Part 18
Tommy tightened his grip on the slim girl he had curled into on the couch. He glanced towards the room next to them. The slightly open door showed that Dream sat in a chair facing their mother who was quietly talking to Dream, who had tears slowly rolling down their cheeks.
Was 'ream crying cause of him?
He didn't want 'ream to cry, they did so much. Why is 'ream crying so much? Did he mess up? He wanted 'ream.
Was it his fault rem was so sad?
He didn't want rem sad, because rem was rem...
"rem..." softly fell from the boy's lips as he blankly stares towards Dream.
Drista glances up at the sound, before following his line of vision. Drista slowly got up and retrieved Patches's carrier from among their few bags. She took out the adorable cat and presented the small beast to Tommy. He softly wrapped his arms loosely around the cat, who purred and curled into the slender chest of Tommy.
Drista then slowly walked over to her older sibling closing the door behind her, to hide them from Tommy's blue eyes. Tommy curled tighter up with the slim cat.
Dream slumped forward. Voices becoming fuzzy, as their breathing heaved slightly. Weaving their hands into their hair they glanced around.
Who was with them?
They were talking to their mom, but now some other person was there.
Dream pushed back into a corner as a figure approached trying to touch them. Their ears were ringing too loud to hear anything. They hit away at the offending hands.
They wanted Toms. They wanted Drista. They wanted mom. Not whoever this was.
"Toms! Mom! Dris!" they shouted further attacking the offending hands coming near them.
Tommy uncurled as his name was called where was Rem?
Launching himself towards the dining room he saw his rem backed into a corner with their mother crouching beside them. As dream attacked her hands anytime she reached towards them.
Tommy stumbled forward rushing into Rem's arms curling his head into the side of their neck.
Dream's shallow breathing steadied to low soft gasps tightening their grip around Tommy. They were safe. Glancing back up they saw the red earrings of their mom and the green wristband on their sister's right arm. They started muttering apologetically under their breath.
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