Part Two
As I have changed (some) of the teams' ages, I am changing Tim and Damian's ages as well to fit my needs. Sorry not sorry, it just works better this way.
"You know, mother isn't going to appreciate you letting her toys go like that." Richard 'Dick' al Ghul turned away from the window to see his younger twin brother, Jason, leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his unmasked face.
"What do you want, Jay?" Dick sighed.
"I was sent to see if you have learned your lesson yet. Apparently not, seeing as you are letting prisoners go free and all." Jason pushed off the doorway to saunter into the room. "That and mother wants to see us. All of us."
Dick nodded. "I see. Very well, lead the way."
The twins walked in silence out of the dungeons, up the stairs and towards the training room where they knew their mother would be with their younger two brothers, Timothy and Damian. They were right, of course, seeing as it was the part of the day that their mother selected to train the two youngest specifically. The older two would be later on, after breakfast.
The brothers entered the training room, neither of them flinching as a throwing star landed between their heads and lodged itself in the door. They stood off to the side to observe the fifteen year old Tim spar with the thirteen year old Damian, both of their movements fluid from a lifetime of training and discipline.
"They have come a far way, haven't they?" The twins turned to see their mother, Talia al Ghul, standing to their right with a proud smirk tinged with what seemed like sadness aimed at her youngest sons. "But they still have a long way to go. I just wish I would be the one training you all." Talia fixed her expression, clearing her throat when she saw the questioning looks on her oldest sons' faces. "I will explain everything in a moment. Timothy! Damian! Training is finished for now, come along."
Tim and Damian halted their actions, sheathing their weapons and trotting to stand before their mother and brothers, neither winded in the slightest despite having been training for nearly an hour. Talia grinned down at her sons, patting Tim and Damian on the cheeks before motioning for the four brothers to follow her as she began to walk through the compound. "My sons, my dear sons, it has come to my attention that someone the League has shunned has made it their mission to take down the al Ghul family, putting the four of you in direct danger by being here."
"With all due respect, mother, someone is always trying to take down the al Ghul family. What makes this any different?" Jason asked, biting back the gasp that threatened to spill out when he saw the true fear in his mother's eyes when she looked in his and his brothers' direction.
"Slade Wilson. He has the skill and the means to complete his mission. He has no qualms about killing children either." Talia took in a shuddering breath, cursing herself for showing even the tiniest sign of weakness in front of her children. "So, in order to protect you, my sons, and the bloodline, of course, I have made the decision to send you four to live with your father."
"Our...father?" Damian looked perplexed, as if the idea of having a second parent had never occurred to him. "Mother, we can handle ourselves! And who is to say that this Slade person won't find us with father?"
"You will be going under the guise of being adopted by him, of course, with no trace back to the League or me. And of course I know you can handle yourselves but until Slade is dealt with you are living with your father, do I make myself clear?" Talia stared at her four boys sternly, all of whom nodded back dutifully. "Good, this is for not only your protection but for the protection of the bloodline as well."
"When do we leave for father's?" Tim asked, seeming resigned to their fate of mundane civilian life.
"Today, right after lunch. I suggest you begin packing." Talia sighed, pulling each of her sons in for a hug. "This is not goodbye, my sons. Please know that I will not rest until Slade Wilson's head is mounted on my mantle and it is safe for you to return home to me. I love all of you."
"We love you too, mother."
- - -
Talia had not been joking when she said right after lunch the boys would leave for their father's. The brothers barely had a chance to say goodbye to their mother before they were whisked away onto the private jet that would carry them thousands of miles away from the only home they had ever known and to a stranger in a mysterious land.
"Bruce Wayne, huh? Who would've thought our father was a rich snob?" Jason scoffed, scrolling through the in flight tablet. "I mean, look at all these articles about him calling him essentially a man-whore! Mother could do so much better."
"Be careful before you judge a book by its cover, Jason." Tim warned, taking a sip of his tea. "There is usually more than meets the eye."
"I doubt that's the case here."
"That's why I said usually."
Damian was curled up by a window, earbuds in, glaring out the window with a sour expression on his face. Dick sat across from him in a light sleep seeing as none of the brothers ever slept deeply. They were trained not to let their guard down, even when asleep, to always be alert.
Tim and Jason were across the aisle scrolling through articles about their supposed father, trying to find out more about him and their new hometown of Gotham. Jason was not happy about the situation but Tim seemed to be taking it in stride.
"They have a crazed man that dresses up as a bat and punches people, Tim. This is where we are going to live, in a place with people like 'Batman' and 'Catwoman'. Can you believe this shit?" Before Tim could reply, the pilot announced that they were now descending into Gotham and to fasten their seatbelts. Jason groaned but did so anyways. "Descending into Gotham? More like descending into hell."
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