TaserTricks: Just a Human
P.S. this is TaserTricks, if you don't know what that is, it is the ship of Loki and Darcy, leave a comment if you ship them. I don't know why this is so long, I guess I got carried away.
This is disgraceful, I am a frost giant, and a former prince of Asgard, it is beneath me to be led around like an obedient dog behind my brother. I have had enough of this treatment, I must find a way to break free, I should be ruling the nine realms, not standing like an exhibit for these humans to stare at. Thor has brought me to, what I believe the humans call a helicarrier, Thor is speaking to one of the many agents wandering around the room.
"Thor, this is tedious, can we please go home?" Thor pauses in his conversation to acknowledge me.
"Do not worry brother, we will soon be finished here, then we will proceed to Jane's house for a meal." He turns back to the man he was speaking with, and I let out a long sigh. I lean against the wall behind me, tired of standing, and sore at the wrists from my restraints. I could easily break free of the restraints, but it would be useless, as I have no weapons and no ability to use magic, Thor would subdue me immediately. No it would be foolish to attempt such an escape at this time. So I resign myself to watching the people rushing around and doing their duties, I't doesn't do much to distract me from my boredom. But them someone catches my eye, a young woman, dressed in a bright red hat and scarf, making her stand out from the crowd of grey uniforms. I watch her as she bounces through the room, greeting the agents as she passes, sometimes stopping to talk to people. I notice that everyone who sees her immediately has a smile on their face, interesting, her mood seems to rub off on everyone around her.
"What are you looking at brother?" Thor's voice startles me.
"Who is that woman, she seems out of place." I ask him, pointing to the brunette. He follows my gaze before answering.
"That is Darcy, she is Jane's assistant. Have you not met her before?"
"No, I don't believe so." I answered, never taking my eyes off of her. My arms are yanked forward as Thor starts to walk across the room, I try to keep up with him to avoid getting my wrists yanked. The woman Darcy sees us before we reach her, and half skips to meet us. Her face lights up with a smile as she greets my brother, and I realize that I'm smiling as well, why am I smiling, I should not be affected by her Joy the way these humans are.
"Hello Darcy, how are you?" Thor greets her pleasantly.
"Great, I just came up here to bring these poor agents some decent coffee. I see you brought your phycopath brother with you. Hey there." She says looking past Thor and waving at me.
"Yes, my father has put him under my personal care, to ensure he does not escape again."
"Cool, what brings you guys to the helicarrier?"
"We came to check on the business of this S.H.I.E.L.D. and we are now readying to make our way to Jane's house." My brother explains.
"Okay sweet, I'm on my way out too, so I'll just tag along with you guys."
"We will be pleased to have you accompany us Darcy, wouldn't we Loki?" He looks at me for my response.
"I suppose that since it will happen whether I am pleased or not, I might as well be pleasant about it." I reply with a mock smile toward Darcy.
"Good," she turns around and takes us both by the arms, "Let's go." Thor laughs, and I'm confused as she leads us out a door into the open air. Darcy releases our arms and runs toward a man, who I soon find out is a pilot, and he agrees to fly us down to the surface. We are ushered onto a, what do they call it, a quinjet I think, and we buckle in for the ride.
"So Loki, what's your motivation?" I'm caught off guard when the woman addresses me and only respond with a confused look and,
"Pardon me?"
"I mean, why try to take over the world over and over again? like wasn't once enough? Just wondering."
"I was born for greater things than standing in my brother's shadow." I answer with a flourish, and a glare at Thor who is currently trying to open a box of poptarts.
"I get that, but why not just, I don't know, get a career in acting? Why did you have to go straight for the take over the world thing?" Her question frustrates me somewhat, I have had many people oppose me, but never has someone questioned my motives in this manner.
"I don't understand how getting a career in acting is relevant to this situation."
"Well you said you didn't want to be in Thor's shadow, but it seems to me like you just stayed there, when you could have been trying to build your own reputation." I ponder this for a moment, she makes an interesting point, I am about to explain why I desire to rule, when she cuts me off with an exclamation,
"Oh, we're landing." When we're off the plain Thor pulls me along through the streets as Darcy leads us to a bus stop. We get a lot of stares on the bus, but soon enough we arrive at Jane's house. When Thor knocks, Jane opens the door and greets my brother.
"Thor! It's so good to see you!" Thor pulls on my wrists as he reaches to hug her, causing me to stumble forward and bump into Darcy.
"Hey, watch it, I spilled my coffee!" Darcy complains, and I follow her lead.
"Thor, can you at least try to be more cautious of the the fact that we're attached!" They stop hugging at the commotion, and I am able to stand up properly.
"Oh, and Loki, and Darcy. I didn't know you we're coming." the tone of Jane's voice is evidence of her annoyance. But she steps aside and allows us all into the house.
