Chapter Two: One more sleep 'til Christmas
Night had fallen and everyone was still at work. They close at seven every night. Christmas is no excuse to close early for Loki. As he worked, Tony came over, explaining that it was closing time. Knowing what day it was tomorrow, Loki still wanted Tony to arrive at work tomorrow morning. The workers urged Tony to ask Loki for the whole day off. Tony just started with that it was Christmas day tomorrow. So Loki only let them have half an hour off.
Tony convinced Loki to give them the whole day off because all businesses would be closed so he had no one to do business with. And it would waste a lot of expensive coal for the fire. Loki didn't like the point that Tony was making but let them have the day off. Everyone cheered before Loki told them to stop. Loki left and told them to be there earlier the day after Christmas. With their employer gone, at last, Tony Stark and the bookkeepers immediately began that most pleasant of activities, the celebration of Christmas.
"He's gone!" one of the bookkeepers said smiling
"Gentleman, let's close up for Christmas," Tony said smiling, 'There's magic in the air this evening. Magic in the air. The world is at her best, you know when people love and care. The promise of excitement is one the night will keep, after all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas.'
Everyone started to clean up, put their books away, and close up before Christmas day. This is the one time of the night where they all finally get to have a bit of fun before heading home after a long day of work.
'The world has got a smile today. The world has got a glow. There's no such thing as strangers when a stranger says "hello". And everyone is family, we're having so much fun, after all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas.'
Everyone started to finish cleaning up. Once they were all dressed to go outside, they left, and Tony locked up.
''Tis the season to be jolly and joyous with a burst of pleasure, we feel it arrive. It's the season when the saints can employ us to spread the news about peace and to keep love alive.'
Somebody skated past them. It was a skating party hosted by some of the locals and children. After watching for a while, Tony decided to give it ago. And he did quite well. Ellie and I saw what was going on too. Ellie didn't want to try it but I forced her to do it anyway. She fell into an empty barrel and was definitely not happy with me. But Tony bid everyone a Merry Christmas and left with the bookkeepers.
'There's something in the wind today that's good for everyone. Yes, faith is in our hearts today, we're shining like the sun. And everyone can feel it, the feeling's running deep. After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas. After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas day.'
So, everyone made their way home for Christmas. Loki had just made it home where Ellie and I were waiting for him. Loki lived in chambers which had once belonged to his old business partners and fathers, Laufey and Odin.
"Have some bread?" Ellie asked offering me a piece
"Not while I'm working," I said
"Okay. Suit yourself."
The building was a dismal heap of brick on a dark street. Now, once again, I must ask you to remember that the Marleys were dead and decaying in their graves. That one thing you must remember or nothing that follows will seem wondrous. Loki walked over to the door and went to unlock it when the door knocker started to change. Loki watched it happen a little spooked. It finally turned into the head of Laufey, his biological father.
Laufey yelled Loki's name, scaring the life out of him and the horses of the carriage we were on causing the horses to kick us off! But as quickly as Laufey had arrived, he was gone. Like he was never there. Loki just went in thinking it was all humbug. But to say that Loki was not startled would be untrue. Still, the moment had passed, and the world was as it should be. Ellie and I tried to follow him in but Ellie was trying to find some jellybeans she had left out here!
I just told her to follow me. But Loki had slammed the door in our faces before we could get in. Loki made his way up the staircase caring not a button for the darkness. Darkness was cheap, and Loki liked it. But the incident at the door had made Loki wary. Before he shut himself in for the night, he searched his rooms.
"Okay. That does it!" Ellie said having enough
"Pardon?" I asked confused
"How do you know what Loki is doin'? We're down here, and he's up there."
"I keep telling you, storytellers are omniscient. I know everything."
"Hoity-toity, Miss Godlike Smarty-pants."
To conduct a proper search, Loki was forced to light the lamps. You could see the lights from his window.
"How does she do that?" Ellie asked you
So, Loki searched everywhere, turning on most of the lights in his house. He even had his dagger with him in case there was an intruder or anything else. He put the candle he was holding down but saw something from the corner of his eye. He turned and started to attack it. But he then realized it was just his dressing gown. Not much harm done, thankfully. He changed into his nightwear and had some dinner before settling in for the night.
But as he was eating, a bell went off. He looked up at it confused. He just let it go before it started ringing violently. But it stopped not long after and the fire went out. A glow came from the staircase. Loki looked over and waited for something to happen. Then suddenly two figures popped up, laughing. It was the ghosts of his fathers, Laufey and Odin. He couldn't believe this was happening.
"Look! It's Loki Laufeyson," Odin said
"Looking younger and more wicked than ever," Laufey said
"I knew he wouldn't disappoint us."
The two laughed again. Loki just looked over at the two."
"Who are you?" Loki asked
"In life, we were your partners and fathers. Laufey..."
"And Odin!"
"It looks like you, but I don't believe it!" Loki said
"Why do you doubt your senses?" Laufey asked
"Because a little thing can affect them. A slight disorder of the stomach can make them cheat. You may be a bit of undigested beef... a blob of mustard, a crumb of cheese. Yes. There's more of gravy than of grave about you!"
The two laughed at Loki's silliness
"'More of gravy than of grave'?" Odin asked amused
"What a terrible pun. Where do you get those jokes?" Laufey asked
"Leave comedy to the bears, Loki."
More laughing
"Please, Laufey, Odin, don't criticize me. You always criticize me!" Loki said still annoyed at that
"We were always heckling you," Odin said
"It's good to be heckling again," Laufey said
"It's good to be doing anything again."
And laughing
"Why do you come to me?" Loki asked
'We're Odin and laufey. Averious and greed,' they said
'We took advantage of the poor. Just ignored the needy,' Laufey said
'We specialized in causing pain. Spreading fear and doubt.'
'And if you could not pay the rent, we simply threw you out,' Odin said as Laufey laughed, "There was the year we evicted the entire orphanage!"
"I remember the little tykes all standing in the snowbank," Laufey said
"With their little frostbitten teddy bears."
More laughing before they shivered
'We're Odin and Laufey. Our hearts were painted black.'
'We should have known our evil deeds would put us both in shackles,' Laufey said
'Captive, bound, we're double-ironed, exhausted by the weight.'
'As freedom comes from giving love,' Laufey said
'So, prison comes with hate,' Odin said as chains came in front of them like jail call bars
'We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo. We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo.'
"But my friends, you were not unfeeling toward your fellow men," Loki said
"True, there was something about mankind we loved," Odin said
"I think it was their money," Laufey said
The two laughed and some of their chains had wrapped around Loki bringing him closer to them.
'Doomed, Loki! You're doomed for all time!' They said
'Your future is a horror story written by your crimes,' Laufey told him
'Your chains are forged by what you say and do,' some boxes appeared along with even more chains
'So, have your fun. When life is done, a nightmare waits for you,' the boxes said
Loki escaped the chains, "What are these terrible chains?"
As the chains were almost choking them, they wailed out.
"The chains!" Odin called out
"We forged these chains in life by our acts of greed," Laufey said
"You wear such a chain yourself."
"Humbug. Speak comfort to me, fathers," Loki said
"Comfort?" Laufey asked as the chains pulled them away
"You will be haunted by three spirits," Odin said
"Haunted? I've already had enough of that," Loki told them
"Without these visits. You cannot hope to avoid the path we tread," Laufey said
"Expect the first ghost tonight when the bell tolls one," Odin told him
"Can't I meet them all at once and get it over with?" Loki asked
"When the bell tolls one!" Laufey reminded him
'We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo. We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo. We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo. We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo. We're Odin and Laufey. Whoooooo. Change!'
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