I love doing cross overs between X-men and the Avengers and couldn't resist giving you the first part of this little offering. I hope you enjoy.
"STARK!" Bucky called out over the comms as he looked at the body that lay in the tube.
The battle outside was coming to an end, the HYDRA base had finally fallen. And as Natasha downloaded information from the computer mainframe, the super soldier had felt himself pulled, seemingly by some invisible force, into one of the old laboratories that was now half demolished thanks to the fight. Wires sparking and lights flickering as the sergeant pushed his way through the door.
The lab was like that of any other HYDRA facility, filled with equipment that was seemingly made to not only torture anyone that was against HYDRA, but also to change others into living weapons that they could control, like they had him.
Bucky couldn't explain why he hadn't just turned around and left. He couldn't explain why he had ventured further into the lab, but now as he looked at the woman in the tube, he was glad he had.
"What is it Frosty?" Tony asked in a crackly voice, the interference caused by the lab creating havoc with communications.
"I'm in one of the labs, I need you and Banner to get here now, I think I've found something you might want to see." Bucky explained, as he looked for a way to open the pod.
Within moments Tony and Bruce were stood by Bucky's side, all three men staring in disbelief at the inanimate female cocooned in glass.
"Is she human?" Bucky asked, watching as Bruce sifted through the debris trying to find any sort of file that may assist in working out what they were looking at.
"Eureka!" Bruce finally declared, holding a file triumphantly in his hands, brushing off the dust as he opened the report.
"Jesus." Bruce gulped, as he flicked through the report, unable to believe that even HYDRA could be responsible for such things.
"What?" Bucky and Tony asked in unison, both men trying to look at what Bruce was reading in disbelief.
"Experiment 472, code name the sword of the skull." Bruce began, explaining to the other two men what he was seeing.
"According to this, she was taken by HYDRA about 10 years ago, and they have been trying to perfect her over the last couple. She was born with a mutation, a mutation like none I have seen before; she has liquid dargonite for blood, which allows her to produce the metal from her body in a variety of weapons." Bruce continued, the next part of his explanation catching in his throat.
"This young lady, whoever she originally was is now nearly pure machine, some might say that she is a living breathing android. HYDRA cut off all her limbs, replacing them with something akin to one of Tony's suits, but amazingly they seemed to be even more advanced than that thanks to her mutation. Her torso and head are still living tissue, her organs protected by the dargonite that flows through her veins. They tortured and butchered this poor woman." Bruce explained, handing Tony the file as he moved to get a closer look at the body behind the glass.
"Dargonite? I've never heard of it." Tony said, as he continued to read the file.
"To be honest, not many have. All I know is that it is supposedly uses the same Uru metal as Thor's hammer. In other words, this woman's blood is made up of the same matter that is found at the core of a dying star." Bruce said, as he pushed away more debris from around the tube. Hoping to locate a catch that would open the pod.
"Do you think that letting her out is the best thing to do? I mean, she could be dangerous." Tony noted, suddenly finding himself pushed back against an adjacent wall. Bucky's metal hand wrapped firmly around his throat.
"And what do you suggest, Stark? That we leave her here? She was cut up and tortured by those animals. She is a victim. And I don't give a damn whether you or anyone else likes it or not. She is coming back with us." Bucky growled, as he pushed Tony further into the wall.
"I found it!" Bruce exclaimed triumphantly. As he flicked a switch. The doctor standing back as the lid of the tube slowly began to move. Blasts of built up gas bursting from the now brittle pipes.
Bucky looked over at the woman in capsule. Or what was left of the woman anyway. His mind rushing with memories of what he had had to endure as the Winter Soldier. He couldn't remember ever hearing of an experiment 472 or an agent known as the sword of the skull. But that didn't really mean anything. He couldn't help but think that maybe HYDRA hadn't got her to the stage that they believed they could completely control her. That despite her mutilation she had proved too strong, too stubborn to bow to their control, and that was why they had left her in her current state.
"Is she alive?" Bucky asked hesitantly, as Bruce began to examine the woman. Bruce's fingers gently feeling for a pulse.
"Yeah. She's alive, but her heartbeat is weak. If we are going to take her with us, may I suggest that we do it now." Bruce replied, as Bucky made his way over, taking the woman up into his arms and making his way out of the labs.
"How is she?" Bucky asked, as Bruce made his way out of the room.
He, Tony and Cho had been doing their best to figure out as much as possible about their new guest but had still come up with very little. They had been looking in missing person databases for as far back as they could go, and had still not been able to ascertain the identity of the woman.
"Well, as far as we can tell, her vitals have improved. Though, because of the dargonite that covers most of her body, and protects her organs, it is proving difficult to get any proper scans to find out anything exact. There is only one other person that I know of that has anything similar, and that's Logan. And given the fact that our mystery lady is also a mutant, Fury thought it best to send for both Logan and the Professor. They are on their way from the school now. Though given the extent of the dargonite shielding, I am not sure that even Xavier will be able to see into her mind." Bruce said, as he turned back to look at the woman.
"I can't believe that even HYDRA would do that to someone. To mutilate her like that. I can only imagine what she went through." Bruce told Bucky, as the doctor came up behind the soldier who hadn't taken his eyes from her form since Bruce began to speak.
"Oh, believe it. There is no level that HYDRA won't stoop to, to achieve their new world order. And believe me when I say that you don't want to know what she went through. But whatever it was, it was hell on earth." Bucky replied, as he continued to stare at the woman in the bed.
"Can......can I see her? Can I speak to her?" Bucky asked, as he turned his attention from the woman to the man behind him.
"I don't see why not. I doubt that it will do her any harm. Though I don't think that she will be able to hear you." Bruce told Bucky, as he watched the super soldier make his way into the room.
Bucky stood over the figure. His fingers ghosting over one of her arms, an arm that reminded him so much of his own.
"I'm sorry that this happened to you. If you can hear me, know that you are in the best place. We'll get help. Fury has called for the Professor, if anyone can reach you, its him. And when you wake up, I promise that I will help you hunt down and destroy all those that did this to you." Bucky promised, as he carefully brushed a few strands of loose hair behind her ear, then turned and left the room.
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