Field Trip!
I Figured why not start off with a classic field trip story.
Rose's pov
I was sat down in chemistry class next to my brother Peter. I half listened to the chem lecture since I'd already learnt it all from my dad when I was like 12.
Finally the bell rang, and school was over but just as I swung my bag onto my back and got up to leave Mr. Harrington told us to sit down and that he had an announcement to make.
"I am pleased to inform you all that we have been allowed to visit the Avengers tower next week on a day long trip, so take a permission form as you leave and bring it back signed soon." He said, and everybody got up to leave.
Peter and I groaned. I guess I should explain, I go by Rose Parker at school since Peter was adopted when he was 8 by my parents Tony, and Pepper Stark after a big fight and the death of Peter's parents. However he still goes by Peter Parker and nobody knows that we are Starks.
If people knew that we were Tony Stark's kids that would put a big target on our backs and all of his enemies and trust me Iron man has a lot would be after us.
We do however have another reason for distancing ourselves from the Stark name, Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider a few years ago and became spider man and me well I gained powers over ice and snow after an avalanche accident a few years ago and I became the superhero known as Khione. A/N Any Persassy fans out there?
So going on a tour to our home where all our family (and yes I mean the avengers they're like all our aunts and uncles) are they will surely embarrass us and end up accidently revealing our identities not a great idea.
We walk over to sneak out of the class but our teacher stops us. "You two need a permission slip." he says cheerfully. We reluctantly grab permission slips and head home.
As we walk in we immediately head upstairs to our mom's office. "Hey mom." I say. "Hello Rosey, Petey how was your day at school?" she asked kindly. "Well we've sort of got a little problem." said Peter.
"Next week we're supposed to go on a field trip, here..." I said sheepishly.
"Oh dear, well here I'll sign the permission slips and I can talk to the others and convince them to keep it in the down low so you're secret identities remain intact." said mom.
"Really? Thank you so much mom you're the best!" I say.
"Okay now I have to get back on with work I'll see you two after patrol, stay safe my darlings."
~ Finally the day of the trip home arrives. ~
"So to be clear you're all going to act like we aren't family or even friends with us we're simply interns here you got it." I say.
"Yes kiddo for the millionth time we get it now you go on out of patrol otherwise you'll be late to school remember it's just you this morning since Peter had Band practice, so be careful." said my Dad.
"I will be fine I promise you worry too much." I say and give my dad a hug, and head out the balcony door."
"See you guys in a bit!" I yell to them, and I jump off the balcony and fly off using my powers to launch myself from the building.
Let's see what is there today? I look around and see an old woman getting mugged.
"Hey didn't your parents ever teach you to respect your elders." The man turned around and the old lady was able to escape.
Then a four other men all with weapons, came out the ally.
"We've been waiting for you Khoine, you are a problem and so we must stop you." Said a thug. "Well the only problem I see is you five so we can do this the easy way or the hard way." I said with a smirk.
A guy ran towards me. "Hard way it is then!" I yelled, and jumped onto the man hitting him in the back and knocking him over.
The others shoot at me and I blast them with ice and snow and manage to dodge them and freeze, three of them to the walls.
Then I feel pain course through my body as loud bangs go off. The first one shot me in the stomach and another comes closer and punches me in the chest and I fall to the ground and feel my ribs crack.
He goes over to me and kicks me in the head, and my vision blurs, and the world starts to spin.
I quickly freeze the last two up and send an alert on my watch to the police, but the pain is unbearable.
"Fuck!" I feel the blood seeping through my suit, and I quickly try to get home but after a few minutes flying my body gets weaker and black spots to appear in my eyes as I fall to the ground in pain.
My whole body hurts like hell, I try to stand up but I'm in too much pain and soon the darkness takes over and I black out.
Peter's pov
"Where is she she's going to miss the bus," I say to my girlfriend MJ.
"Don't worry Peter, Rose is a badass she can handle herself she probably just got busy patrolling now come on let's go," says MJ, and MJ, Ned and I board the bus and head to the Avengers tower.
"Where's your sister Penis she too scared to come today, just as weak as you?" taunts flash.
I get up to go punch Flash nobody insults my sister, but MJ puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "He's not worth it and besides she's ten times the person he could ever dream of being." did I forget to mention the MJ, and Rose are best friends?
We get off the bus and arrive at the tower and walk in and arrive at security.
"Hello Midtown Highschool and welcome to the Avengers tower." says FRIDAY, "Ms. Kelly will be giving you a tour today and handing out your passes."
Kelly is one of the intern's here and she knows that I am an 'intern' as well, so she handed out passes to everybody excepte Ned, MJ, and I.
"Hey miss, why didn't they get passes?" asked Mr. Harrington.
"They already have passes since they work here." said Kelly, "Now you all have the level 1 passes which are for school visitors, and paparazzi. There is 8 levels, 1 basic which is yours, 2 for low level interns, and secretaries, 3 for law inforcment, 4 for SHEILD agents and higher level interns, 5 for Avenger's family members, 6 for Mr. Stark's personal interns, and avengers that don't live here, 7 for the avengers that live here, and 8 for Mr. Stark, Mrs. Potts and two other people. Now follow me."
We followed Kelly into the lobby, and through the gateway system.
"Welcome back Ned Leeds level 6, Welcome back MJ Jones, level 6. Welcome back Peter Parker, level 8." FRIDAY says and we get into the elevator and my class stares at me. "How the hell did you get a level 8 pass Puny Parker?" Demanded Flash.
"Like I said I work here..." I said sheepishly and looked down. We reached the top elevators and as we got out I heard my dad whisper yell my name.
I quickly snuck away from the group and ran over. "What is it dad?" I asked. "Where's your sister?" he asked.
"I don't know she didn't show up to school today, I thought she was busy on patrol or something" I say worriedly.
"I haven't heard from her all morning, FRIDAY where's Rose?" he asks.
"Searching for her last know coordinates." FRIDAY says.
"Rose is currently in an ally on 34th, and 45th street, it would seem that she is not picking up my attempts to contact her she may be injured." says FRIDAY.
"Shit Peter can you go and see if she's okay I'll cover for you with your class." says my dad.
"I'm on it!" I say and I quietly snuck out the back door and put on my spider man suit, and swung to the street.
As I close in on the ally I see my sister passed out in a pool of blood.
"Oh my god Rose!" I tell and swing down to her.
"Sis wake up it's me please be alive." I begged as I gently picked her up. "Pete?" She croaked coughing up blood, and breathing heavily.
"It's okay sis I got you I'm bringing you home just try to stay awake for me, I'm going to take off your mask so you can breath okay." I explained to her and she nodded ever so slightly, and I took off her mask.
She had blood all over her face coming out of her mouth and she looked pale as a ghost. My heart brakes to see my sister like this I should've been there to protect her... FOCUS Peter you've got to save her.
"Karen tell dad to prep the med bay, Ro's been shot twice in the abdomen, she's lost a lot of blood, has a probable concussion, and I possible broken ribs." I tell Karen and she informs my dad.
"Stay awake for me sis, I've got you." I wrap her arms around my shoulders and web them to me so she doesn't fall off, as I swing.
"Peter I don't feel so good." she says, and she goes to close her eyes.
I start swinging home. "Hey just hold on stay awake for me I promise it's going to be okay just stay awake, Rose please just hold on, just hold on sis just hold on..."
A/N Well do you want a part 2? You'll just have to wait and see for the next part to come out...
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