She never thought - Bruce Banner x reader
Hi! Hope you guys are enjoying the chapters sofar. Anyways, enjoy!
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
She had never thought about it.
She had never thought about how her actions could cause other people pain. Mainly because she didn't think people would care about what she does.
Usually no one would even bat an eye in her direction, unless it benefited them in some way.
So when she decided to quit her job of being a world renowned scientist to be an Avenger, you thought no one would really care.
After all, your only known for Bruce Banners great demise. Of course you didn't cause it, no instead you just help made it happen.
You and Bruce were working on a way to recreate the super solider serum, only for it to back fire.
You were supposed to be the one to test it first but Bruce was persistent in not letting that happen. He would always tell her that she was needed more. For what, she never knew.
After the whole, smash ordeal she hadn't seen bruce. The last thing he ever told her was that she was needed more.
Now, it had been years since then and she found out he was apart of the Avengers.
Fury found her and recruited her. She still doesn't know how he found her since she went into the shadows after the accident, but she wasn't complaining if she got to help people and see an old friend in the process.
So here she was, standing in front of her old friend who had a flabbergasted look on his face, one of mixed emotions.
"Suprize?" She spoke with question. Was he happy she was here? Or was he mad at her, after, well everything.
"(Y/n) what are you doing here?" He asks taking his glasses off that he had been previously wearing.
Fury thought it would be good to surprise Bruce, even after you told him that probably wasn't the best idea. Now you see that that old bastard just wanted a show.
Bruce had just been working on some project in his lab and you just interrupted his work.
"Should I come back?" You ask pointing towards the door, your voice laced with uncertainty.
He shuffled around his desk knocking things over on his way and muttering curses under his breath as he did so.
"No, no, no. Of course not. Its just- I uh-" he stumbled over his words.
Just as your reunion was getting somewhere Director Fury had entered the lab as well.
"Banner, (L/n), we need you in the common room now." He rushed out of breath. He looked a little disheveled but in other words not injured.
Reader POV
Bruce and I glanced at eachother before sprinting down the hall towards the common room as demanded. The place was in chaos. People running from one side of the room to the other with tablets in hand. Others were sat at computer desks typing away at speeds that I could never do.
"Fury, whats going on?" Bruce asks putting his glasses back on and crossing his arms. He looked very concerned as he should be.
Fury tapped on his controls that surrounded him grumbling at every noise it made.
"We, Mr. Banner, are under attack." Fury states and he doesn't even break his concentration from the screens.
"By who?" I ask, I may not have been here long, but I knew S.H.E.I.L.D. had some very dangerous enemies. Ones you dont play with.
"Hydra." He says, finally turning around to look at us.
My eyes widen in shock before looking at Bruce who had the same look on his face.
"What do we need to do?" I ask getting brave. I straightened my back and shoulders, and crossed my arms. It was time to get serious and it was time for me to face fights head on, not run from them.
Bruce's gaze shot to mine in confusion.
"Banner, get ready to fight. (L/n) take controls, I have to get the team." He orders before he pats Bruce's back and runs down the hall.
I immediately do as he says, knowing there is no time for hesitation.
The controls were mainly for getting things back up in running as it looks like the east and west side of this huge building had blacked out, giving us no eyes to see what's going on.
"Are you good here?" Bruce asks from behind me. I nod, "Yes Bruce, now go get ready and be safe." I glance at him and offer a small smile. He smiles back before running the same way that Fury did.
I sigh before concentrating on the screens once again, typing in codes to see if I can get the systems back up. Good thing they are all on different panels or we would be out of power as well.
This was going to take alot of work, and concentration. The flashing lights and blaring alarms were not helping at this point.
So many people were yelling across the room to try and update everyone on whats going on, but without the power we were basically blind. For some reason the communications were out as well, which means that someone if working on the inside and jamming the signal.
Suddenly I was pulled from my spot and thrown onto the floor. People around me all froze, all looking in the same direction.
From the ground I could see a man in a black combat suit who looked to be twice my size, and just my luck, he had a red Hydra symbol on his right shoulder. After I looked at him I quickly looked in the direction everyone else was looking at.
Hydra agents, all with guns pointed at everyone.
I stood as fast as I could only to have a cold point of gun pressed to my temple. Another man had wrapped his arm around my neck, not enough to choke me, but enough to hold me in place.
I looked at the screens that I had been working on before to see that the codes I had put in were working and almost reached a hundred. It was so close, but the man had reached to cancel. I had to do something.
"Wait!" I yelled pausing his actions. I was screwed.
He looked at me with a grimace. "What now?" He asked walking to me. The man that had held me before let go and backed away. I took a deep breath as I was a bit constricted before, only to have a hand wrap around my neck instead.
I sputtered, gasping for breath. His hand had cut off any way for air to reach my lungs.
With him leaning in I could smell his horrible breath. I could even almost see his nose hairs. "Now, why did you interrupt me?" He growled out.
"The-The place will blow if you cancel that." I lied threw my teeth, barely able to get my words out with his hand on my throat. I hoped that would be enough time for it to reboot the system.
His brows furrowed before he tightened his grip on my throat.
