* Zainab Hammaaa come and see!!!😹. Y'all this is what Kabir is supposed to look like. Remember the Characters are fictional. Sorta. Well enjoy!!! BTW, there is no picture of Hammad. Invision him the way you want😹😹❤❤*
The study was big, had floor to ceiling shelves tucked yo the brim with books. A split air conditioner and massive windows that opened to a garden? Did i mention that there were tons and tons of books? files and tapes and other things.
There was also a coffee maker and a water dispenser on one end.
The taste these people have is scary. Every thing is so fancy. I never knew houses like this existed in this Abuja. Plus his family members are so proper, behaving like white people and shit.
The room is brightly lit and there was a lamp on top of a mahogany desk. A tall, aged man in a white kaftan sat behind the huge mahogany desk. Not old old ooo, you know rich people don't age.
He also had glasses on and was looking through files and papers. I swallowed hard before saying Salam.
His dad is like the total opposite of his mum. I can tell he doesn't like me. He answered my Salam and greetings like he knew me from before and I did something wrong to him. I looked over at Hammad for explanations but he didn't look at me. His head was down.
"Where is Abubakar? I thought I asked you two to come here? I have work for you two. And before that, call Sharif, he should start serving the food. ina maman ka(where is your mother)?" He asked. Totally ignoring my presence. Okay ouch. That stung like a bitch. I stood up from my squatting position and excused myself. He still didn't glance my way. I'm so out of here! I could still hear the man throwing orders a Hammad.
Everything is just upsetting. What is actually wrong with me? Three months after he calls off his wedding i'm here acting like I'm married to the guy. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!
Even the universe is telling me Hammad is not for me. I thought all that "his parents don't like me" shit happens only in movies but look at me, being ignored. And it stings! Lol.
I bumped into someone, hard. Not my fault, the person was in a hurry. I fell to the floor, hitting my butt. ow! Can this day get any better? He offered me his hand. I look up and an older Hammad was looking down at me with his eyebrows raised and a smirk. His beard was fuller than Hammad's and he was fairer. He was handsome. Not fu*ck boy handsome like Hammad ooo, he was mature handsome. Like senior handsomeness. Not that he's finer than Hammad oo please are you picking up what I am dropping?.
I'm guessing he is Abubakar, Hammad's famous elder brother/young millionaire, Heir to the Babangidas' Tambari Oil empire. Also a very arrogant ass. I stood on my own and left without even sparing him a second glance.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I realized I was lost. I don't remember the entrance again. There were people everywhere! Subhanallah. I feel like screaming right now. I looked around like a lost puppy. There were at least ten doors in here. Someone tapped me and I turn to see Kabir! I almost jumped for joy. I squealed and he chuckles as my face is never able to hide my emotions.
"Someone is happy to see me"
"You have no idea. Where is the way out of here?"
"Why? Where you wan go?( where are you going?)"
"Mama called. She said its an emergency" I lied effortlessly.
"Let me drop you then" he says pulling his keys out of his pocket.
"No, don't worry. I already got an uber driver. He's waiting outside" he reduced his eyes to slits in doubt which made me laugh a little.
"Okay be careful. Does Hammad know you're leaving?"
"Uhm.. Yes bye" I said and turned in the direction of the door he pointed at. Before I left, I told him how good he looked in his black tux, he brushed nonexistent dust off his shoulder and smiled goofily. I laughed.
I got home a lot of minutes later.
"Yaya dai?( what happened?)" Mama asked.
"Babu(nothing) I have a headache" I'm becoming too comfortable with lying. I don't like it one bit. Astaghfirullah.
"Sannu, ki sha paracetamol (sorry, take paracetamol)"
"I know mum, I'm a medic"
"You're not technically a medic so shut up" she retorts and I laugh before disappearing up the stairs. I rid myself of the gown and got into the shower. Blissful hot water.
I came out when the hot water ran out only to find seven missed calls from Hammad and three from Kabir. Total, ten together with a million messages. I ignored them.
I need a break. I was downing my blue bunny mint and chocolate ice cream when my phone started going off with more messages. I switched it off completely, prayed my eesha and went to sleep.
Mama and baba were going on a vacation. Twenty four years into their marriage, they still eat together and play and go on dates. Mostly when baba is traveling he takes his wife with him. I want that Wallahi. I don't want a situation were my husband and I get tired of each other. I want something eternal. Don't blame me, I love love. Eww I just admitted that. Well whatever. What girl doesn't like attention and being cherished and adored and appreciated? If you don't then there is something wrong with you, no offense. In fact, offense.
