Drunk - Natasha x Male reader
Hello everyone! <3
This chapter is a request, and yes this is a male one! I've never written from a male perspective to sorry if it's a bit cringe 😅
Anyhoe, enjoy!
"Come on agent! Let loose for once!"
"Drink! Drink! Drink!"
All the voices shouted while all he could do was shake his head and agree. I mean, what else can you do when all the avengers challenge you to a drinking battle.
"Fine." He sighed, a smile broke through as he desperately tried to bury it back down and look collected. They were going down. "But who dare I challenge?" (Y/n) smirked with a teasing tone and sat down at the bar in front on the one and only Tony Stark.
The said billionaire laughed and patted his shoulder. "Nat, why don't you show this guy how it's done."
"Sure thing." The rough and confident sound of Natasha Romanoff voice filled the air. Demanding attention, and that exactly what it got. Every head that was in the room turned to her and she strutted towards (Y/n).
She sat next to him and gave him a small smirk and leaned into his ear whispering, "Lets see how well you hold your liquor. "
Butterflies erupted through his nerves down to his stomach when she drew her hand across his chest in a teasing manner before she pulled away and completely took her attention away from him and onto Tony.
"Lets get this party started."
"Did you forget that I'm Irish?" (Y/n) slurred slightly as he was definitely tipsy but not quite drunk....yet.
"That means jack shit." Natasha says over the table as they had moved from the bar to a table earlier in the night to avoid anyone falling backwards off a stool.
"Does when it looks like im winning." He chuckled shaking his head at the Roman assassin who looked not so deadly at the moment. In fact she looked rather cute all stuttery and uncertain about what she was saying.
"Im still gonna win though."
"Oh for sure, says the one on almost three mugs and is shit drunk." (Y/n) reached across the table and stoked her hair, "I mean. If you wanna give up then go ahead." He whispered.
Natasha narrowed her eyes and grumbled. "Nope, no way." She said stubbornly before downing the rest of her drink.
"See? Not so bad." She says almost loosing her balance and falling off the chair.
"Uh, Nat?" Clint speaks up from the sidelines where everyone is looking and watching with an intense stare. She looked at him with a questioning look.
"He's on six and a half."
(Y/n) bursts out in a fit of laughter when he sees Natasha's reaction. One full of disbelief and shock.
"I can keep going." Her words become more and more slurred as the minutes go on and everyone knew that if she took one more sip she would be flat on on the ground, so Tony took the alcohol away and pronounced (Y/n) the winner much to everyone's suprise.
(Y/n) leaned over the table and gave Nat a smirk. "Dont worry darling, maybe next time." He winked at her as everyone laughed and the party continued.
Natasha was urked for awhile but eventually she ended up passed out in his lap my the end of the night and
(Y/n) was not complaining whatsoever.
Sorry this is so trash, I've really been struggling with writing alot recently and can't seem to get a good chapter out on anything. Anyways hope you guys had a good day!
Word count : 605
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