2 ~Lighting & thunder~
My eyes flew open at the third ring of the world's most horrid invention. Who's the inventor of alarms again? I have to find his grave...and jump on it.
Exhausted from crying so much the previous night, getting out of bed felt like suicide. I had a splitting head ache. I get them after crying a lot. They're basically hangovers. Cry hangovers.
I've got a whole nine hours of school today. Yay! The door swings open and my mum walks it.
"You should be getting ready for school" she says. Just the word school makes me want to cry. I agree. I am a cry baby.
"I swear mom I don't want to go back to that school" I rushed out before I could stop myself.
"Why?" She asks the question she always asks and I didn't have the answer to.
"Everyone is mean to me" my voice cracked at the end, tears threatning to spill.
"It happens. But they will most likely warm up to you eventually. Or maybe they're intimidated "
she says.
'Yeah right. Who will be intimidated by you?'
Totally ignoring the voice in my head, i nodded at my mom and practically ran to the bathroom. I don't like being tardy.
More students showed up at school today. Every one gawked at me, or at least that's what it felt like. My head was held high but inside I was cowering. Away from the mocking stares, away from the amused eyes, away from my reality.
Some girls stood at the entrance of my new class. They were shamelessly pointing and giggling, their faces twisted in disgust. Am I that hilarious? I'm I that hideous? Tears were beginning to form in my eyes. I blinked them away and roll my eyes at them. "Stupid people" i say quietly, knowing they heard me.
The girls' jaw hung open. If she was expecting me to let her disrespect me, then she had something else coming. Her expression made me laugh. For the first time at this horrid confinement.
I made talks with my new seat mate, Noorah. She was pretty, petite and funny and intelligent. She had it all really.
During recess, in the school hall, I bumped into this fine member of male specie. He was tall, at least 5ft 11 And lanky. He was like dark chocolate, tall and handsome. Eeww i just said that lol
He had thin lips, mesmerizing lazy dark brown eyes, a healthy afro and I killer jaw line. He's probably a senior. No, most likely a senior. He is so hot
'And waaay out of your league!'
"Damn" I mouthed, which he must have heard judging by the way one eyebrow shot up and his lips twist in a smirk. I was instantly mortified. I quickly rushed past before him before he thinks I'm a weirdo.
'Too late!' My subconscious said and I laughed. Who am I kidding? I really am a freaky weirdo, talking to myself.
Finally English! And after that it was home. You won't understand the relief. The English teacher was a gangly guy named John. His class was fun and for the first time, I interacted in class. I love English and I was good at it too since I love reading and we basically eat phonetics and grammar for breakfast in my house.
More than half the class stared at me like I grew an extra head. Was it because I spoke or because the fat girl was not supposed to know anything? I wasn't sure. What is wrong with people?
Ignoring the stares was like dodging flying knives. Only 10 minutes was left of the class anyway so I decided to retreat into my cocoon.
Two weeks later and I was beginning to get comfortable. Not because the ogling and teasing stopped but because I made friends, made it easy to ignore the staring. Noorah and Basmah.
I felt out of place at first but then I relaxed. They were good people. They don't seem to mind, hanging out with me.
They helped me ignore the bullying with their constant gossiping and bickering which made me laugh a lot. Being around them was fun. They reminded me that I was now in secondary school. Were all the cool kids were and all that mattered was fun.
Rasmah, Noorah and I had different subject after lunch and that was making me a bit apprehensive. They had geometry while I, Agric science. I sat at the end of the class and waited. Students strolled in lazily. Some even came after the teacher.
"You're late" He'll say and the girls will roll their eyes and the boys will just ignore him. They are all so damn confident. I just feel like a big blob, an elephant amongst swans. Its a terrible feeling.
I began attempting weight loss since i was 10. It never worked. I swear if I could, I'll become skinnier than a broom.
My aunts have always told me that I was the one eating up my father's money. Some said it jokingly and some seriously. Both times hurt though, badly. They'll always call my mum and lecture her on dieting me. She always said
" she's a growing child, she needs the food"
Towards the end of the class, the girls behind me began talking in hushed tone and my ear automatically zeroed in on their conversation. What can I say, I have great listening ears.
' No samy, that's eavesdropping, i roll my eyes. At myself.
They were talking about a girl who apparently ran into a guy's chest on purpose yesterday after school in order to get his attention. I cringed. Why would anyone do that? Hasn't she heard of the word dignity? Anyways, not my concern.
I refocused back on the teacher just as the final bell rang. Finally! I hurriedly gathered my things and just I was about to exit the class when I tap came on my shoulder. It was the "gossip girls" Hah! I'm hilarious.
"Hi. We just wanted to tell you that guys in this school don't like girls that use their body to gain attention"
"Excuse me?"
"We heard what you did yesterday, not cool" It took about 10 seconds for my brain to process it all. They were talking about me the whole time! I was the girl who supposedly shoved herself at a guy! I was seconds away from slapping the bejesus out of her but i stopped myself. My mum will melt me if i ever fought in school.
"I didn't do anything!" I tried to defend myself.
"My boyfriend wouldn't lie to me" she said, her high pitched voice burning my ears. What in the white high school is this nonsense? She and her friend strutted away.
I began to head for the lot, pissed. I'm so over today. As if I've not had enough, I bump into something. I lift my head only to come face to face with the boy I supposedly harassed. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my meaty arm.
"Don't you dare touch me!" I snapped. Shock enveloped his face.
"Calm the hell down its not like anyone wants to touch you! I just wanted to tell you I don't do fat girls. Nobody does actually. So can you please not harass me again?" I was livid. How dare he?
"You are an idiot, so skinny you brain is most likely malnourished. Try and eat" i spat out. His jaw dropped. It took him some seconds to recover before he started going off
"Don't you ever insult me. I am not your mate" I scoffed and walk away. I was upset, but mostly, I can't believe I said that to someone!! Oh my god
I closed my eyes in attempt to easy the overwhelming emotion but instead, his words sank in. Letter by letter, word by word.
'I don't do fat girls, nobody does'
My chest thundered as i walked to my mother's car.
Hey guys! Second chapter. Thanks guys for the support. I hope y'all liked it.
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