Chapter Twenty Two: Underestimated
No One's POV:
The night was young as the clicks of boots and the hushed chatter of people walked into the almost basement like club.
Inside was a bit perculiar, there were men who lined the halls as the security team or at least the shirts labeled them as such and there was no merchandise for the about to perform up and coming band.
The lights were low in illumination and phone uses had been banned, which was the case with all the shows.
The popular theory being the band had anxiety and wanted to remain anonymous which further went on to explain the strange masks they all wore.
The lights cut off as the stage lights came on and excitement could be shared that no one noticed one of the security team locking the door to the club, the only known exit.
The curtains drawed...
"AAAAAAAAH!" A woman screamed in horror as the crowd stared at one another as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing, one boy in the middle looked pale and almost nauseous.
The band for once didn't wear clown inspired masks, thought to be a reference to the criminal group DICE and rather than wearing their usual costumes prison like white clothing, all chained to the floor by their hands and ankles forcing them to almost kneel except for a member in the center.
They recognized her instantly despite the drastic change in appearance, the lead singer. Her long once waist reach hair had been cut horribly, and some thought she was missing several fingers the rest bandaged. Almost her entire body was covered in blood stained bandages and scabbed over wounds and it was clear she could barely even stand as her fist clenched it.
A small dagger like knife.
Her sole eye not covered by a bandage looked out at the crowd with a manic and hungry look, "where...?" Her raspy voice asked.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" She finally screeched, her body trembled and seem to fight against her fury as she searched the lines of people who were dispering some reaching for phones that they realized they had left just outside the entrance.
Fear washed over them as the girl smiled cruelly.
"Found you Saihara" she teased, her voice almost sounded sweet as she twirled the dagger in her hand as she lept towards the navy haired detective, her movements were far to slow and staggered however but maniacally she repeatedly tried to stab the detective.
"Masako! Stop! I don't understand!" The detective pleaded trying his best to avoid her repeated attacks and calm the girl down.
The security guards watched on, as two back up detectives or cops revealed themselves from among the crowd and rushed to aid their boss.
"I WANT THIS TO END ALREADY! hurts so fucking much!" The girl sobbed, her attacks less frequent as her body seemed to be losing it's adrenaline.
"Masako, I'm not your enemy and you know that, it's Ace so please just put down the knife" Saihara pleaded trying to multitask calming the manic young woman down and call off his soldiers.
"You killed them..." she mumbled, "you killed them..." she carried those words with an unwavering conviction as she stared him down only her teary eyes broke the image.
"I didn't. I didn't kill them. I'm responsible and am to blame for many things, but I'm not responsible for killing those members. I didn't do anything, so fault me for that" he said, his voice carried some guilt over a three year old tragedy.
"It hurts" she muttered, still attacking but without nearly as much passion or anger as before, she didn't act like a human with her attacks instead more like a doll that was forced to act and play the part.
"It hurts to lose people you loved...doesn't it?" The detective asked, empathy radiating from him, "every day wanting to just hear their voice one last time, to see them smile, you have so many things you thought you should have said, and blame yourself for anything you did say. And every single night you wonder if they knew how much you cared about them, you understand...don't you? That horrible sense of guilt was their last gifts so we never would forget their existence. That their lives did matter! So please Masako, calm down...I know you're scared...and angry...but it doesn't have to stay like this so please..." the detective finally stoppsd dodging as the brokens girls eyes met the floor.
He reached out his hand, "trust me? Just one more time" he pleaded. The girl flinched at those words, her scarred arms hung numbly by her sides as her legs looked close to giving out. She finally looked up to meet him in the eyes...only for a low and cold voice to call out.
"That isn't how we rehearsed Masako" she scolded, the woman wore a black and almost sexy office worker get up and impractical kitty black heels, her white wigged hair stood out against her outfit. She wore a silvery white mask embroidered with her calling card, the ace of hearts. Her pale lilac eyebrows stuck out like a sore thumb against the monochromatic color palette.
"Come here, now" she ordered, she didn't even need to raise her voice as Masako as if like a dog came reluctantly to her side.
The woman smiled, "well oh well, I thought my newest pet could've taken care of the detective problem, I suppose I didn't train them well enough. Shame." The woman said tiredly.
"Well maybe there won't be a need for bloodshed, hand him over" she requested, "hand who over?" The detective asked playing dumb.
The womans eyebrows scrunched in annoyance, "the phantom thief, your companion"
The nearby crowd panicked at the sight of the armed figure as she revealed a small handgun from her suit pocket and placed the young and battered girl in a choke hold.
The girl didn't respond with fear only dread.
"Tell me where he is" she asked with a small smile, as if it was intended to be sweet.
The detective only sighed. "Was this really your grand master plan?" He asked, "I don't follow" the woman responded as the began a circle like movements and stance.
"This, everything that has happened, why? Why did you send all of those pictures and notes? Why did you send all these when you could have just left one of your men to kidnap him that way. Like how you took DICE, I never could understand you because of that...until I realized.
"You couldn't just take him because you knew I would look for him, you knew I was one of the most well protected men in the country. You knew that if I died also, traces would fall back onto you and others would continue the search. A never ending chase.
"So...what better way of making it so I wouldn't even know he was missing...then to split us up?" He concluded.
The woman grinned, "well, you did that on your own, I just provided a reason" she responded coldly.
The detective looked remorseful, "you're right sadly. I did. I underestimated my partner, I didn't take into account his determination and willingness. did you..." he said with a small grin.
"What?" She asked confused.
She turned around to face the stage.
She was too late.
Her guards had been knocked down and the face of the phantom thief remained. With his checkered suit and hat, his hair pulled into the familar style. Only his mask was different, it was the mask of another member.
The Jester mask of a dearly lost friend.
Ace looked on in horror as she realized that the members had been picklocked out of their restraints aiding each other to stare her down, two people also stood next to the thief.
Miu Iruma, a famed inventor with some weird gun probably used against the guards and a robot who just looked down sad at the sight.
"Hi Mio"
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