Chapter 2: A punisher, the Dazzlers and a duck
(No one's POV, In the story.)
Previously on Marvel Zombies: the series, it was the beginning of the end of earth 9412...
The heroes go to an unfamiliar place... and find themselves... out of time.
Kid arachnid: "Everyone, move three steps back and one long breath or I eat the archer's brain."
Agent Venom: "I'm guessing no one wants to see Hawkeye dead, do you?"
Wasp: "I rather not do that if I were you."
Ant-man: "Not because we are already dead but we taste absolutely terrible."
Black Widow: "Believe them, we do."
Hawkeye grabs YugiBrony's arm but Scarlet Spider smacks his hand off him.
Scarlet Spider: "Let them go, they're ours."
Hawkeye: "What's the big idea?"
Ant-man: "Yeah, there's loads of people in the city."
SpiderMan: "Actually we found them first when we were fighting Carnage."
Colonel America: "Okay, knock it off. We might need you later and we're still a team... Even if our priorities have changed."
Colonel America looks at SpiderMan and his team.
Me: "Go for it, Queens. You and your team want to dine on these people and not share, then be our guest."
Ant-man: "Bon appetit."
Night Shadow: "Aw crap."
SpiderMan and his team take the others to the tallest roof so no zombie would try to eat or infect them.
Kid Arachnid: "Ok, we're safe from them. At least for a while."
SpiderMan: "Now... where were we?"
Curse Word: "Well, as I recall..."
Curse Word punches SpiderMan in the face.
Curse Word: "You were making lunch plans!"
Agent Venom: "Cut it out, Curse Word. Eating you is the last thing on our minds."
Kid Arachnid: "And we're still human, look."
The web warriors take their masks off and everyone sees SpiderMan's jaw dislocated.
Night Shadow: "Still human? Alright, if you are human, then why is your mouth hanging there? Is that one of your powers?"
SpiderMan: "No. When colonel America threw me, I hit a wall and it dislocated my jaw... And that punch Curse Word threw didn't help, give me a second."
Spider-Man then grabs his jaw and puts it back into place, causing it to make a loud crunch.
Magpie: "Ew!"
Equestron: "Gross!"
SpiderMan: "Really, Gross? Look around you, it's a war zone down there."
Everyone looks down as they see Wasp & Ant-Man tearing a man's ears off to snack on, Black Widow eats a puppy Chihuahua, Colonel America eating the owner and Vinyl Scratch along with Octavia Melody, who are infected with the virus, biting Iron fist and Luke Cage.
Magpie: "She ate a puppy!"
Kid Arachnid: "Ok, that is just disgusting."
Frost: "It looks like no one's safe out here."
SpiderMan then had some seconds to think until he realised something.
SpiderMan: "Oh no... you're right. Aunt May! Mary Jane!"
Agent Venom: "Oh crap."
The Web Warriors put their masks on as most of them webbed away as SpiderMan chooses to explain.
Magpie: "What's going on?"
SpiderMan: "I-I'm so sorry but I gotta go!"
The protagonists: "Go?!"
Curse Word: "Get back here motherfuckers!"
Night Shadow: "Whatever happened to get every innocent people to safety?"
??: "This is new CanterVale city... Nobody's Innocent."
(Ignore Ash in the picture.)
YugiBrony: "Wait a minute, I know you. You're the Punisher."
The Punisher: "I see you read about me in the news. You friends with the Spider and his group?"
Night Shadow: "I'd say friends is an overstatement."
YugiBrony: "I like him. You?"
The Punisher: "Somethin' like that."
The Punisher looks at the YugiBrony's DuelDisk.
The Punisher: "Like the weapon. What are you doing up here, anyway?"
Equestron: "Besides trying to escape this giant zombie apocalypse nightmare and getting back home, then not much."
Frost then hears another whisper.
??: "Find the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, the book of the dead..."
Frost: 'That sounds... familiar. Maybe the Punisher can help us.'
The Punisher then walks down some stairs as Frost and the others follow.
Frost: "Ok. Everyone, I have a confession to make."
YugiBrony: "Ok."
Curse Word: "What is it?"
Frost: "I've been hearing voices lately, about this thing called the Necronomicon. I believe it's the solution to the problem and we might need the Punisher's help."
The Punisher looks at Frost.
The Punisher: "I'm Frank."
Frost: "Frost."
YugiBrony: "YugiBrony."
Equestron: "Equestron."
Night Shadow: "Night Shadow."
Curse Word: "Curse Word."
Magpie: "Magpie."
The Punisher: "Come on and help me first, then I'll help you find your book."
Magpie and Curse Word then notice The Punisher's explosive in his hand.
Night Shadow: "Help you? It's the end of the world! What could possibly be more important than that?!"
The Punisher puts the explosive on the door.
The Punisher: "House cleaning. Cover your ears."
The bomb then explodes, destroying door revealing the Kingpin, Hammerhead and their henchmen.
Hammerhead: "Castle!"
Kingpin: "Put it away, Hammerhead. I never thought I'd say this but I'm glad to see you here."
The Punisher: "I've been watching you, Fisk. Waiting. I know you've got your regular meeting with your underbosses... and I needed a time when the capes, cops and your cronies are more than occupied."
Kingpin then looks outside of the window, looking at all of the chaos.
Kingpin: "Get over yourself, Castle. Do you see what's happening outside? The rules have changed now. We're on the same team."
He then turns back to The Punisher, still hoping they can accept his allegiance.
