Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: Science can't explain.
I wrote three different versions of the same one-shot and I cant decide which one I like best, so I will just post all three and let you guys decide which is best.
The whole world has always been black and white since the day I was born, I never questioned it, why would I, it's normal, it's just how the world is. Until I saw her, I can't explain it, I don't know if anyone else sees it too, and to this day I can't come up with any scientific explanation, but when I looked at her the whole world changed. It started with her eyes, her beautiful hazel eyes, then spread to the rest of her, her pink flushed cheeks, her light brown hair, and blue cardigan, then it spread even further and the whole room was filled with color, at the time of course I couldn't name the colors, I just stood in awe wondering what made this happen, but really knowing all along. When I was forced to take my eyes of the girl to pay attention to the class, all the colors faded away. I longed for the color to come back and so it wasn't long before I introduced myself to her, we became friends and I found myself wanting to spend as much time as possible with her, not just to see the magnificent colors be painted over her and all the world, but also because she was the smartest most amazing girl i'd ever met. She didn't seem to mind me hanging around and soon we were stuck together like glue, best friends hardly to be separated to this day
I can't explain it, as a scientist it confuses me, I don't know if I'm the only one who sees it, but every time I look at her the world lights up with the most amazing colors like I've never seen befor, her eyes that once were grey brighten into dark sweet jems, her cheeks turn from cold and white to warm and flushed, her light grey hair changes to be beautiful, rich, and soft, but it doesn't stop there, the whole world changes and fills with color, so that it is hard to go back to the way it was, and I never want to leave her side. I don't know how or why it happens, I only know that it does, and I hope it never stops, because she is the most beautiful color I have ever seen, Jemma.
FitzSimmons, that's what they always called us, from the very beginning we've been stuck together like glue, people joke that we are like the same person, and I always thought so too, Jemma Has been my best friend for years, and there's nothing that can come between us. But it isn't till after we're assigned to the bus that I realize how close we really are. It starts out slowly, so slowly in fact that I don't even notice it's happening, until one day when I look at her I wonder, how long have her cheeks had that warm tinge, and when did her eyes get that dark enchanting look. Once I notice it, it is almost too beautiful to look away, and every day more color washes over her, and it gets harder and harder to look away, today her hair gets a rich dark sweet color, the next I see her blue cardigan perfectly contrasts her eyes, and soon I find myself staring at her absently when I should be working, the color she brings even starts bleeding into the rest of the world, at first I admire the cold shiny counter tops and the multicolor test liquids, but I always go back to looking at her. I hate leaving the lab at the end of the day, when she is out of sight everything goes back to the dull black and white, all I want is to be around her, see her warm lips greet me in a smile, watch her soft light hands working on whatever task she has. Eventually I notice her periodically staring at me stealing sidelong glances in my direction, just like I do to her, and I can't help but think she has to be seeing it too. Should I ask her, I can't decide, but for now I will just go on admiring her in this newfound color.
Please tell me what you think, can you tell what colors I am talking about? if you have any suggestions on how to better describe the colors please tell me.
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