Chapter Five: Stay
Saihara's POV:
Struggling I tried to open the door while holding Kichi, it took a bit of elbow grease and pure ingenuity but eventually it creaked open as I shut it behind us with my foot and kicked off my shoes at the entrance.
Kokichi was out cold, as he seemed to cling onto me unconsciously for warmth, with a prominent fever and labored breathing and seeing him like this was tearing me to shreds.
"It's's going to be ok we're home now..." I mumbled outloud to myself, guilt flooding my body which each step I took with how I let things end up like this.
Wasn't it just yesterday I got engaged to him? And now he's barely able to breath because I failed him in some way.
I always managed to find some sort of way to do that, whether it be my incompetence during the phantom thief case or not realizing I was the reason he had Hanahaki all those years ago.
I'm an idiot.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself! He needs us right now so get your act together and take care of him already!
Carefully I took Koko to our bathroom taking off all his rain soaked clothing, I was going to need to mop the floors later, and changed him into his pajamas. His eyes occasinally fluttered open dazed as he tried to figure out what was going on but it was clearly to much for him.
After making sure he was dry I put him in our bed and bundled him up inside the covers, it barely did anything for his shivering body "Kokichi...I'm going to get some tea for you alright? Just rest...ok?" I told him quietly as I finally broke away from him.
Kokichi opened his eyes weakily as he reached for me and it took all the strength I had to keep going.
Gathering all the medicine, tea, and other random things I could think of I returned to the room and set them on the beside table.
"Koko?" I asked, looking at the little leader, he opened his eyes weakily, mouthing out my name "it's's me...I brought you some tea ok? It's gonna warm you up" I told him as I helped him sit upright, he devoured it almost and even still clung to the warmth of the mug afterwards.
What were you doing out there? Why...why didn't you stay home...?
I held back my questions and avoided eye contact with him so he couldn't see my disappointment.
After feeling a slight tap though I looked back up, 'headphones?' Kokichi asked, with shaky hands and a sleepy expression, I pointed to where they were along with my other work belongings.
"Don't worry they're that why you went out?" I asked carefully. He didn't answer instead he just looked down at his empty cup.
"Kokichi...please talk to me, just tell me why...please..." I begged, my voice was hoarse.
'I'm tired' was his only reply before he sank back into the covers, closing his eyes and rolling away from me. Occasionally coughs escaped him as I drew circles on his back, he hugged a nearby pillow and on any other day it would have looked adorable.
I held myself back again, "does your chest hurt? If it's really bad we can get your medication, or maybe call a doctor?" I suggested.
He shook his head though I wasn't convinced entirely as I grabbed his pill canister and handed them over to him, "I have some water if you need it" I told him.
He took them hesitantly, nearly choking on them till I practically forced him to drink the water.
He's so stubborn...
"If you're worse tomorrow you're going to the doctor ok? You know what he said about you getting sick- and it's flu season at that" I reminded him.
He almost rolled his eyes at me. I sighed and got up intending to go and clean the mess I had left with our arrival, however I found myself being held back with a weak grip and a pale arm.
Furiously blushing, and maybe it wasn't just because of the fever, Kokichi held on as if for dear life. His sapphire ring twinkling in the dim lighting.
Stay he mouthed out, a silent plea in his eyes as he seemed to let down a bit of his walls if only for one night. I immediately gave up on cleaning as Kokichi scooted over and we both laid down on the bed, as he clung to me like some sort of koala.
I'm going to get sick aren't I....? Oh doesn't matter...I just need him to he safe and happy...I don't even need the truth...I don't need to know why he's hiding things from me long as he's safe...
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