Sick day
(A.N. Yaaaas I get a snow day so I'll try to update like twice today)
Todoroki [POV]
My stomach growled but I didn't want to leave Izuku.
"Izuku come here" I instructed sitting up from the bed
"What?" He sat up too and I kissed him on the lips, he laughed "Shoto you're an idiot"
"Why I just affection" I insisted with a pout
"So you go your entire life you barely know what love is but now you're in a relationship and you become the most loving affectionate puppy dog there is" He leaned back and I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him into my lap (A.N. with the height of these two everyone makes it as like Deku is like a foot shorter than Todoroki but in reality Todoroki is only three inches taller than him but do I care? No)
"So" I rested my chin on his head "I love you"
"I love you too but this is totally out of character for you" he insisted
"Everything in these past few weeks was out of character I drank your blood" I laughed
"I can drink your blood" He challenged
"No you've gotta stay clean" I scolded wrapping my arms around his waist tighter
"I know I know I was kidding" he insisted with a smile tilting his head back looking at me
"You know that fang toothed smile doesn't suite you" I commented kissing him on the forehead
"You don't even show your teeth when you smile" He countered playfully "Except at the sports festival but that kind of just looked like you wanted to murder me"
"I put the hot in psychotic" I responded with a laugh
"You really do" he agreed giggling I yawned my stomach growling again
"Are you hungry?" He asked nuzzling into me
"No" I lied
"Liar I heard your stomach growl" He accused
"You didn't hear anything" I shook my head
"You're human now you've gotta eat real food"
"I know that Izuku I have been human before" I stretched my arms above my head "I guess I'm more tired than hungry"
"That's because you completely murdered your sleep scheduled and your eating habits" he scolded
"Yeah yeah okay mom" I rolled my eyes pulling away from him coughing again
"You've been coughing up blood don't you think you should go to the doctors or something?" he asked
"You drink blood and so did I, I think it's just to get it out of my system" I explained
"Maybe your having a lung failure?" He suggested
"Oh shut up I'm fine" I smacked him upside the head "My lungs work fine"
"Are you sure about that?" He asked
"Yes" I took a deep breath blowing on him his hair ruffling
"Maybe maybe not" He shrugged I looked down at my hands realizing how much blood I had on them. I scooted away standing up
"I'm going to go wash up I've got blood everywhere" I told him
"M'Kay" he nodded as I walked out of the room going down the empty dorm hallway to the bathroom. It was weird for no one else to be in the dorms because everyone was in class. I turned on the tap washing my hands looking at myself in the mirror. I rubbed my neck the previous scar was open all over again blood dripped out. I grabbed a wash cloth and put it under the tap pouring some soap on it. I washed the dried blood off my chest, neck, arms and face. I ran my fingers through my hair nervously. I didn't like this I didn't want any of this to happen I was starting to get used to being a vampire and now I'm back human and Izuku has to deal with it now. I walked back to my dorm room. Izuku had fallen asleep on the bed the sheets tangled around him. I grabbed both of our shirts from the floor and draped it over the back of my desk chair. I opened my closet putting on a clean T-shirt. I climbed into bed next to him wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Shoto?" he mumbled
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I apologized
"It's alright" he snuggled up against my
"Go back to sleep" I instructed
"Mhm" He hummed in response, he fell asleep a few minutes later his breathing steady and calm. I couldn't fall asleep though I stayed awake listening to his breathing. After a while there was a soft knock on the door. I let go of Izuku hoping not to wake him up as I sat up.
"Todoroki, Midoriya how are you two feeling?" Uraraka asked opening the door slowly I looked at Izuku
"Izuku is asleep now so that's a good sign right?" I asked with a smile
"Yeah I guess so but how are you feeling?" she asked coming into the room shutting the door quietly behind her
"I've felt better" I responded
"You were covered in blood this morning was that yours or?" she trailed off
"That was my blood" I explained
"Where did it come from?" she gasped out
"I was just coughing up blood that's all no big deal" I scratched at the back of my neck
"No big deal? Todoroki that's a huge deal" she exclaimed I pressed my pointer finger to my lips
"Shh" I hissed looking back at Izuku he was still sleeping "He needs this sleep don't wake him"
"Sorry but you can't say that's no big deal people aren't supposed to cough up blood" she responded
"I think it was just my body rejecting it or something" I explained broadly
"What are you talking about?" She raised one eyebrow
"I don't know how this happened but I turned Izuku" I explained to her sheepishly
"What? Like into a vampire?" She asked her eyes wide with surprise
"Uh yeah I don't know how it happened or why but...," I trailed off unsure of what to say
"Are you two okay?"
"Uh yeah we're fine why?"
"Because that just it...., seems painful" She fidgeted with her hands
"yeah it's kinda painful but Izuku's been strong at least he's been stronger than I have" I looked at him smiling weakly
"Don't put yourself down like that you hid it for two weeks before you finally broke no one even suspected a thing but we were concerned why you weren't eating" she insisted
"Yeah but I was in pain the whole two weeks like horrible pain he doesn't seem like he's in pain at all except for his headache" I rubbed my eyes "I'm happy though I don't want him to be in pain, I don't want him to suffer like I did"
"Todoroki if you were suffering you could have told one of us" She insisted
"I know but there was something that was keeping me from looking for your help" I shrugged
"What was that?"
"My fear of rejection" I scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly, Uraraka froze her expression softening
"Why would you think that we would reject you?"
"Well it's all in the past now not much we can do to change the past now can we?" I laughed nervously
"I know that Todoroki but we still need to talk about that why on earth would you be afraid that we would reject you" she pressed on I looked down at my lap chewing on my lower lip
"Todoroki" she started again
"I-" I clenched my jaw feeling tears forming in the corners of my eyes
"your family?"
"My father would have killed me if he found out about it" I insisted "I'm just a disappointment to him I was a vampire, I'm freaking gay Uraraka if my dad found out what do you think he would do?"
"You're afraid of your father? But what happened-"
"That doesn't matter none of it matters if my father found out about anything that happened this year at U.A. that wasn't on the news he would kill me I just didn't want the same thing to happen here, school is really my only escape where I can actually feel wanted" I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes "But when I was bitten...,"
"You felt like you couldn't belong, that you'd be rejected like home all over again?" she finished for me
"Todoroki why would you think that we've accepted you for everything heck everyone thought you were gay before you even realized it and they accepted you for that" she told me
"I know but I guess it's hard to switch that mindset that I've lived with my entire life"
"Todoroki I understand I mean I know I will never be able to understand what goes on in your head but just remember none of us here are like your father, not even Bakugo" she walked over putting her hand on my shoulder "Lunch time is almost over I should go, get some rest Todoroki"
"Yeah.....," I heard Uraraka leave shutting the door quietly. I swallowed hard laying back down next to Izuku.
"Is that really how you feel?" Izuku asked slowly
"You were awake? Why didn't you say anything?" I asked
"I didn't want to interrupt your conversation but was that really how you felt?" he asked again
"Don't worry about that Izuku go back to sleep I'm tired and we both need rest" I wrapped my arms around him
"I love you I promise I'll never leave you" he promised
"I love you too" I shut my eyes tight falling asleep after a few minutes of silence.
(A.N. so yeah I've got an idea that is REALLY cruel so we'll just see where this story goes to see if I could use that idea or not but I could write myself into a completely different ending but we'll just wait and see I am a horror writer after all)
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