Christmas, Peter style
A/N I wanted to write some cute fluff for Christmas! Enjoy and happy reading!
Peter POV
All was quiet in the tower, Tony had drifted off to sleep in the lab and everyone else had been slumbering for hours. So no one was there to see me creeping around at midnight on Christmas eve.
I was like a ninja, putting up decorations on the stairwells and a tree in every office. I figured because the people at SI had to work Christmas day, it didn't mean that they shouldn't have a good time!
Once all the offices were done, I faced the biggest task of all.
Wrapping lights around the top of the tower.
Oh god, why did I agree to do this?
Oh yeah, cause Silver and Nat dared me to, they make a terrifying duo, I'm pretty sure Clint was in on it too.
Let's break this down:
1. get the lights
ok, easy enough I have a really long set that should be perfect!
2. get to the roof
slightly harder, but still doable, up in the elevator and onto the roof.
3. swing around the tower while holding the lights.
This is the tricky part a) because I'm scared of heights and b) because I have to hold two things at once while swinging at high speed hundreds of feet off the ground.
3rd person POV
Peter took a deep breath and swung off the tower, he had twined his webs around the lights to make them stronger, but they wouldn't be able to hold his weight, he still had a web strand for that. He was swinging around, just beginning to enjoy it when the worst thing possible happened...
The web snapped.
The cold air and the excessive weight must have been too much for it so it just snapped, anyway Peter was hurtling through the sky on his way to a messy death.
Back in the tower, Tony woke up suddenly when FRIDAY shouted "BOSS! Peter has fallen off the roof and is currently moving at 10mph towards the ground. I suggest you call your suit."
Tony immediately ran out to the landing pad and launched himself after Peter as the suit formed around him, encasing him in a carapace of red and gold.
A little girl looked out of her window and saw Tony flying after Peter, and because it was Christmas eve she thought it was Santa flying out to give presents to kids.
Tony stretched out his arms and grabbed Peters hand just before he hit the sidewalk (or pavement if you are a British bitch like me) and flew horizontally because he couldn't go straight up again.
As they flew up he asked, "Peter, why were you falling through the air at 3 in the morning? And why were you on the roof?"
"I was wrapping lights around the tower,"
"Why? Just, why?"
"because the tower is never Christmassy, and the workers have to do stuff on Christmas day!"
He stopped talking when he realized that Peter was fast asleep and snuggling into his shoulder.
They landed on the pad and Tony brought Peter up to his room and tucked him in with his iron man tusm tusm and his polar bear plushie.
5 hours later Peter woke up to find all the Avengers and MJ and Ned standing in his room (Clint was leaning out of the vent) and as soon as they all saw he was awake they started singing "we wish you a Merry Christmas" out of tune, they broke off laughing before they reached the second verse but ended up finishing the song on an Instagram live feed. All in all, a very happy Christmas!
The people at SI never worked out who decorated the tower for Christmas that year though...
A/N HAPPY CHRISTMAS! And if you don't celebrate it, have a happy midwinter! hugs and hot chocolate,
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