(Y/n) stormed into the common room. The god of mischief, and the Master of the mystical arts both sitting on a sofa. Both being suspiciously quiet.
"Ok! Which one of you idiots did it?" (Y/n) demanded to know, as she crossed her arms and glared at the two men.
"Did what, my dear (Y/n)?" Loki asked, not even looking up from the book in his hand that was actually upside down.
"Don't try and play the innocent with me Loki Laufeyson! It was either you, or David Copperfield over there that did it. And I want to know which one of you it was." (Y/n) barked, as she looked between Loki and Stephen. Both of them shifting uncomfortably in their seats.
"(Y/n). We may be many things, but we are not mind readers. What is it that one of us is supposed to have done?" Stephen enquired, as he looked up from his book. Not liking how (Y/n) was glaring at him.
Both men knew that it wasn't a good idea to make (Y/n) angry. Just like her older brother, Doctor (Y/n) Banner had received the same high dosages of gamma radiation that Bruce had. And it had had the same effect on her. The only difference was that (Y/n) had always been able to better control the green monster that hid inside her. But when it did escape, boy did you need to get out of the way.
"Don't you dare, Stephen Strange. Do not try and play me for the fool. I have a terrible feeling that you both know what I am talking about. And not only do I want an explanation. I want you to fix it." (Y/n) growled, both men noticing the tinge of green that was coming to her skin and eyes.
"He did it!" The two exclaimed in unison as they pointed at the other. Neither of them wanting to be at the wrong end of (Y/n)'s temper.
"How did you.........what did you........?" (Y/n) began, trying to steady her temper as she looked between the god and doctor, as they got up from their seats and made their way over to her.
"There was a slight incident. A misplaced spell.......or two. A series of unfortunate events." Stephen began to explain, as he and Loki began to feel like a pair of children being chastised by an angry mother.
"Slight incident? Unfortunate events? Spilling your coffee. Burning you toast. Stubbing your big toe, are slight incidents. They are unfortunate events. What you two have done is neither of those things. Now both of you get to my room and fix it." (Y/n) replied, as both men looked at one another. Neither of them sure how to begin explaining.
"(Y/n). My dear. There may be a slight problem with that. You see..........." Loki began, only stopping as (Y/n) grabbed hold of his and Stephen's ears. The two able to do nothing as she dragged them with her to her rooms.
"Fix it!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she pushed the two through the door. All their eyes falling on the problem that (Y/n) was angry about.
Normally when (Y/n) went to her rooms, she would find two handsome super soldiers waiting for her. Steve and Bucky ready to engulf her in a huge hug. Especially when she had just got back from a conference. But today, instead of finding two physically enhanced, tall, broad shouldered men. She had walked in to find two beautiful little boys sitting on her bed wearing nothing but oversized T-shirts. Both holding out their arms for her to pick them up.
She knew that there was no way that the two small things could be anything other than Steve and Bucky. (Y/n) not needing to be a genius to figure it out. Especially given the fact the dark haired boy had a small metal arm. And the blonde had Steve's beautiful blue eyes. And she also didn't need to be a genius to know that there could only be one explanation for the incident. Well, in this case, two explanations. And their names were Stephen Vincent Strange and Loki Laufeyson.
"Fix them." (Y/n) said again. Feeling her heart melt as she sat on the bed between the two toddlers. Both of them climbing onto her lap and snuggling into her side.
"Well, that's the thing, (Y/n). As the God of ineptitude here was trying to explain. I don't think we can." Stephen replied, again not liking the look that (Y/n) was giving him.
"God of ineptitude? That's rich coming from the Master of mediocrity." Loki huffed in reply. Turning to ignore the Master of the mystical arts.
"Stop!" (Y/n) interrupted. Trying her best to not scare little Steve and Bucky.
"Isn't it bad enough that you two jokers have turned my boyfriends into toddlers? I don't need you arguing like a pair as well. Now, what do you mean you can't fix this." (Y/n) enquired. The doctor having a terrible feeling that she wasn't going to like what they were going to say.
"It's not that Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes will be like this forever, (Y/n). Its just that they may be like this for a while. Well at least until the spell wears off that is." Stephen explained. Looking over a Loki who was still choosing to pout.
"For a while? Wear off? Don't you think Steve and Bucky have been through enough? The last thing that they need is this too. And I don't know about you two, but I don't know the first thing about children. I love these two, but I don't want to raise them. I want to marry them, not mother them." (Y/n) replied, as she got to her feet. The two little boys clinging to her shirt as they wrapped their legs around their girlfriend's waist. Both soldiers giving the magic manipulators equally as cold looks as (Y/n) was giving them.
"Oh please, (Y/n). The whole building knows that you are more than capable of raising up both Rogers and Barnes." Loki chuckled. Coughing uncomfortably as (Y/n) placed the two toddlers back on the bed and moved to stand toe to toe with him.
"One more not so subtle innuendo out of you Laufeyson, and I will make what my brother did to you, seem like a day at the park. Now, as you two idiots can't fix this, you are going to help me. You are going to help me look after Steve and Bucky until this spell of yours wears off. Because if you don't, you will both get to meet the very angry side of my nature. And no amount of magic is going to save you." (Y/n) informed the two. Loki and Stephen looking at one another in disbelief, as (Y/n) joined her two little men back on the bed.
"But.......but (Y/n). Please be reasonable. I was a neurosurgeon, not a paediatrician. I don't know anything about taking care of children." Stephen replied, as he looked down at the two tiny super soldiers. Both boys pulling funny faces at him.
"Well, by the looks of it, that make three of us. But we are all these little ones have at the moment. And even though I don't believe that the Master of disaster, and the God of god help us all, are necessarily the best role models for these two. Until a more sensible adult gets back from their latest mission. You two will both be playing daddy." (Y/n) told them, as she leant down and kissed Steve and Bucky on the nose. (Y/n) wishing that she could talk to Clint or Scott about what to do.
"I am going to enjoy watching you two suffer for this. And just count yourselves lucky that they aren't in diapers. Now, I think that my two little men may be hungry." (Y/n) chortled, as she looked down at Steve and Bucky. Both of them nodding frantically at the idea of food.
"Steve will have warm pastrami and rye. And Bucky will have peanut butter and plum jelly on multigrain. Make sure that you cut off the crusts. And bring two glasses of milk as well." (Y/n) ordered, as she got up and pushed a shocked Stephen and Loki from the room.
"Well. This could actually be more fun than I though." (Y/n) chuckled to herself, before making her way back over to where Bucky and Steve were playing.
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