Steven Grant (HC)
Steven has a crush on you.
Pairing: Steven Grant x GN!reader
Genre: fluff!
Warnings: none
A/N: Watched Moon Knight a while ago and can't stop thinking about Steven!! Enjoy!
-Steven deserves all the love <3
-he's super shy around you
-tries really hard to talk to you, but always changes his mind last minute and walks away before he's even said anything
-he will either have a stupidly big dreamy smile on his face when he looks at you
-or a kind of shocked expression with his mouth slightly open and eyes following your figure as you walk by him
-he's always fumbling over his words when you ask him a question at work
-you find it cute and you may seek him out from time to time to ask him questions you may already know the answer to
-he's not really much of an initiator/talker, so mostly he'll just be glancing over at you every 2 seconds
-gets super embarrassed and warm when you catch his gaze and give him a smile
-(will most likely be thinking about your smile the rest of the day)
-every time he hears your voice his head turns to wherever he hears it from, no matter what he is doing
-helping a customer? no, listening to you is more important
-has made a fool of himself multiple times in front of customers because he was watching you or thinking about you
-one time you waved at him and said 'good morning Steven' as you walked by and he attempted to say good morning back, turning to face you as you walked past him and he walked straight into a plushie display of the Egyptian Gods/Goddesses
-he saw you once watching your favorite movie on your phone and now tries to bring it up casually to be able to talk to you about it
-definitely watched it after finding out you liked that movie
-once you two get a bit closer (to where he can actually form a coherent sentence around you and talk to you without his palms sweating) he starts doing little things that make you smile
-you mentioned this smoothie place once and said you really wanted to try it since it was new, so every day for a few weeks he would stop by the smoothie place before work and order a new flavor smoothie for you to try
-he would get himself one and would blush like crazy when you asked to try a sip of his
-you always seem to spend your breaks together with each other
-either sharing a snack from the vending machine
-or looking through the newest shipments that come in in the warehouse
-or gossiping about Donna and how her panties are always in a bunch
-one day you realize something while you're sharing a bag of chips
-you have not given this man your number
-how could you forget such an important part of a beginning friendship?!?!
-especially if you wanted to become more than friends with him
-so you grab your phone and hand it to him with the contact list open
-"put you number in my phone, Steven. I want to bug you all hours of the day"
-Steven has never typed anything so fast in his life
-constantly looks forward to your texts
-even the weird ones at 3 a.m (even if he doesn't wake up to see them)
-he always seems to type out the phrase "will you go out with me" but always deletes it
-one day though as Steven was writing out this common phrase and weight the pros and cons of sending this message
-yet again he decides this is a bad idea, but he only gets to delete the question mark before his finger slips and he hits the send button
-every muscle in his body tensed and he went frozen before completely losing his mind
-he's pacing, swearing, thinking about what next job he should get, where he should move to, how to change his apperance to look like someone else...
-then his phone chimes and he goes silent again, tense as he picks his phone up to see if you had responded
-and you did
-with a very enthusiastic sounding "Yes!! I would love to, Steven!!"
-and he almost passed out
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