Ice Cream - Tony x reader
Here's another cutsie one.
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
- cursing I think
Tony had asked me on a date today. Why he asked me, I had no idea. I was no one exciting just simple care taker at a wildlife rescue center. He was not only an Avenger but a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. So why had he taken interest in you?
How you met wasn't even exciting; we had met at a donut shop, that was also a cafe. Your orders got mixed up and ended up getting eachothers. From there on you guys just kept bumping into each other. At the grocery, on the street, and even sometimes at my work. Somehow fate had a way of putting you both together. Atleast thats what Tony said. He was absolutely convinced that we were meant to be, simply because we kept meeting. He was surely a fool. Nevertheless I accepted and we were to go to an ice cream shop called Davey's Ice Cream.
I had heard of the place but had never had the pleasure of going. So, of course Tony being Tony, blabbered on and on about how nice it was, and of course me being me, I said, "Its sounds nice, I would like to go someday. " and thats when Tony had asked me out.
I absolutely loved ice cream, but my taste in flavors were quite exotic. I also get a little over excited when it came to sweets. You could say I had quite the sweet tooth. A few years ago I had traveled the world to see new places, I had been to atleast two different sweet shops at every place I stayed at. Thats how my tastes had become exotic. I had tried hundreds upon hundreds of flavors of ice cream and liked almost every one, so this place could not be so bad, especially compared to worm flavored lolly pops.
I just shudder at the thought.When I was in Peru they had quite the flavors of candy.
"Are you ready?" A voice pulls me from my thoughts. Tony's voice to be exact. I was currently sitting in the common room of the avengers complex. Tony was about to head out when Fury had asked to have a brief chat with him. Of course Tony was a little peeved but agreed nonetheless.
That was about an hour ago. So yes, I was very ready.
I nodded grabbing my simple over the shoulder purse and slipped it on. It was small but held all of the essentials.
Tony was being polite and opened the elevator, doors and even drove himself to the parlor. This man was really trying, and I guess it was nice to see this side of him and not just the media side. To be frank, I always admired him, but when he asked me out I almost said no. I mean, the guy is famous, has a robot army, and not a good past with relationships. Well, lack of in that matter.
I'm still not quite sure why I had said yes, maybe it was the puppy eyes or even the little pout he displayed when I had hesitated to give him an answer. What ever it was, it led me to free ice cream so I wasn't to disturbed.
Finally we arrived at the ice cream shop and I was blown away with all the flavors! They had some from different countries too.
Tony had gone up to the front and picked out his ice cream. He had gotten normal chocolate with sprinkles in a waffle cone. Amateur.
He waved me over and I quickly walked up to him and the cashier who was asking what I would like. "Can I get the mango raspberry pineapple with cherry syrup and can I also get some coffie crumbles on top of that?" I order one of my favorite mixes. Every ice cream shop that knows what they are doing has this option if you know your stuff.
The person nodded with a small smile. "Great choice, thats one of our specialties. " They spoke causing me to smile back. I looked over at Tony and noticed the shock on his face.
"Im so excited." I whispered to him, basically bouncing on my feet. His look of shock quickly brightened into a smile. A small, but gentle smile.
"You get excited over the smallest of things." He said grabbing our ice creams and paying. I frowned a bit noticing I got over excited again.
"Im sorry." I say blushing and shoving a loose strand of hair behind my hair. His eyes widened, "wha-? Hey. Don't be."
He took my hand gently and slid the cone into it all the while looking into my eyes, "That," he started before stealing a bite of my ice cream. "Was a compliment. "
I blushed and smiled, "well, then, thank you." I shoved a spoon full of my ice cream into my mouth and sped walked to our table out of embarrassment.
I really don't regret my decision on taking him up on his offer.
Sorry this was kinda weird/cheesy but its so hard to make one shots of Tony lol. Hope you guys still liked it anyways!!!
Word count : 871
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