"I apologise for neglecting to tell you that Loki would be with me, but our father has placed him in my personal care. Oh and we ran into Darcy on the helicarrier." My brother explains, and Jain replies,
"I see, uuu, well I didn't make enough food for everyone, so I don't..."
"Don't worry we'll just order a pizza," Darcy cuts her off, "we're not demanding, are we Frosty?" She addresses me, nudging my arm with her elbow. I furrow my brow.
"Frosty?" I ask, not understanding the name she has bestowed upon me.
"Yeah, Frosty, you know cuz you're a frost giant right." She tells me. I am about to object to the title, but she pulls out her phone, apparently to order pizza. And satisfied with this solution, Jane leads us into the living room to sit. Jane and Thor sit next to each other on the couch, and of course, I am forced to sit beside Thor, Darcy chooses to sit on the other side of me, rather than taking up the separate reclining chair. I feel strange and out of place sitting there, with the others casually conversing around me. I don't have to endure it long however because the doorbell rings and Darcy jumps up to answer it. When she returns, she is carrying a cardboard box, which I assume contains the human delicacy, pizza, that Thor has told me about.
"I guess I'll go finish getting our dinner together." Jane declares and stands up from the couch.
"May I assist you?" Thor asks, standing up as well and pulling my arms over my head. I see Darcy stifling a laugh at my cumbersome situation.
"Um, yeah, that'd be great." Thor detaches my chain from his wrist and lays it on the coffee table, placing his precious hammer on top of it. The two of them leave the room, and Darcy takes her place again, setting the box down on the table beside Mjolnir. She pulls out a piece of this human food and begins to eat it, the smell that reaches my nose is seems familiar, yet foreign, the smell of bread and cheese I recognise, but it is mixed with other scents that I can't identify at the moment.
"It must suck having to be chained up all the time." She breaks through my thoughts.
"It is rather unpleasant actually." I confirm drily.
"Here, have some pizza, it'll cheer you up." she leans over and grabs another piece from the box, holding it out toward me.
"I do not require your revolting human food to 'cheer me up.'" I refuse.
"Come on, just try it, have you ever even had pizza before?"
"No, and I don't intend to."
"Even Thor has tried it. You're not telling me the great Loki, Prince of Asgard is afraid to try new foods."
"I am not afraid of anything, human."
"Then just try it." I contemplate her argument, and determining that she won't give up until I do, I decide to take a bite.
"Fine." She places the food in my cuffed hands, and I lean forward in order to be able to reach my mouth, when the flavors reach my tongue, my eyes instantly widen.
"Not so revolting after all is it?"
"I admit, the flavor is quite amazing, what is it?"
"It's just bread with tomato sauce and cheese, but it's addictive right?" She asks, taking another large bite of pizza. I don't respond, because I am to busy eating the rest of the pizza in my hand. After this, Darcy goes on to tell me about many of her other favorite foods, and tells me that sometime I will have to come for breakfast to try waffles. As she speaks I feel that smile once again find its way to my features. I then in turn tell her about the kinds of things we eat on Asgard, but she seems unimpressed. The discussion about food leads us to begin comparing other things about our planets, and before we know it we are having a heated debate about what the effects would be of taking a creature from another planet as a pet.
"Look, Thor has shown us pictures of some creatures, and I'm just saying, theres one thats basicly a cross between a bird, a cat and a rainbow, and i'm pretty sure it would make the most adorable pet ever."
"They are called Drigrunan, and I don't think you understand, they are deadly hunters, not the kind of creature you would want in your home."
"Well cats and dogs are deadly hunters too, but they follow us around and we cuddle with them." I am frustrated, yet intrigued with her persistence. I'm about to make another argument, when Thor and Jane reenter the room. Truthfully I hadn't noticed that they didn't return sooner.
"Loki, we must return now to asgard, Heimdall is ready to open the bifrost for us." So soon, that was hardly enough time for the two of them to have finished their dinner. Thor comes to take my chain off the table, and I notice that Darcy and I had apparently finished off the whole pizza, I look to the clock on the wall and realize that is has apparently been a lot longer than I thought. I stand up, at Thor's beckoning. At the door Thor says farewell to Jane.
"See ya Frosty." Darcy's voice comes from her spot on the couch.
"That is not my name, but farewell." I respond, then follow Thor out to the street.
"You like Darcy don't you brother." Thor questions me.
"Why should I like her, she's just a human."
Extra tidbit.
"Thor wear are we going this time, for once can't we just stay here." I grumble as Thor leads me out of the palace toward the bifrost.
"I wish to visit Jane today, but if you wish, we will not stay long."
"Will Darcy be there."
"Why? I thought she was 'just a human.'" His question is valid, why do I care if she's there. I quickly make up an answer.
"She is, but she is the only human I have met who can match my intellectual prowess in conversation. So if I must accompany you, I would much rather converse with her than listen to the two of you for hours." Thor seems convinced by this answer, and assures me that we will bring Darcy with us, we walk on, and for some reason, I once again have that smile on my face.
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