They were going to be gone for a whole month. I can die! I can't even go with them because I have to work. This is so upsetting. Rajah has gone to school, college and Abbah is also in boarding school, almost done with highschool. I'm going to be all alone.
I could invite Noor over. Its going to be one hell of a month. I took them to the airport and came back by around 5pm. Their flight is in the evening.
When I returned from the airport, a black Mercedes G-wagon was parked in front of my gate. I pretend not to see it but I have a feeling I know who's in there. I walk behind the car hoping that he won't see me but you know the boy. Him de do like winch.
He opened the door and rushed towards me. I so badly want to run so he'd chase me but nahh. I'm grown
"Hey wait up" I stopped, why did I stop? I don't want to see him. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a black armani tee. Nothing serious but his cologne was very serious. Its like he knows how crazy it drives me when he smells nice so he over does it. He's always smelling like melted chocolate, dollar bills and intoxicating cologne.
"Can you look at me?" I can hear a tinge of annoyance in his voice. Why is he always quick to get angry? What is he getting angry for? I looked up into his face, looking him dead in the eye. It felt so weird that I had to look away.
"You left, babu sallama(without a goodbye), lied to Kabir and ignored all our calls and messages. What up with that?" He demands. You know the audacity this guy has makes me laugh.
"Nothing. I was tired"
"Barely an hour after we arrived? Try again." I mugged him.
"Nothing really. I didn't feel welcomed" he quickly caught on to what I was saying. He knows what his father did. Or did not do rather.
"Look. Baba is always like that. Very strict and guarded at first but when he gets to know you he'll loosen up. I promise"
"What if he doesn't loosen up?!" Frustration... Frustration...
"Well if he doesn't loosen up then...
He stopped. He stopped? Then what?! He smiles. Probably knows I'm talking to myself in my head again. I should stop doing that.
"Then he'll just have to suck it up because you're going to bare his grandchildren" he says looking at me weirdly. Lol. Wait whaaaatttt?!
Thank God for Melanin. I don't know how red i would be right now if not for it. Ya Allah how is it hot outside??
"Calm down and stop talking to yourself" he says and chuckles. I'm not finding anything funny sha. Wait...
"But Aisha-"
"But Aisha nothing. She was Baba's choice not mine. After we fell out I didn't have a steady girl friend because I was looking for you in every girl I met. So baba suggested Aisha since she's his friend's daughter. I was indifferent. Mama was against, probably why she likes you and he doesn't. And i told him I'll bail when i find someone i want. Besides, how am I supposed to marry someone as crazy as Aisha?" How do I know any of this is true?
As if reading my mind, he rolls his eyes.
"you are going to have to start trusting me if we are going to get married"
"Who said anything about marriage? I haven't even forgiven you!"
"Yes you have"
"No I haven't"
"Well you'll forgive when I marry you" he shrugs. this nigga is just throwing this marriage thing around like its a joke.
"But you said you can't marry someone as crazy as Aisha, I am twice as crazy believe me" I whispered the last part.
"I know, its one of the reasons why I love you"
"Don't say that" I say. He's lying.
"I Love you. I love you I love you i love-"
"Stop!" I shriek. He stops. And we just stare at each other, blanketed by an awkward silence. He snaps first and rubs his face.
"God! I want to kiss you"
"Ewwww" I say smacking his chest behaving like my heart isn't going crazy. What is going on? He smiles. His smile is everything. Has my heart racing in seconds. I couldn't stop smiling either.
"Stop being weird and go home" I say to him.
"Let me walk you to the door"
"I know the way. Its my house you know" he blatantly ignores me, walking in the direction of the gate. I follow him silently. He's so rude.
When we got to the front door, I got in and he just stood there, staring. Do you not know staring is rude?
"Sai Gobe(see you tomorrow). good night" I say quietly. It was already dark. How long were we standing outside?
"I love you...beautiful" awkward. Oh my God how many times has he said that?
"Go home Hammad" I say, ignoring my palpitating heart. He sighs and turns to leave. I was about to shut the door when I remembered. I opened it back.
"Yeah?" He said turning around to face me.
"Don't go kissing bitches" I warn. He chuckles and rubbed his neck. Yes, be ashamed of yourself.
"I promise not to beautiful" I smiled and went inside. I'm smiling. I'm still smiling. Why am I smiling??
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