Not Found Out
The first jump was exhilarating. I mean, what a rush of adrenaline. I was up so high that the landscape around me feels so tiny. I could see everything. Birds migrating north for the summer. The clouds seemed so close I could touch them. That plane seems to be making its way closer and closer.
'Wait, what. Oh, shit,' I thought, but before any of that business. I happen to realize what happens to things that go up the hard way. I came down like a feather at first. I felt my body's weight disappear. Then the hair on my head slowly started to rise, and I started to drop, and I got faster and faster. I did not realize how high I was before due to me marveling at the view, but damn. When I hit the ground, it was not running, that is for sure. I hit like a sack of bricks. My movement was almost immediately stopped by both of my legs sinking into the ground, and even then, I moved another 10 meters, finally being stopped by a boulder.
'God. Who put this boulder here? Oh right.' I thought as I pulled myself out of my indent. I must be about half a mile from where I initially started the jump, which means Shield could have people here in minutes via air travel. Also, that plane or jet was black. It had to be miles out, at least. I am unsure who they are, but I need to move fast.
I got up from the landing, telling myself no more jumping due to the air support Shield seems to have and started making my way east again. I started picking up the pace to make myself run faster and faster. Luckily being able to slow my surroundings by speeding up my perception is helping me weave through the forest in front of me. I do not plan to stop till I hit the coast or at least a city, which seems like good training for my mind and getting used to my speed. There are a few times where I need to jump a gorge or river, and every time, I tried to control myself to land just on the opposite side. The first time I ended up on the side of a cliff. After that, it seemed my enhanced brain helped me out a bit as I got better and better.
After running for a while, I started seeing signs of civilization. It is the middle of the night by now, but I could see lights flickering beyond the trees. I kept up my speed, which gradually increased as I got used to it. I was able to find and follow a road, just on the sides, though. Every time I saw a car, I hid off on the side amidst the trees as I passed them, or they passed me.
'Flatlands, I seem to be able to go over 70 MPH. I cannot wait till I can really push it. Once this body matures, I am not even sure what my limits would be.' I thought as I made my way towards the city. As I pass a sign saying welcome to Richmond, I start to think of my next plans. I need to find some clothes and possibly a place to stay. At least a place where I can lay low and would not be too far from anything that I would need. I can train in the forest if I do not destroy too much of it. Once I can get the hang of flying, it should be effortless to move around.
I moved through the trees, still following what I assumed was the highway trying to stay out of sight. The trees started to disperse as I followed close to the highway, so I decided to stay along the tree line. The trees eventually led me to what seemed like a river. I followed the river north, which brought me to what I believed was the actual city.
I looked across the river and saw some tall buildings. I noticed housing and communities up to this point, but this place I could call home while laying low. I am close enough to the city I could speed run, yet far enough away to where I could train without causing much of a fuss.I situated myself under a bridge. With some scrap, I could see myself making this into a home. The underside of the bridge looked hollowed out. Some beams were parallel to each other at about 10-foot intervals. If I placed a board or a metal sheet along with them, I would have about eight feet of clearance up top.
'This will do. I'll head out tonight and see if I can find anything that I can use as flooring and can wall off my abode.' I thought as I walked towards the other side of the bridge on the opposite bank. There was graffiti almost all over it, but I did not care. It kept me out of sight and out of other people's minds. I would be able to train in the forest near the river during the night. Possibly even catch some local wildlife for food. I will also be close enough to the city to find food, clothes, and other necessities.
'Life's looking up, Andy. Life's is looking up.' I thought as I walked towards the bridge.
"Tell me exactly what happened." Fury said as he sat down at what seemed to be a conference table.
"Well, sir, the teams and I followed the readings we were getting to a certain point on the north side of Virginia. As we arrived at a certain orphanage, we found it empty, but the energy readings were off the charts. We were going in when Barton and Ms. Romanoff here pulled up. That is when they decided to enter the property alone. They were about halfway to the house when, what seemed to be, two beams shot out and destroyed our vehicles, almost taking a few people as well, including these two. As we thought, we were facing some sort enhanced with some laser power. We were not expecting this person to have the ability to either jump almost a mile away or at least fly for a short distance. We found a crater going east, the direction it jumped. The issue arrives when we look at the bigger picture. Clint, you mind?" Coulson said as he passed it to Barton.
"Yeah. He said pretty much sums it up; however, I saw what looked to be a small image through the window right before the red beam hit us. Also, it did not seem to want to fight as the flight took over its senses. From what I was able to gather, this was a small person or child. It seemed to be around five feet tall, maybe a little bigger. I would hate to see such a huge amount of potential, potentially dangerous, in a child. Imagine what would happen when said child grew up?" Clint said with a look of concern etching his face.
"He or she is scared. That is why you think they ran? Also, are you sure it's human?" Fury asked, and this time Natasha was the one who answered.
"All I could catch was a blur, but definitely human. We had a chat with the kids and the people there. There seemed to be a missing child, but no one could really describe him accurately, as we kept getting different descriptions. Long black or brown hair, maybe. Definitely dealing with a male boy as that is the only thing they all agreed upon." Natasha said.
"Very well. Scour the forest starting eastward. Also, if the power you said you saw is in that body, perhaps you should open the range further. Looking for a dark-haired youth, male. Also, check paperwork from the orphanage. It should be a kid that lived there." Fury said as he silently dismissed them. As the three left the room, Fury could not help but think about what was going on in the world.
Xavier was not having a good day. He lost the only lead he had on whoever did the energy reading he felt. He just hoped Magneto was having the same day. No matter how many times he entered Cerebro, he could not pinpoint the person. And person it was, he knew that. He felt the feelings of a human when that power entered his mind. It was intoxicating even to him. He also felt the telltale signs of the X-Gene.
"Better hope it's someone good that finds this person. If someone were to get him on their side, and he did not care about doing evil things. The world could burn." Xavier said with a sigh.
"It can't be that bad, Charles. Besides, we will find them. It is only a matter of time before something shows up. Perhaps he lowers whatever is blocking you. We just got to make sure we are ready." Storm said as she is walking beside the professor's wheelchair.
"Storm, you must understand. When I felt inside that person's mind for the briefest of moments, I was able to determine a couple of things. One : that person is powerful. As in pushing Omega already as a newly awakened. Two : They had the potential to grow stronger. This means the longer we cannot find them, the stronger they will become, and the less likely we can bring them to our side. Three : The person was young. I did not feel any bit of the lingering effects puberty has on someone. When you put all these together, you get ; A young person with powers unfathomable with the potential to grow stronger. Could you imagine what would happen if he/she got angry?" Xavier said with a dejected face.
"When you put it like that, it does sound like something bad could happen. Hopefully, no one will die before we can get there. They must be so scared." Storm said, looking about as calm as a lake in the early morning.
'I hope nothing bad happens indeed,' the professor thought.
Like this, ten years passed...
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