Universal Constants
Author: bluesweatshirt
Words: 17227
Tags: #NoWayHomeSpoilers, #TonyActingAsPeter'sParentalFigure, #PeterNeedsAHug, #PeterGetsAHug, #IrondadFixesEverything, #PostNoWayHome, #NoWayHomeFixIt, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Hurt/Comfort
"You know," Strange tells him. "There is another universe."
Story contains NWH spoilers.
Status: Complete
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/KiwiRens_completed_stories/works/35904133
External link's gonna be in the comments.
Please request whatever kind of story you'd like me to rec. 🥺🥺Anything you want.
After watching no way home, I really needed this. Question, who cried watching no way home? I definitely did.
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