Just as my vision started going black the alarms stopped only leaving the flashing red lights, letting me know that it worked. He had let go of me to look at what was going on and I took that time to regain my breath, coughing at every intake.
I smirked and looked at the man before me.
"Goodluck now, bitch. " I spoke coughing out at the end. I didnt care that my throat hurt like hell.
His gaze snapped back to mine and took long threatening strides towards me. My eyes widened as he pulled out his army knife from his black sheath. He reached me in a matter of seconds and gripped my hair, yanking it up. I yelped feeling the cold blade against my neck.
Just as he smirked at me, the whole room broke out into chaos. The building was practically shaking in itself. The wall to my right crumbled revealing the only man I knew could do that. Bruce Banner aka The Hulk.
His figure rushed to mine ripping the man away from me as he threw him into the wall on the other side of the room. I gasped one again taking deep breaths. The man behind me started shooting at Hulk only to realize it did no damage.
As Hulk came at him he quickly aimed his gun at me causing me to raise my eyebrows in shock. I had just lifted myself from the floor as he shot at me. Hulk quickly took him out before rushing to me.
"Hey, its okay. Just a scratch." That time I wasn't lying. It had only grazed my shoulder making a cut.
His eyes softened a bit onky to harden again when some hyrda agents opened fire on us. He quickly wrapped his larger body around mine, protecting me. I held onto him myself feeling his body against mine. I was scared, I knew I was. But, I was more scared for him than for me. He had risked alot because of me, and now here he is doing it again.
After a moment the shots had stopped completely. Only silence filled the air.
He had slowly let go of me letting his eyes wander my body for any injuries. "Im okay. Thank you for saving me." I whisper setting my mich smaller hand on his cheek.
His eyes closed and his face leaned into my palm. A moment of peace crossed his face before a loud bang was heard throughout the building making his eyes shoot open.
His large green hand rested on mine for a second then lightly took my hand in his removing it from his face. He held it in his just looking at it before he let go completely and took off towards the noise completely disappearing once again.
Time Skip
"Ow! now that one hurt." I giggled as Natasha was sticking up my arm. The rest of the medics were helping the people who were more injured and needed their help more than me. Natasha wasn't busy and offered to patch me up, which I graciously accepted.
Natasha had only laughed at me and continued to work. She was almost done and just had to finish stitching up my arm where the bullet before had grazed me.
But as she was doing that, I was thinking about Bruce. He had saved me, risked his life for me. I know we used to be close, but that was years ago. Yes I would do the same for him, I would always do the same for him, but the reunion we had wasn't exactly the most excitable one. In fact he almost seemed mad that I was here. Maybe he was in just to much shock? Maybe he never thought he would see me again? Or maybe he really never wanted to see me again.
Either way, he saved me and I was going to have to talk to him later. Even if he didn't want me here, he saved my life and that needed at the very least a thank you.
Just as Natasha was on the last few stitches, Bruce as entered the room all dressed and himself again. He was wearing his usual attire, tapered chinos, light blue button up shirt, and all that paired with desert boots. The only thing out of place was his hair, and his usually calm expression. His calm expression was replaced with one of worry and exhaustion.
"Oh thank everything holy." He said as he rushed over to me and examined me. Natasha had to shove him away so she could finish stitching me up.
He minded her and stepped away so he didn't bother her, which she was grateful for.
"Bruce are you okay?" I ask noticing him fidget every few seconds. He was usually never the one to fidget.
His eyes drew to mine and he sighed. "Im fine, but are you? You have bruises and cuts everywhere. If I didn't make it-"
"But you did. You did make it on time and you saved me. For that I am grateful, so thank you Bruce for saving my life." I spoke the truth. He did not need to worry about me, I was fine and I'm not the biggest issue anyway.
"But you could have died." He sighed out. He straightened his shirt a bit before he took some steps close to me. Natasha had just finished stitching up my arm and stepped out the door to give us some privacy.
"I didn't."
"You could have though! Don't you understand? I left so you wouldn't be caught up in all this. I left for you to be safe. (Y/n) I left, because I loved you. " He said holding his breath. His eyes showed surprise as he didn't know he was going to say what he was thinking. What he was feeling.
My face that was also stricken from shock had softened and a small smile had been replaced. "Bruce, for a smart guy, you really are an idiot." I chuckled.
His face had turned into one of confusion.
"I loved you too. That's why I had been looking for you for all these years." My chuckle at this point had turned into a loud laugh. He really thought that I would just let him run away from me? Well he's got another thing coming.
"Loved?" He questioned. Even though he had said the same thing, I guess he still needed reassurance. So I stood up from the cot that I had been previously sitting on and smashed my lips onto his. This kiss was absolutely perfect. The love that had been held in for so many years had been projected into the kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist as I rested one hand on his cheek and one on the back of his neck. Slowly we had to pull away for air but we had kept the contact.
"Definitely still do." I giggled out, his face morfed into a smile as he pulled me in once again.
Sorry this took awhile to update. As I said in my conversations, I'm having some bad family issues right now so updating will be even weirder than it already is. Anyways, thanks for reading and have a good day/night, baiii!
Word count : 2424
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