"(Y/n)'s at it again." Steve called out, as he watched the latest news reports. The image of the Iron Knight flashing across the screen, as (Y/n) helped evacuate civilians from the land surrounding an exploding volcano, before turning her attention to the erupting mountain. The black armour clad Stark, diverting the flow of the superheated magma away from the land and into the sea.
"Yeah. I know." Tony replied. Dropping the latest copy of a newspaper onto the table in front of the super soldier. The headlines outlining yet another of (Y/n)'s escapades.
"You know something Stark? Your daughter is making the rest of us look like a bunch of rank amateurs. And you, in particular, look like a complete dummy. So, it's not all bad." Clint chuckled, as he poured his third coffee for the morning.
"What I don't get, is how she knows about all these occurrences before we do. Its getting to the point that by the time that we get the assignment, (Y/n) has already been there and done it. I don't even bother getting out of bed anymore. I just turn over and go back to sleep." The archer added, as he took his seat back at the breakfast bar.
He knew that he shouldn't tease the unhappy father. The Avengers had had reports that (Y/n) had even taken on Hydra forces by herself, and each of them knew how dangerous that could be. That if the shit hit the fan, (Y/n) would have no one to watch her back. Tony always fearing that the next news report could be that the Iron Knight was dead. But Clint couldn't help but think that the billionaire had brought all this on himself. The archer would find that he and (Y/n) would sometimes sit and talk. (Y/n) always asking about the farm and his family. The young Stark laughing at all the stories he would tell her. About the kid's achievements, and how proud he was of them. It more than obvious to Clint, that (Y/n) needed a father. That she would love to be able to sit down and listen to Tony talk about her achievements. About how proud he was of her. Yet Tony always seemed to be too preoccupied, to sometimes acknowledge that his daughter was even there. The billionaire seeming to play favourites between Peter and (Y/n), and (Y/n) was always the loser. The archer had seen the difference in the young Stark, when he had once invited her to join him when he went back to the farm. (Y/n) seeming to savour every moment that she had spent with Laura and the kids. Seeming to fit happily into the family dynamic. The children in particular hating it when (Y/n) had had to leave.
Laura had noted that it was obvious that (Y/n) had missed out on a lot of love. Not just from her father, but also a mother. That if Tony wasn't careful, his daughter might just rebel. And she had been proved right. Though whereas others might turn to drink or other things, (Y/n) had decided to show her father what she could really do. Decided that the best way to punish him for not seeing her for so long, was to force him to see her. To show the rest of the world, that Iron Man wasn't as special as he would like people to think.
"I know that you have been told this a hundred times since (Y/n) left. But at this moment, I feel that I need to reiterate it one more time. This is all your fault, Stark! We can't blame Peter. He's basically still a kid, and worships you as his idol. You pushed your own daughter away. Made her feel like nothing. And every time the Iron Knight appears in print or on the news, (Y/n) is just metaphorically flipping you the bird. If your goal was to make your kid hate you, then I would say, well done." Clint scoffed. Raising his coffee mug in salute to Tony, before making his way out of the room.
"Clint didn't mean it, Tony. We just all miss (Y/n). Its not the same without her around here. I know that you and Peter miss her the most, but..........."
"No, Rogers. He's right. (Y/n) lost so much when she lost her mother. I tried to be both of the parents that she needed but failed abysmally at just trying to be her father. The steady stream of girlfriends never helped. They didn't want some kid hanging around, so I sent her away to school. Then when she did come back to me, the only thing I let her do is toil away in the labs. Then Peter comes along, and I completely forget about her. I'm an asshole. A solid gold asshole. And I can't blame her for anything that she's done. But I want her back, Rogers. I want a chance to make all of this up to her. To show her that she is the only one I love." Tony interrupted. Steve sure that he had never seen the billionaire so sincere.
"That's all very well and good, Stark. But how are you going to do that? We have all tried everything to find her. Yet the only time that she comes out of hiding is when something happens. We............"
"Exactly! And that is how we are going to bring her home." Stark said, interrupting the interruption.
"I have been going about this all the wrong way. Looking at where (Y/n) could be, rather than where she will be." Tony explained, as he got to his feet. Steve furrowing his brows as Tony brought up an array of screens in front of him.
"Clint asked how (Y/n) could know about all these incidents before we did. Well.........I think I might know. I would put money on it, that she is scanning all known emergency frequencies. That she has managed to hack into not only our system, but also that of S.H.I.E.L.D. And is being alerted every time something that fits certain parameters pops up. Now, what I think, is that we should give her an emergency. Have a fake report sent out, so that she's alerted. Then, when she flies in to save the day, we all meet her, and persuade her to come home." Tony explained. Steve not sure whether he liked the idea or not. But if the emergency was only fake, then maybe it was worth a try. Maybe it was the only way that they could get the teams favourite Stark, to come back to them.
"Ok, Stark. What do you have in mind?"
"Hector! Do you have the analysis on that glitch with the tracking system yet? I don't like the thought of being caught with pants down. I need everything up and running for the next time we get the heads up." (Y/n) called out, as she reached for another screwdriver, and tinkered with something on a new devise that she was trying to perfect.
"Yes miss. It appears that we encountered a blocker that threw off the system. I have made the necessary adjustments. And the next time that you use the suit, there should be no similar failures." Hector replied. (Y/n) smiling as she listened to the AI. The young Stark sure that every time he spoke, he sounded more like Bruce. (Y/n) finding the cool calm tone, as reassuring as that of the man himself.
"Thanks Hector. Where would I be without you?" (Y/n) chuckled, as she dropped the screwdriver back onto the bench. Admiring her handy work.
Suddenly an alarm went off through the building. (Y/n) jumping to her feet and bringing up a screen in front of her. Searching all the relevant site and radio communications for the latest emergency.
"What's going on, Hector?!" (Y/n) called out over the noise, as she pressed a button on her watch. The pitch black suit, instantly forming around her. The eyes of the mask glowing a bright red.
"It would appear that there is trouble at the Stark compound, miss. The Avengers are under attack." Hector informed her. (Y/n) stopping dead in her tracks.
Who would be insane enough to attack her father and the others at the compound? Who would dare? But in truth it didn't matter who it was, or why they were doing it. Someone was trying to hurt her family. And she would never let that happen. It no longer mattered whether her father loved her or not. It didn't matter about the arguments and all that had happened. She wouldn't let anyone get away with attacking the people she loved. Especially not her father and Peter.
"Stealth mode." (Y/n) instructed. The suit instantly turning invisible. The Iron Knight blasting up and out of an opening in the roof. (Y/n) making her way back to upstate New York, to stand by her family's side.
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