The streets of London were busy with people preparing and selling things before Christmas Eve. Fruits, vegetables, fish, turkey, Christmas decorations, and much, much more. People were even working their last few hours until they closed up for Christmas. But two people who were still working were me, your narrator, and Ellie Thomas. Ellie is who I call (Y/N) when I write these stories. Anyway, we were selling apples while Ellie was eating some of them. I was a little annoyed that she was but she got my attention to you, the readers, who came to read the story.
"Hello! Welcome to The Marvel Christmas Carol," I said smiling at you all, "I am here to tell the story."
"And I am here for the food," Ellie said
"My name is The Creator."
"And my name is Ellie Thomas. Wait a second. You didn't write Christmas Carol."
"I did so!"
"No, you didn't. Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens. A genius!"
"I know that. But he didn't write the Marvel version, did he? And besides, I know the story of A Christmas Carol like the back of my hand."
"Prove it!"
So, I started to name off things I had on my hand to prove her wrong. But she told me not to tell you all about my hand and tell you the story. So, that's what I'll do. The Fathers were dead, to begin with.
"The... Pardon me?" Ellie asked confused
"That's how the story begins, Ellie. 'The Fathers were dead, to begin with'," I said
As dead as a doornail. In life, the Fathers had been business partners with their shrewd moneylender and son named Loki Laufeyson. You will meet him as he comes around that corner. Ellie looked over to where I was pointing and asked where said corner was. I pointed to it again and asked when Loki would arrive. I'd say now. And there he was in all his glory.
Loki Laufeyson. Everyone in the streets of London knew him. But he brought misery to everyone during Christmas with how much he hated the season. He'll explain why later. As for now, let's follow him to his place of work. Now, multiple people sing this song so I'll save both of us the trouble of who said what. Because neither of us knows these people and you get the idea that pretty much the whole town is singing this.
'When a cold wind blows, it chills you. Chills you to the bone.'
'But there's nothing in nature that freezes your heart like years of bein' alone.'
'It paints you with indifference like a lady paints with rouge.'
'And the worst of the worst.'
'The most hated and cursed.'
'Is the one that we call Laufeyson.'
'Unkind as any.'
'And the wrath of many.'
'This is Loki Laufeyson.'
'Oh! There goes Mr. Humbug. There goes Mr. Grim. If they gave a prize for bein' mean, the winner would be him.'
'Old Loki, he loves his money cause he thinks it gives him power.'
'If he became a flavor, you can bet he would be sour.'
"Even the vegetables don't like him!"
'There goes Mr. Skinflint. There goes Mr. Greed.'
'The undisputed master of the underhanded deed.'
'He charges folks a fortune for his dark and drafty houses.'
'Us poor folk live in misery.'
'It's even worse for mouses.'
"Please sir, I want some cheese."
'He must be so lonely, he must be so sad. He goes to extremes to convince us he's bad. He's really a victim of fear and of pride. Look close and there must be a sweet man inside...' Loki walked past the choir not even giving them a penny, "Nah! Uh-Uh!"
'There goes Mr. Outrage. There goes Mr. Sneer.'
'He has no time for friends or fun.'
'His anger makes that clear.'
'Don't ask him for a favor cause his nastiness increases.'
'No crust of bread for those in need.'
'No cheeses for us meeces.'
Loki liked the cold. He was hard and sharp as a flint. Secret and self-contained. As solitary as an oyster.
'There goes Mr. Heartless. There goes Mr. Cruel. He never gives, he only takes. He lets his hunger rule. If being mean's a way of life, you practice and rehearse.'
'Then all that work is payin' off.'
'Cause Loki is getting worse.'
'Every day, in every way, Loki is getting worse!'
Loki turned to everyone singing behind him. They all scattered quickly once he did. That's how scared they were of him.
"Humbug," Loki said before walking into his place of work.
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