Kingpin: "The time for playing cops and robbers has passed. At the rate, this thing is spreading, were fighting for the survival of humanity. Where in this together now us vs them. Human vs zombie."
The Punisher: "I don't think so, Fisk. As far as I'm concerned... you were never human to even begin with."
As The Punisher turns Kingpin and his goons turn their unibrows into two brows with bullets quite literally, making Curse Word, Magpie and Frost started throwing up in disgust.
A/N: (Also I apologise but if you're asking, no, kingpin does not survive the Punisher's round of bullets and become a zombie.)
Equestron: "Holy killing spree batman!"
YugiBrony: "Sweet Jesus."
Frost: "Aw, that was disgusting."
The Punisher: "Now, about those zombies."
The Punisher and the protagonists look outside.
The Punisher: "You were right."
Night Shadow: "It's a mess out there."
Frost: "And it's spreading fast!"
The Punisher then chucks a bag of guns at Equestron.
The Punisher: "I'm going to need more guns for this one. Hold onto my bag, I got enough firepower in there to level half of Manhattan. When I give you the word, toss me two fresh clips... And when I run out of those two, two more. An' so on."
Curse Word: "Wait a minute, you're giving us orders?"
Night Shadow: "I think you've got the wrong idea about who got cast as a leading man and who's playing second fiddle."
The Punisher then heads to the door.
Magpie: "Stop! Listen to us, you can't do this."
They then see Mercury Black trying to defend himself from Sabre-tooth but gets infected.
The Punisher then kicks down a door with guns blazing, not noticing the protagonists leaving with remorse painted on their faces as he starts to struggle with the zombies.
The Punisher: "Most of 'em still standing."
He then turns to see the protagonists not around to hand him more magazines.
The Punisher: "Frost?!"
The zombies then get on top of The Punisher, ready to devour him.
(With the protagonists.)
The protagonists run, while some zombie skinwalkers, Shapeshifters or heroes feast on people who were either human or possessed by an angel or demon, not noticing the protagonists running.
Curse Word: "Every last hero or villain is either a Whack-job, head-case or a fricking looney-toon."
Equestron: "I hear ya, this world is nuts... maybe even before the apocalypse."
Magpie: "What should we do?"
Night Shadow: "We steer clear from any heroes or villains and do the job ourselves. The last thing we need is deadweight of any wannabe hero dragging us down."
As they pass an alleyway, Night Shadow, YugiBrony and Equestron stop to go back to See Derpy, The Dazzlings and Dazzler struggling from an infected team JNPR and Bucky Barnes trying to eat them.
YugiBrony then summons Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the underworld and slices Bucky in half.
That got the team's attention but as they were about to attack, they were shot in the head and dropped on the floor, dead.
They look to see three people, standing in front of an impala.
A/N: (In this story, instead of the Equalizer being made, God decided to lie to Sam, Dean and Castiel to believe Jack will be in heaven to be Imprisoned. Jack did get to heaven but Chuck actually stole Jack's Grace, turning him into a soulless human and killed him before the convergence in earth 9412.)
Then multiple figures grab the group and the impala, vanishing without any trace.
The protagonists then go over to Derpy, Sonata and the Dazzlings.
Dazzler: "Thank you for saving us."
Sonata: "A... are they..."
Night Shadow: "From what I can tell, I don't think they are coming back from that."
Dazzler: "I'm Alison. Alison Blaire but I also go by the name Dazzler."
Derpy: "I'm Derpy."
Sonata: "Sonata."
Aria: "Aria."
Adagio: "Adagio."
Dazzler: "And you are..?"
Night Shadow: "Oh, sorry. I'm Night Shadow. This is Equestron, YugiBrony, Frost, Curse Word and Magpie."
Magpie: "You haven't been bitten, have you?"
Sonata: "No, why do you ask?"
Equestron: "Well, you would turn into one of them five minutes from now and that isn't good for anyone."
Curse Word: "We have to be careful. We already seen the Avengers & a few others get infected, a group of spiders ran and a psycho nut-bag literally got a taste of his own medicine."
Derpy then looks at her friends, starting to tear up.
Sonata: "It's ok, I'm sure everything will be ok. Muffin?"
derpy takes the muffin and sadly eats it.
Dazzler: "It really is the end of the world, isn't it?"
YugiBrony: "Wish we could say it isn't."
Frost: "We need to find the Necronomicon so we can reverse all of this."
Magpie: "We understand if you don't believe us."
Adagio: "Well, it does seem pretty far-fetched but not any less believable than everything else that's going on."
Derpy: "And you were one of the people that saved us."
Dazzler: "So if all you need to do is get your hands on some magic book to stop this thing, then let's get it."
Equestron: "If it's called the Necronomicon, I am 100% betting it's a dark magic book."
Dazzler: "Well, that's easy enough."
Aria: "I may not be an expert but finding this book is never easy."
Dazzler: "Greenwich village."
Frost: "I beg your pardon."
Dazzler: "We're in the right neighbourhood, come on."
Curse Word: "Where are we going?"
Dazzler: "Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange's Sanctum Santorum!"
Magpie: "That is one tongue twister."
Dazzler then sees a window with someone inside.
Dazzler: "There! In the window! It looks like he is home, too."
Before anyone could ask questions, the protagonists, Dazzler, Derpy and the Dazzlings hear a crunching noise and turn to see Howard the duck who is zombified and eating team CRDL's brains.
Howard the Duck: "Yum, they taste like chicken."
To be continued...
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