Little Guard - Loki x reader (part 1)
"Morning." One of the guards greeted me as I was heading towards the holding cells.
"Good morning." I returned the greeting. The man nodded his head but said nothing else as I continued on my way.
"(Y/n) (Y/l/n)." I said to the commander on post in front of the cells. His burley figure quite relaxed as he sat in his chair accompanied by a large desk.
He checked me in, "Cell 1629." He said nodding in the direction even though I already knew where it was. Everyone did. Well, in our department anyways. The cell held the Agaurdian Prince after all.
"Morning." Another officer greeted as I walked by. "Morning." I responded.
As I was passing the cells, the prisoners were yelling and shouting. They couldn't hit the barriers though as it would electrocute them, so instead they resulted into banging the walls in the cell itself.
They were foolish if I had anything to say. They deserved to be there, each and every one. Some were there for thievery - their greed to big for their bellies - but most were there for murder.
"Your dead!!" A gruff man shouted at me, sliding his index finger across his throat in a threatening motion. He laughed maliciously. He - for example - was one that was here for murder. Quite a shameful one too. He had murdered his his wife and unborn child, then proceeded to his brother. His brother was lucky, unlike the man's wife.
Others heard what he said and started to shout and threaten me aswell, their banging getting obnoxiously louder.
I was the one who sent quite the lot of them here. I'm only a guard half time, other times I'm on the field. So when I'm here, I'm considered an officer, out there, I'm a Valkyrie. Yes, me and Sif worked together a long time ago, but we do not get along. She's selfish and cowardly to put it lightly.
Finally I managed to reach the cell I was posted at.
"Ah, so your the one causing all this ruckus. " Loki spoke from his cell, getting quite close to the barrier.
I ignored his attemps at conversation and stood at my post, spear in hand. "Not much for talking I suppose?" He asked as if he would get an answer.
He chuckled a bit before he paced his cell back and forth once or twice before he spoke up again, "Well, I quite enjoy talking so i'll continue on."
I could feel his eyes burning the back of my head with his wicked stare.
"So, Little Guard, my brother, Thor, was quite the scardey cat when he was younger--"
He continued on but I simply tuned him out. His voice constantly running through my head day and night as if he was haunting me.
The next day I was again assigned to his cell. I had nodded to the following guards and once again was yelled at by the prisoners. Each one shouting about the way they would kill me, some would torture me then when I was barely alive stab me through the heart. Others went for a faster death but still rather gruesome.
But none bothered me, well beside the tortures of Loki's voice. He simply would not stop, and my resolve was quickly fading.
"Little Guard, I heard quite the rumor today." He started, his voice already giving me a headache.
"How interesting. " I responded for once, finally fed up with his teasing.
I heard him chuckle behind me and shuffle closer towards me. "Im not as bad as they say you know." He whispered as if it was the biggest secret in the world.
I sighed, I shouldn't have said anything, now ge thinks I'm actually interested in a conversation. "Im actually-"
"Quiet Evil One." I cut him off before his voice could cause more torture. He scoffed in suprize and amusement.
"Ooooh~" he leaned closer to me, as close as he could from inside the cell and with my back to him. "Name calling. How fearsome, Little Guard." His voice rumbled.
"Shift change. Have a good day." An officer came up to me. It was strange, my shift wasn't supposed to change till night fall and it was only mid-day. Something was off about his eyes too. He almost looked nervous.
I stood my ground, my eyes wandering over his armor. Thats when I noticed that his armor had no scratches, no dents, nothing showing any sign of battle.
In one stride I took my spear and pushed him against a wall with my weapon to his throat. "Who are you." I sneered. His face contorted from one of shock, to fear, then to malice.
"None of your business, bitch!" He spat in my face, then laughed. I wiped the spit from my face with me hand, then pressed harder on his neck.
"Tell me who you are or I won't hesitate to kill you." From behind me it was all to quite, as if the Asguardian prince was shocked at this too. Which is strange considering it seemed this man was here to break him out.
"You won't. " The imposter in front of me grimaced, "You still need me for information. " He wheezed out, a small smirk present on his now turning purple lips.
I tilted my head to the side, "your right." Suddenly I released his neck a drew back my fist, punching him square in the face successfully knocking him out. "Bitch."
I heard clapping behind me, already knowing who it is. I turned to see the one and only Loki Odinson grinning like the Cheshire cat and clapping his hands slowly. "Now that's entertainment." His voice carried out like butter.
Loud footstep were approaching from down the halls as Asguardian soilders approached.
Grabbing the man I had knocked out, I hauled him onto my shoulder. "I'll take him, you guys watch that one."
I sent one last glance towards the prince before whispering in one of the soilders ears, "watch him carefully."
After the whole break in, guards have been posted on longer or more frequent shifts. Some even in pairs or more. Luckily my shifts stayed almost the same, only adding a few hours to some. Unfortunately, because of the incident I was in charge of the one who broke in. Interrogations, the people who were to watch him, everything he does. I had to be careful who I let be around him. He seemed to have lots of friends from what I gathered.
But as a week passed, I had been almost relieved of those duties besides "checking in" every once in awhile. Which means I will be going back to guarding Loki, and for some reason I was almost excited, besides the fact that I would probably have an impending headache by the end of it.
When I arrived at his cell I took my position in the front, holding my spear once more. Moments past and a sound had yet to leave his mouth.
Silently I looked over my shoulder and into the cell. He was way to quiet today, and it was giving me the chills.
Suprizingly when I saw him, my eyes met his stunning blue orbs. His expression was soft and almost appreciative. But his eyes showed something else, something I couldn't quite decide what it was, sadness or adoration. Both very different emotions, but yet, I just couldn't tell.
I turned back facing forward and shifted my footing a bit to stand more comfortably. "Your awfully quiet today." I pointed out.
I heard him stand up and walk closer to me on the other side of the barrier. "Miss my voice, do we?" His voice carried out like silk, but he had a teasing tone along with it.
I sighed, "Simply stating facts. You are usually more of a headache, but I'll take this." If he wasn't going to talk, that was fine by me. All he ever did was talk or tease me. So why was I suddenly missing his voice.
"I apologize. " He sighed, his voice suddenly becoming softer and closer. "I don't know if you know, but you might have saved my life the other week." At that I turned to look at him. My feet turning quickly so I could see his face.
"What do you mean?" I asked breathlessly. Was that break in an assassination? Not a jail break?
He closed his eyes and smiled softly. When his eyes reopened he let out another breath. "I must apologize for your troubles Lady (Y/n), but I must end our conversation here." A smirk grew on his lips, but his eyes didn't show anything but the actual emotions behind his words. He was actually sorry about something. I wasn't sure if he was sorry about ending our conversation or something else, but he was sorry.
He simply walked over to his bed that the Queen provided him and lied down closing his eyes and releasing another breath.
I turned facing forward again, but I couldn't stop my thoughts from wondering.
We could be completely wrong about this. Loki could be in danger, and no one knows.
Hopefully this one was okay XD there will be a part two btw so don't worry. I love loki and I can never decide how I want to write him as XD
Anyways, hope you all have a good day or night! If your in to anime, I have anime oneshots too!
Word count: 1643
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