Always remember - Bucky x reader
⚠️Warnings ⚠️
-F bombs
-kinda sad
"You ready for this buck?"
The world was flashing in all different colors and lights. Voices could be heard from behind the curtain. Clicking of cameras snapping were slightly heard over all the noice. Yet Bucky felt like his world was quiet and the only thing he could focus on in that moment was Steve's voice. Buck's chest rose and fell as he took in a deep breath and then sighed out his answer, "As I'll ever be."
And with that him and Steve went through the curtains before them and faced the large crowd that cheered loudly once they spotted the two super soilders. They were famous and that was something Bucky had never thought to be possible.
"Welcome James Barnes and Steve Rodgers!" The show host announced more for the audience than for them.
This was another thing that Bucky would never had dreamed of.
Being on a talk show.
"Sit, sit!" She lightly demanded. Her hair was up in a high pony tail and she was wearing a tight fitting blue dress. She definitely had the face of a curious person and Bucky wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle the questions she had planned for them.
His nerves went warrant and he had to take a breath to control his shakey breath. He wasn't quite good at this whole public speaking thing so he was going to try and let Steve take the lead.
The show host smiled at the two as they took a seat and immediately went straight to asking questions. "So, everyone's been wondering, and I'm also guilty; Steve what's going on in your love life?" She asked enthusiastically, her hands clasping together over her lap.
Steve laughed aswell, "As of right now it's pretty slow, sorry to disappoint. " He joked. The crowd laughed and a few more clicks were heard from photographers.
"Well, I'm not sure about you, but I think some people may be happy to hear about that." Winking, the show host then looked over at Bucky, causing the attention to turn that way aswell. "Now, what about you? Any special lady taking your interest right now? Or possibly a past lady?" She nudged with her assertive and discrete question. Her posture showed that she wasn't going to take a boring answer like Steve's.
Bucky laughed and lightly rubbed the back of his nape. He noticed Steve sending him a look of concern but Bucky ignored it.
"I don't think-" Steve started, trying to take the weight of the attention off of him, but Bucky interrupted. "Its fine." He said. It was about time he talked about someone so important to not only him, but his country.
Everything went silent, waiting for his voice to carry out whatever he was about to say. No one dared to interrupt for sake of wanting to hear what the mysterious man had to share.
"Her name was (Y/N). I uh, I actually have a photo of her." Bucky finally said, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Only two people have seen what he was about to show the world. He flipped open his wallet and slipped out an old black and white photograph.
It was a beautiful women with what seemed like (Y/H/C) and a beautiful
(Y/F/S) face. Her skin looked pale because of the photo yet she looked like she was practically glowing. Her smile was wide with great accomplishment and she was truly beautiful.
The crowd gasped and awed.
"Tell us about her!" The show host practically begged causing Bucky and Steve to laugh along with some of the audience. Bucky hesitated but the crowd cheered so he continued.
"She, well, she was something alright." He laughed and so did the audience. " we actually met in the army. " He heard gasps and the show host clapped her hands. "Wow! Now correct me if I'm wrong. The only woman in the U.S. army was Peggy Carter, but she wasn't even really allowed on the field was she?"
"Correct. Yes Peggy was restricted in some ways, but, uh, (Y/N) snuck into the army as a man."
"Get cover!" Loud explosives could be heard as debris flew and dirt was shot up. Ringing was all Bucky could hear and he couldn't see another barricade. His only source of cover was a small hill and he knew he couldn't stay there much longer. "Shit!" He cursed as a bullet nicked his shoulder.
His breath quickened when he realized he might not get out of this one, but then he heard a voice booming over all the noise, it sounded slightly feminine but he passed it off. "Over here! I'll cover you!" The voice said.
He looked over to his right and saw a skinny man with a riffle held up against his shoulder looking straight at him. "Hurry!" They shouted. Bucky looked around and noticed this was his only option, there was no other barricade that he could see.
He nodded towards the guy and they started shooting at the enemies. Bucky jumped up and made sure his gun was strapped on and then ran like hell. His boots stomped against the gravel and dirt ground and projectiles were flying past him but he still ran.
He skid and landed right next to his savior panting, completely out of breath from running and his minor injuries. "Are you okay?" The man yelled over the noise. Bucky nodded and patted the man on his shoulder, feeling that he was quite thin but paid no mind. It wasn't someone's build that made them a hero as he just saw.
"What's your name brother?" Bucky asked out of breath, even though they were deep in battle, he had to know the name of this man.
When he looked into their eyes he noticed some hesitation. "My name is uh, John. " He said giving him a small smile before turning back to the field and taking some shots. "Whats yours?"
