I love Deadpool (who doesn't), and I know it sounds like it, but I don't really intend this to be a lady Deadpool imagine. Although I could easily make it into one. Anyway, I hope you enjoy 😄
"What do you mean that she's just like me?" Wade asked, as he, Hank and Logan watched the monitor. The scene showing Charles speaking to a very nervous looking woman.
"Exactly what I say Wade. She came in a few hours ago asking to see someone that could help. She explained that she had had terminal cancer, and a strange man had offered her a chance at an experimental treatment that may be able to help. She said that despite her reservations she had eventually agreed, and she told Charles and I that when she turned up at this place, that she must have been hit by something as she remembers very little after that, apart from faces, being strapped to a gurney and pain. When she woke up, the room was on fire, and if it wasn't for the fact that she managed to reach a scalpel and cut through the restraints, she would probably have been badly burnt. She's been in hiding ever since, fearing that someone could be after her. But it wasn't until she had a freak accident that she realised that something was wrong." Hank began to explain, as the three continued to watch Charles try to reassure the woman. Wade remembering back to what he had been through with Francis, and how he had been the cause of the fire that could have harmed her.
"So, she has the same abilities as the asshole here?" Logan asked, with a growling chuckle.
"You know, Wolvie. I think that all this hostility towards me is just a way of covering up that that fact that you love me. Well, all I can say is, I love you too big guy." Wade joked, the mercenary smiling as Logan huffed indignantly.
"Pretty much, yeah. I gave her a full examination, and her strength, resilience, mobility, speed and healing powers, are nearly identical to Wades. One of the only differences is that if she loses an appendage, it grows back to full size almost instantaneously. Believe me I know. To prove it she took one of the surgical tools from my tray and cut off her finger. It grew back in, in a second." Hank continued, trying not to laugh as Wade sat on the table and pouted, remembering how many times he had had to put up with baby limbs.
"Well, she's not completely like Wade. From what I've seen, she doesn't appear to be as obnoxious, or as big a jerk as him." Logan said, a small grin pulling at the corners of his lips as Wade turned to look at him.
"Firstly, I will have you know that being obnoxious and a jerk, are two of my finer qualities. And secondly, I am letting you know that our love affair is over with, and I will be leaving with Cyclops." Wade replied, as Logan produced his middle claw in reply.
"I don't think that Wade being obnoxious has anything to do with the serum he received. I think that that's just Wade." Hank told Logan, as the door behind them suddenly opened, and Charles rolled in.
"So?" Logan asked, as Charles came to a stop in front of the monitor that was still showing the woman.
"Well, it would appear that just like Wade here she was one of Ajax's little experiments. Her mind is missing a lot of the finer details, but there is no denying the evidence that she and Wade here, are two of a kind. I don't know what they had planned for her, but one thing she can remember, is that they spoke about already having a buyer lined up for her." Charles informed the three other men, as Wade happily skipped a little closer to the monitor and took in the full extent of his "twin".
"She ain't as pretty as me." Wade commented, as his mind suddenly went back to being strapped to the gurney. Being pushed into the chamber, his skin blistering and his lungs burning as the oxygen supply was cut off.
"Yeah. You're as pretty as a week old pepperoni pizza that's been left out in the sun." Logan added as he lit a cigar. The plumes of smoke surrounding him like a thick fog.
"HEY!" Wade shouted, as he spun around to face the feral mutant.
"That's it! No snuggling for you tonight." Wade continued. Finding the rest of his witty comeback interrupted as Charles placed his hand on his arm.
"I think that you should go and speak with her Wade." Charles said, as Logan almost choked on his cigar.
"Professor. I don't think that that's a good idea. She looks traumatised enough if ya ask me. The last thing she needs is laughing boy here going in and telling her that she's just like him. She'll bolt for the door." Logan commented. Charles knowing that despite Wade having certain eccentricities, that understanding that she wasn't alone in what she had experienced may prove useful.
"Logan. I believe that Wade is the best thing for her at the moment. I have managed to persuade her that she should remain here with us. That given the fact that there was already a buyer waiting for her, they may still want to collect what they paid for. But Hank and I can reassure her that she is safe here, only so much. And given that Wade was in the same place, and went through the same things, and despite his opinions on us, he is the best we have try and convince her completely." Charles informed Logan, as all three mutants turned their attention to Wade. Wade staring at the woman on the screen.
Normally Wade could never be accused of being the most serious individual to walk the planet. But sometimes, just sometimes, even he could dig down deep and find his inner adult.
"What's her name?" Wade enquired, as he turned to face Charles.
"Her name's (Y/n). Most of the memories of her previous life seem to have been erased somehow, and it will take me more time to get deep enough into her psyche to help her get those memories back. She has been living rough on the streets ever since she escaped the fire. Hiding wherever she thought was safe. She needs help Wade." Charles said, as he, Hank, and Logan watched the mercenary make for the door.
(Y/n) looked around the room. It was comfortable, academic. Filled with wood and the smell of the old books that lined the walls. She had agreed to remain in the school, and the Professor seemed like the kind of man that she could trust. But there was still something in the back of her mind that made her feel uneasy. As far as she could remember, she had always just relied on herself. And now having to rely on others to help her work out who, and what she was, was something that she didn't like.
Ever since she had escaped the people that had changed her, (Y/n) had hidden. Sleeping in doorways, and under bridges. Eating out of dumpsters, or anywhere else she could find food. It wasn't a life, it wasn't her life, she knew that. But as she could no longer remember her life, she had nowhere else to go.
Suddenly a noise from behind her, made (Y/n) turn in her chair. Her eyes growing wide as a black and red mask appeared, closely followed by a body that was clad in the same colours. The form skipping over to where she sat, before perching on the corner of the desk next to her.
"Hi." Wade simply said, smiling under his mask, as (Y/n) looked up at him.
"Er.......hi?" (Y/n) replied, not sure what else to say to the strange looking man.
"Sooooooooo, mutant huh?" Wade continued, wondering what the best way was to begin explaining everything to the beautiful woman that was still looking up at him in disbelief.
"Ok. I don't know what this is. But.......I get the blue furry doctor. I get the Professor. But what the hell are you, and when do the rest of the clowns get here?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked at the door and waited for the rest of the circus to enter.
"Ooooooooo. Wolvie was wrong. We are alike." Wade chuckled as he sat further back on the desk and swung his legs over the side.
"But to answer ya question. Me and you are two of a kind."
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