Noises coming from outside woke me up. I don't know if its from outside outside of from downstairs my house. Noor was sound asleep on the other side of the bed. It is almost two am I realized when I took my phone from the night stand. I went to check it out. I know that's something white people would do but I Can't just lie down and let a burglar rob my family blind!
Ko ba komai I can hit him on the head with a frying pan. I'm rapunzel from tangled.
I opened the door noiselessly and proceeded down the stairs. The noise was coming from the kitchen?
I once heard that there are hungry burglars. They just steal your food. The light in the kitchen was switched on so I peeped. The burglars head was in the fridge and he was without a shirt! His back was ripped like damn burglar where your shirt at? He had a huge scar across his shoulder blade. I wonder what happened. It looks bad. Why do I care?! Its a damn burglar Sameerah. Smh
I cleared my throat and he jumped muttering something. I laughed quietly.
"Are you trying to kill me?!" He whisper yelled holding his chest. Drama queen.
"Well you're lucky I didn't hit you with a frying pan. I thought it was a burglar"
"How did you hear me? I was very quiet. I'm a ninja" I burst out laughing then I remembered it was two in the morning. I bit my tongue to hold back my laughter.
"Well ninja, I hate to break it to you but you weren't that stealthy"
He rolls his eyes.
"I got hungry. The only thing I could find here are fruits. I need food not fruits"
"Can't you wait till morning?"
"Just go back to bed" he says putting his head back in the fridge. Does he not know its rude to go through people's fridge? I entered the kitchen and took out a pot.
"Go and put on a shirt uncle" I say as I took out packs of indomie noodles. He smiled and cocked his eyebrows
"You want me to put on a shirt?"
"Most girls will pay to see me without a shirt and you are asking me to put on a shirt?" His ego is suffocating me for real. I roll my eyes.
"I'm not most girls and what is there to see?" I asked not even looking at him. There is everything to see!!!
I turned to see his reaction. He frowned and walked out. Baby
He came back wearing his shirt. I dished the food and we sat down at the kitchen counter with stools and ate. He was hungry, like damn bro calm down! It was you who made cereal as dinner. I laughed at my joke and he looked up and mugged me. I smiled. We ate silently. I was hungry too.
"Thank you" he says and I smiled at him.
"Now can you go back to sleep? Ninja"
He laughed a little.
"Goodnight beautiful"
"More like good morning"
"Just go and sleep please" he says and I laugh
After Noor and I finished praying, I went down to wake Hammad. I'm sure he's still sleeping. Boys right? I knocked on the door twice, both times no answer so I opened it quietly. He was in sujood. Good boy. I'm sure he'd want to leave immediately the sun rises. His Mum must be worried sick even though he's a grown man.
He got into his car and drove off by eight-ish.
"Hey you home?" Hammad asks over the phone.
"No but I'll be in ten minutes. No dates please, I'm so tired" I whined.
"So you don't want to go out with me anymore? Is that what you are saying?" He says. And they say we are the ones that jump into conclusions. Such a drama queen.
"I didn't say that! Stop it?"
"Stop what? Being heart broken? I don't think I can at the moment" I roll my eyes.
"Hammad!" He's really getting on my nerves.
"Well we are not going on a date. Mama said I should bring you" my heart skips approximately three beats. Oh my God! What does she want? Will his dad be there? What should I wear? My brain begins to hurt from all the unanswered questions.
"Are you there?" Oh
"Okay. I close by five"
"I'll pick you up. And don't be nervous. I think she already likes you" he thinks?! He's not even sure? Subahanalillahi.
"Okay. Bye"
I watch Noor apply the final touches of her makeup. She has a date. Bleghh!
"Just ditch him and come with me please" I begged. She gave me the 'are you crazy' look.
"Keh zan aura?(is it you i will marry?)" I rolled my eyes.
"It is not that deep idiot"
"Yen yen yen" she replied. She is so annoying. Now instead of the fish to call her he's blaring his horn like a crazy person. If you are wondering, she just met this guy like a month ago. I don't like him.
"You see he's trying to tear my ear drums! Bad manners" I say.
"Deal with it. I think he about to be your inlaw" I gasped.
"Its only been a month you mad child!" She laughs and walks out. Waving me goodbye. I shook my head.
H- hey, I'm outside.
S- I'm on my way out.
H- what are you wearing?
S- you know patience is a virtue.
H- bleghh you are so boring!
S- you love me like that
I say before I can stop my self. I clenched my eyes anticipating his reply.
H- you have no idea
He says quietly just as I step out of the gate. I said my salam and got into the car.
Every time, the air around him and I is awkward, then he says something stupid and we laugh and things become normal.
"How can you make even the color green look good?" He asks.
"I take it you don't like green" My gown isn't entirely green but there are some shades of it.
"I love nature but green is just no" I laugh a little.
"Well I love green. Army green to be exact. Military men are literally heart eyes" he quirks and eyebrow then frowns.
"So you are breaking up with me then? Is that it? Because my own uniform is not shit green?" Why is he like this today? P.s he has no idea how crazy I am about the fact that he's a pilot. I can't wait to see him in uniform subahanalillah!!
"Its not like we were dating" I say trying to hide my laugh. His expression is golden. He looks so heartbroken. I looked away so he won't notice me laughing
"Sameerah will you be my wife?" I was taken aback. So we are just going to skip the girlfriend part?
"I'd say girlfriend but there is so much uncertainty in that. I want it all. I want you all to myself. Immediately after your graduation, expect me in your house. I'm about to secure the biggest and most beautiful bag"
he finishes with a smile and taps my nose with the tip of his finger. I begin to analyze what he said. Did he just call me a bag?!! No wait. Did he just hint at marrying me? My heart went haywire and my breathing picked up.
"Hey, calm down. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know" he said and started the car. I calmed-ish. Marriage...
"Scaredy cat" he chuckles earning him a smack upside his head.
The gates opened and we drove into the house, to the parking lot. My heart starts racing all over again. I'm going to mess up, I'm going to mess up, I'm definitely going to mess up.
"Yo chill. You have the most beautiful personality. Absolutely no one is going to not like you"
I smiled even though na wash. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much all the time.
I see a young boy getting into a car next to us when Hammad called him. Ibrahim. He looked about eighteen, already sprouting a beard.
"Ina zaka?"
"Mama sent me"
"Then go and change those jeans" he ordered. I looked at the jeans, they were ripped.
"It's just the store man"
"What did I say? Go and change. Akan me zaka fita kaman wani-"
"Hammad" I cut him short.
"Let him be. He's just what? 17?"
"He's 18! And I stopped wearing ripped jeans long before I turned eighteen" I roll my eyes.
"That is you, not him. Ka kyale shi dan Allah" he was quiet for a while and the boy looked annoyed. It was obvious Hammad was forcing the 'big brother' attitude because i was here.
"Get out" Hammad said to the boy which I'm guessing is his younger brother. The boy smiled and winked at me. My eyebrows shot up. Hammad also saw. He rushed for the boy but I held his arm laughing.
"I'll kill him" he says
"Why? You are intimidated by your little brother?"
"What? Hell no. I'm hotter than everyone in this house combined" Ahh there's the ego.
"But his smile is-" I teased. Hammad squinted his eyes at me.
"I dare you to complete that" he threatens, making me laugh.
"Pedo" he chuckles.
"Hey!" I gasped and punched his arm. He laughs.
"Shall we?"
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