"James Barnes, but call me Bucky."
"Nice to meet you Bucky."
"I had absolutely no idea that he was actually a she. I didn't know for a long time either. Not until one mission when she got shot." Bucky said, recalling the day so clearly as if it was yesterday.
"Fuck!" John screamed from Bucky's right.
They were supposed to do a recall mission but it went terribly wrong.
They found the small squad they were looking for and counted thirteen people. All they had to do what count them, see what weapons they had, and get out. Unfortunately the last step didn't go quite as planned.
"John!" Bucky skid to a stop next to his friend. John had a bullet through his abdomen and was laying flat on the groud. "We gotta get up man!" Bucky called getting to his knees trying to help his friend up.
While he was trying to lift him John screamed in pain. "Shit! Stop, wait!" John yelled for Bucky to set him against a tree.
"Just hide! Go! I'll be fine!" He ordered Bucky. John assumed that they would run past and not see him, but he wasn't sure about Bucky. They put quite the distance between them and the squad but they somehow still made the shot.
Bucky went to pull up John's shirt but but he stopped him with a tight grip. When he made eye contact with him he saw a look in his eyes. He looked back down at his hand and finally put two and two together. "Your name really isn't John is it." Bucky said lowly.
'John' shook his head. "My real name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and yes I'm a girl. Now go hide." She said calmly and quickly. She thought that maybe if she told him the truth he would leave her. Leave her because he hated her. She didn't care if he came back or not. As long as he was okay.
"Im not leaving you." Bucky said, his mind made up. She only clenched her jaw and shoved Bucky away from her.
"Fuck, Bucky just go!"
"It was definitely a suprise." Buck laughed looking at Steve who smiled brightly at him. Bucky felt like for once, he was truly happy talking about her. He simply couldn't stop smiling just talking about her.
Steve sat there looking at his best friend smile for real for the first time in awhile. His eyes shone brightly and his smile was so wide, Steve couldn't help the one that spread across his own lips.
He knew that (Y/N) made him so happy. And he knew how close they were. Steve had the chance to get to know her, and he knew just how much she cared for Bucky too. They were a force to be reckoned with.
Bucky folded the the picture and put it in his wallet again. He was trying to decide if he should say what he was thinking next. But then he saw his girls smile and knew it was the right thing to say. "She was a howling commando too."
More gasps could be heard throughout the audience. "Are you saying the army kept her a secret?" The host asked, looking completely appalled. Bucky nodded, "yes. They did."
He crossed his arms and his smile faded a little but it was still there faintly. "She was okay with it too. She wanted women to be strong and fight, but she didn't want the attention either. So she decided that Peggy could take on that part and that she would do what's best and fight for her country." He paused and his smile returned full blown and he shook his head, his hair that was pulled back into a bun flopped slightly.
"The CO was not happy when they found out, but they for some reason let her stay. I think she had a talk with them. So after that, Steve asked her to join the team."
"Are you serious?!" She screamed jumping up and wrapping her arms around Bucky. He wasn't to happy about this decision, but knew she'd be a big help with her skill set.
"Unfortunately yes." He grumbled pulling her close to his chest. His arms wrapped around her waist as hers wrapped around his neck.
She gave him a smile and he returned it. "I love you." She said to him her face growing serious. She watched as his eyes grew big and his smile widened more if that was even possible. Suddenly her feet were off the ground and he was spinning them both with her in his arms causing both of them to laugh. "I love you too." He whispered in her ear when he finally stopped spinning. "I love you so much."
Bucky sighed and looked down at his smooth black shoes. His breathe shaked a little and his eyes watered a bit, but he still smiled. Whenever he thought about her, he just couldn't stop the smile that showed. Even though his smile had faded alot and it was barely there, he still smiled.
"She passed away doing what she loved, helping people." He said, his throat feeling like it was closing up. He cleared his throat and looked at Steve who gave him an encouraging nod.
"She was truly a special person." The lady said, a soft smile laying upon her lips. Her eyes didn't show curiosity anymore, but instead they showed comfort and she almost looked proud.
"Yes she was."
Hey everyone! I do want to say that yes indeed this was a requested chapter, requested by LilyGillette ! The promt to this was amazing and I immediately fell in love with it. I really do hope I did this story justice because it was just amazing. I also wanted to make it seem like Bucky loved this girl alot and missed her but she was the kind of person that made him better and even when she's gone her memory stays with him every day.
Anyways! I hope you guys liked it!
Have a good day/night!!!
Word count : 2032
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