerous yet mysterious fire and immediately throws herself in front of them, diving onto the ground together.
And after a few seconds... everything begins to clear up for Nihlus, Anderson and Shepard with another soldier breaking onto the screen.
Male Soldier: We are under attack, I repeat! We are under heavy gunfire... sustaining heavy casualties and high mortality rate! REPEAT! HEAVY CASUALTIES! We can't hold out- ARGGGGGHHHH! Need a desperate evac unit! THESE BASTARDS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!
And that's when they see it on screen. A large mechanical and red energy crackling ship in the vein of an octopus descending onto Eden Prime, before the video feed cuts out entirely.
Joker: Everything just cuts out after that. No comm traffic at all, nothing. Just flat-lined on me. Nothing there.
David: Joker! Do me a favor and reverse the video and hold it 38.5.
Joker: As you command, Captain.
It takes a few seconds.... but Joker succeeds in bringing the video back to the moment the giant monstrosity is displayed in a video still fashion. Nihlus's mandible claws twitch, with Shepard despite being cool in the moment, felt a trace of a sweat bead fall from his face.
David Anderson: Status report, Joker.
Joker: We're right sitting at an ETA of seventeen minutes, Captain. And we'll be going in alone, no other Alliance ships in the area.
David Anderson: All right.... take us in Joker. Fast and quiet. This mission of ours just got a lot more complicated and disturbing.
Nihlus: Agreed, however a small strike team should be the most optimal way to go without drawing any major attention. It would also be our best chance to secure that beacon.
David Anderson: All right everyone. Grab your gear and meet in the cargo hold. Shepard, I need you to round up Lieutenant Alenko and Corporal Jenkins. Tell them to suit up. You're going in hot.
After roughly ten minutes of prep time, the Normandy finally arrives within the orbit of Eden Prime, the birthplace of Jenkins.
Joker: Engaging Stealth Systems. Whoa.... someone was doing some major digging here, Captain.
And within the Normandy's cargo hold in the very last layer of her.....
David Anderson: Your team is the serious muscle here, Shepard. I want you to solely carve a path to the Prothean Beacon no matter who gets in your way.
Kaidan: What about the possibility of survivors, Captain?!
David Anderson: If you can find any, alert us. But that is nothing more than the secondary objective here, Alenko! The only thing that matters in this situation is the beacon.
Joker: Attention! Approaching Drop Point One!
Jenkins: Nihlus, you're coming with us?
Nihlus giving his guns and armor one last checkup confirms his suspicions as he doesn't look at the humans.
Nihlus: I work better on my lonesome, Corporal Jenkins. I'll be scouting ahead.
As the turian hits the ground running, Anderson gives his second-in-command and his subordinates the run down.
David Anderson: As he stated just now, Nihlus will be moving on his own to scout ahead. He's going to be feeding each of you three, status reports on the mission. Otherwise if it's not Shepard or Nihlus. I want complete radio silence!
Shepard: We'll have his back, Captain! Don't worry.
David salutes his men giving Shepard last minute affirmations and orders....
David Anderson: The mission is solely yours now, Shepard. Good luck and be careful.
And when all is said and done, the Normandy drops Shepard, Kaidan and Richard off in a less than ideal spot but it's one of a lot of wiggle room and camouflage.
Joker: We are circling above drop point two right now.
End of Chapter One!
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