Chapter Four: My Responsibility
Ouma's POV:
"I'll save them..."
I couldn't sleep that night, no matter what Saihara tried whether that be making me chamomile tea once I had finally calmed down or even prepared a lavender bath and doing his best to calm my nerves.
I bundled the sheets closer to my chest hugging them in a way, are you mad at me...? Is this my punishment for not reaching out to you guys after...after...
My grip grew tighter as I finally got out of bed accepting a restless night and headed over to the kamidana, sitting on it was a photo of Chiasa and Kazue.
This was a picture Riko took to embarass them when they went on their first date, it was some sort of festizal and Chiasa was wearing a kimono and after enough begging, Kazue a ukata.
Chiasa had a big smile on her face as she made a peace sign at the camera, she had in her words 'dolled up' for the occasion and Kazue had one of his rare smiles as he looked down at her rather than the camera.
He was so embarassed when he figured out we developed the photos, he went around chasing Riko for them as Chiasa laughed.
I sat down and prayed, my hands cupped tightly as I closed my eyes.
I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry that you guys died because of me...if I could take it back, you guys would still be here right would be happy...
But...I can't change what please...please watch over I can save everyone I can save our family.
I opened my eyes not really knowing if my words reached them as I turned to the balcony, the cold autumn breeze blew the curtains a little as it had creaked open slightly.
I drew the door open more, and admired the view of the district and the way the moon shined over it painting it in a calm ocean blue.
Saihara...I know you want me to stay do nothing but...
I can't do that. I can't just sit around useless again while my family is being held hostage and who knows what is happening to them?!
I can't...I won't stand down...because...
I'm their supreme leader.
And I always will try to be their leader...till the bitter end...
My eyes glanced back at the kamidana...for their sake.
It was around five in the morning. Fifteen minutes after Saihara left for work I'd gotten ready. I was wearing casual clothing until I got down to the old underground where I would change out for a mask and a disguise, I ended up deciding not to go as the phantom thief.
Chiasa died as the phantom thief in order for me to have a better life, so I'm sure as hell not going to ruin her sacrifice by taking up the mask.
Even if I wanted to, it would require me breaking into the police station for it, as it was collected off her body as evidence.
My chest hurt.
The dark almost winter night chilled me to my bones, rain poured down but I ignored it and just allowed myself to be soaked.
It was like slipping back into an old routine, sure the district was different than Tokyo but if you knew what you were looking for it was easy.
That even though for the past years I had been pampered, well fed, and loved my body remembered what it was like to starve for weeks but laugh it off, to be sick and keep your head up high till you passed out from exhaustion, and how to run like hell and avoid unnecessary conflict.
I would use those last skills more than likely.
I ended up descending down into an abandoned portside area, where items of unknown origins were held.
I could see some drug deals taking place, along with what seemed to be one star nightclubs, the booze and drugs in the air was almost nostalgic.
Some people mumbled languages I didn't understand as I looked for anything that could be connected to Ace.
I didn't have much to go off of really, even if I had wanted to join the syndicate due to the lack of a location to meet them or where to go to join. All they had left was a calling card of the Ace of hearts in a card game.
I didn't even know what exactly Ace did, or what kind of crime they participated in so it made it harder to know what questions to ask or what areas I could avoid.
The cold wind burned on my skin when I finally noticed what looked like a pawn shop, a bit past the psuedo black market.
My eyes widened as I looked at a pair of headphones on display. These headphones had been clearly used with a few scratches, a purple color and had painted on drawings of chess pieces and other game motifs, it was a model the previous owner had spent months saving up for and honored as if it was a part of their religion.
It was Mirai's headphones, the same pair she had been carrying when she left the warehouse that night.
My eyes glued on the item I immediately headed inside, the bell chiming my arrival.
From the backroom a man entered wiping some kind of vintage wine glass as I made my way over to him, headphones in hand.
"That'll cost you bout 2000¥" he said barely looking at the item or even seeming to care about my still masked face as I grabbed a notepad from my pocket.
Where did you get this?
"Eh? You mute or deaf kid?" He asked glancing down, "oh wait if you deaf look at me confused or ready to punch me in the balls" he joked half hardly, I rolled my eyes.
Something along the sorts, can you tell me where you got it?
"Eh from a buddy of mine in Okinawa" he told me, "bunch of kids were pawning off their stuff, this was the only thing of real value though. My buddy has a soft spot of kids though, let them off with more than they should have for the piles of crap they offered him" he told me taking out a lighter for his cigarette.
Okinawa? What's the name of the shop?
"Eh? Called Yen for Days, why? You friends with those kids. Let me tell you, ain't gonna find them that easily this trade off was bout a year ago" he told me.
That's more than I had.
I slapped some yen on the table and grabbed the headphones as he counted my money.
"You be safe now alright princess?" He joked as I stared daggers at him, he blew a puff of smoke in the air as I felt my chest tighten.
Gripping them tighter I headed back into the cold rain.
You think I would learn not to stumble into alleys or get lost after a life like mine, I wish you were right.
But getting lost is my specialty, and with me only going to two locations in the years I had lived here it wasn't really a surprise.
I leaned against the alley wall rubbing my hands together for any source of warmth, the day had passed and it was night. I hadn't even realized how long it took me just to find the market, it must have been half a day at least and the rest passed by without a passing glance.
I held back the urge to vomit as my chest tightened, it was so cold that I couldn't feel my fingers anymore and the rain had only continued the alleyway providing me limited shelter.
Keep it together...I can't make Shuichi worry...I have to get home...home before...before he...
I...need to go...just...a quick nap...then...I'll go...just...
Saihara's POV:
I searched around terrified, fear had completely taken over my composure as I ran around aimlessly. People stared confused but said nothing and offered no aid.
I had left early in the morning for work, and to get the old files on the phantom thief members.
My coworkers had been shocked by my sudden investment but I knew they weren't the gossip type so hopefully the press wouldn't get involved.
By the time I had gotten home it was past ten, but the second I stepped through the door I knew something was wrong.
When Kokichi had gotten for all extent and purposes under temporary house arrest shortly after being discharged from the hospital he had sort of become a house wife.
He cleaned when he wasn't to tired or going through one of his depressive episodes, and also prepared dinner for us.
But when I had gotten home, I didn't smell anything. I didn't think anything for a few seconds, assuming he was in bed due to the letter from the day before. I could never blame him for that though...
But then I realized his shoes were gone.
Koko only had one pair of shoes, if you didn't count slippers, and the instant I saw that they were gone I had ran out of the house and called his phone over and over again only to be immediately met with voicemail.
Kokichi...where are you?! Did you really go out to find them...? I told you I would handle this so why...?
He still doesn't trust me...because I already failed him. I promised to protect his organization back then...that was his dying wish back then...but I failed...
Why did I expect him to trust me now?
As the rain continued to blind me I slowed down, my sadness washing over me along with guilt before I turned to the side to see...
A young man slouching against an alley wall with a pale complexion, his lips were turning blue and his clothes were soaked as he clutched in his hands some kind of mask.
"K-KOKICHI?!" I screamed rushing over to his side as he barely opened his eyes to see me, his hand twitched as he tried to reach for me.
"Sh..." he mumbled before he groaned in pain, I quickly picked him up bridal style, he was absolutely freezing.
"You're going to be alright...we're going home ok? And you'll be fine...just stay awake...stay awake...." I pleaded wrapping my jacket around him as he clung onto it for warmth, he didn't seem consciously aware of what was going on though as I walked us back home.
All the while he dropped the mask he had for some reason but clung as tight as he seemed able to a pair of headphones.
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