Chapter Nine: Tunnels.
Mirai's POV:
"It smells like rotten shit down here" I groaned as we trudged through the tiny tunnel, even I had trouble making my way through and Nao...
We might need to leave a sacrifice...
"Wow what a great observation by our one and only princess" Nao replied, "fuck you" I muttered.
"Sorry honey I believe in abstinence before marrige" Nao snorted, wow he's actually laughing at his own jokes...sad.
With god knows how long we had finally constructed a long escape tunnel leading from wherever we were held to...
Yeah this plan sounds bad in hindsight as we just digged in random zigzag directions until we had finally found the sewer systems.
After a few days of careful navigating we then discovered a way out to the main city and hopefully after that we would somehow find Saihara and be scott free.
We must have planned this out and dug for maybe a year now which scared me... what do we do if this doesn't work...?
Nope, nope, fuck you self doubt. No. Not today you bastard.
"Do you think they've realized we're gone yet?" Tsuki asked nervously, "probably? Who knows it's nighttime technically so maybe they just think we're sleeping. I mean we did the prison movies pillow trick so it's gotta work!" Takura insisted.
"We're doomed" I groaned, "they're going to realize we left when they don't hear Genkei snoring!" I panicked.
"Hey! I do not snore...that loudly..." Genkei argued, "oh crud Mirai's right pick up the pace already and shut the fuck up so they don't hear us alright?" Nao quickly instructed.
I hate it when that oaf is right but I shut my mouth as we trudged further. The tunnels must have gone on for an entire hour before we finally saw the manhole Genkei had found a week prior.
"I see the light! God take me now!" Genkei joked laughing, "ah quit lying we're all going down to hell" I snarked.
"I hate it when you're right, ok let's bust this popsicle- oh fuck." Genkei muttered his face going pale.
"What? What's wrong?" Takura asked, "someone is standing on the god damn manhole" Genkei muttered terrified.
"OH COME ON!" Nao screamed, "bang on it till they move or something!" I screamed at him, "What do you think I'm doing?! Ugh no amount of soap is ever going to clean this..." Genkei groaned disgusted as he frequently banged on the door over and over again.
"MOVE! PLEASE! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! PLEASE!" He begged as we all joined on the screaming.
The lid slid open to a bright morning light...
The blood drained out of my face as we were face to face with one of the guards, holding his gun staring at us with a cold stare.
Genkei looked on horrified for a second before trying to fight him off with one had, the other still clinging to the metal ladder.
The two wrestled for control of the gun, Tsuki and Eiji had thought fast and started throwing rocks at the man Geneki was fighting which slowed him down as Takura stood panicked hyperventalating.
"Uhh guys..." Nao muttered...
Three guards emerged from the tunnels with their guns pointed at us. Genkei kept fighting though until he was thrown from off the ladder hitting his head hard against the cement floor.
"GENKEI!" Takura screamed running over to his side cradling the passed out boy.
Tsuki had paled from the sight but Eiji and Nao still had rocks and were throwing them desperately and sporadically in vain.
They raised their guns...
I raised my hands to the air and kneeled on the floor, "we surrender"
"I said who planned this!" The head guard screamed as he smacked Tsuki again with the whip, "AAAGH!" She screamed out as we thrashed against our restraints.
"LEAVE HER ALONE ALREADY!" I screamed, "then tell me which one of you is the one who planned the escape? I know there's a leader among you so come out now and maybe I'll let you off a little easier" he demanded, a cold and ruthless bloodlust in his eyes.
"It was me" I whispered, "what was that?" He teased, smiling sadistically "It was me, let them go they didn't even want to go through with it but I made them." I told him, a strange sense of calmness was in my voice despite my sweating hands.
"Good girl, see was it really that hard to tell the truth?" He asked as he threw Tsuki to the floor who groaned her entire back covered in blood...
"MIRAI!" Nao screamed as he approached me grabbing me, "I ain't gonna do anything" I muttered as he led me away somewhere, "separate them, clearly we have been allowing the prisoners to much leeway" the man instructed as his goons did his bidding.
Nao screamed for me, I'd never seen him look so scared before...I turned my attention back to the hallway and accepted my punishment.
"WHAT?! Miri you never watched anime before?!" Sanyu asked shocked. I shrugged.
"It looked boring" I told her as we stared at a store window with small TV's showing some kind of show.
Sanyu stared on mesmerized, "WOW! LOOK! That kid has a weird metal arm" She squealed excitedly.
"We had a really big TV back home, but we only played documentaries..." I told her.
"That sounds boring" Sanyu groaned. I shrugged, "someday I wanna have a big room just for watching anime! Oooh and to have candy in! And then I'd live there forever!" She told me excited.
"That sounds weird..." I mumbled, "why wouldn't you wanna do something you love though? Right? The grown ups always told me that what they did for fun was love!" She insisted.
"..." Sanyu then suddenly went quiet, her eyes were still glued to the screen but her mind seemed miles away.
"Are...are you ok...?" I asked timidly, Sanyu immediately perked up laughing "hah! Sorry I guess I shouldn't do stuff I love" she told me walking away.
"Why?" I asked, "because love hurts...I don't like it..." She told me plainly, "I don't understand..."
"To love is to touch, that's what they told me...they loved expressing their love to us kids by hugging us...kissing us...
"If that's what love is, if it's really that cold gross thing...then I don't wanna love people" She told me, "sorry Miri!" She apologized.
I grabbed her hand, Sanyu immediately started blushing, "'s warm..." I mumbled, "guess that means we hate each other..." I joked dryly as I let go walking off.
Sanyu kept blushing.
... that really what you're supposed to feel...?
Tiredly I opened my eyes against the black sea, my whole body felt heavy, "what...what's...?" I asked.
"OH THANK GOD THE OMEGA BITCH LIVES!" Nao screamed victoriously.
Fuck you.
"Nao! She just woke up and that's the first thing you say to her?!" Tsuki scolded, "I pledge my allegiance oh mighty one" Nao joked.
"You're giving me a headache..." I groaned, "wow Nao you're the worst" Genkei told him.
"Honestly though...that was pretty stupid of you" Genkei told me, "someone had to beat your guys record..."
"Still, you didn't have to do that..." he mumbled, "sorry...I just decided...till Kokichi comes back for us..
"I'm usurping"
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