Magic Mishap
Request: kind of a sherlock marvel crossover but not really at the same time, so yes but also no but at the same time. yes.
from me, and WreakHavock , IgorGrey
Characters & Pairings: Sherlock Holmes, Stephen Strange, John Watson, Everett Ross, Wong, Sherlock/John (Johnlock), Strange/Everett
"What are you doing?!" Wong asks as he walks into the Sanctum's Spell Casting Room ™.
"Trying something new..." Strange replies, distracted by the books splayed around him. "I'm thinking that if you combine these two spells we'll be able to make contact with another timeline."
"Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Wong exclaims.
"Don't worry... I'm being very careful."
"That's what you always say," he sighs. "I'm leaving before you kill us both. This timeline needs at least one sorcerer to guard the sanctum."
Strange starts to cast the spell, orange magic filling the room. "And now for the time stone...," he whispers. Green magic starts to weave its way into the orange. Strange combines all the magic before letting it fall apart again and consume the room into a white light.
Once the light fades, Strange looks around. "So that was a total fail-," Strange starts before he falls into a portal.
"Sherlock, stop the somber violin playing and eat! It's been two days!" John calls from the kitchen.
"I'm in mental anguish, John. No time for eating. Let me suffer in peace," Sherlock responds, before going back to obnoxiously playing his violin.
"Because you don't have a case?" John snickers.
Sherlock sighs and sets his violin down in his chair. "Exactly. Can't you see that I'm dying from the lack of mental stimulation?"
John bursts out laughing. "Right now, you seem more likely to die of hunger than boredom."
"I'm being very serious, John!" Sherlock grumbles.
John smiles, "Sure you are. Now, come and eat, you berk."
Sherlock throws his head back in annoyance before shuffling to the kitchen. Before sitting down at the table, Sherlock stops and looks down. He sees a bright white circle blow him.
"Mhmm," John says turning around to face him.
"I-," He says right as he falls into the now opened portal.
"Sherlock?!" John calls, but Sherlock already disappeared and the portal he fell through, missing.
Strange and Sherlock were both falling through portals, at the same time, but with very different destinations.
Down, down, down.... Before they both crashed onto the ground with a thud.
Strange squeezes his eyes shut, and groans at the now dull pain blooming in his shoulder.
"Sherlock? Oh, thank god- What in heaven's name are you wearing?"
"Sherlock? Like the detective?" Strange asks, opening his eyes. "Oh. You're not Wong."
"Who? And stop it with the accent," John says.
"What accent?"
"The American one."
"I'm American...?" Strange replies. "And so are you, Everett."
"Everett? I'm John Watson...your flatmate and partner...," John says, confusion in his voice.
Strange finally takes a look around and sees that he's not in the sanctum. "Oh... I see what happened." He stands up, and starts walking around.
John follows him, "What happened? Sherlock, I know you're a genius but don't forget that you have to catch me up sometimes."
"Sherlock? No, not me. Genius? Yes, absolutely correct," Strange smiles.
"Are you okay? Did you hit your head? ...Are you on drugs again?"
"Drugs?! I don't do drugs, never have. Also, now is not the time to be discussing simplicities like these. To catch you up to speed, I'm Stephen Strange—you can just call me Strange—a sorcerer from a different timeline, and now I have to get back to it," Strange says.
"John?!" Sherlock calls, his voice echoing off the barren walls.
Sherlock looks around and finds a door, opening it into a rather large room filled head to toe with trinkets and... a cape? Sherlock walks out of the empty room, his dressing gown flowing behind him.
"Strange?" Wong answers, walking into the room. "I see you didn't die."
"Why would I be dead? And who is 'Strange'?" Sherlock spits.
"Stephen Strange? You?"
"I'm Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective."
Wong puts his face in his hands. "What has he done," he mumbles, before looking up. "Well, that explains the accent. Nice to meet you Sherlock. I'm Wong."
"I thought you were Stephen?" Sherlock says, his eyebrows furrowing.
"A miscommunication. Now, follow me. I have to figure out a way to get you back to your timeline."
"My timeline?"
"Timeline? Sherlock, do I need to call Mycroft? Greg, maybe?"
"Mycroft? Sherlock's brother? No, that won't be necessary...," Strange answers, moving Sherlock's violin and sitting in his seat. He starts to work with his magic to see if he can summon a book that can help him reverse this mess.
"Holy... How are you doing that? Is this a trick?" John says in wonder, as soon as the orange magic appeared in front of Strange.
"It's magic."
"So, you're saying that magic exists and it accidentally switched me and this 'Stephen Strange'?"
"I don't believe you," Sherlock says, munching on a biscuit. "There's no evidence for it and when there's no evidence that means it isn't there and doesn't exist. It isn't scientifically possible.... Oh."
"Yeah, oh," Wong says, after creating a small portal to steal Sherlock's plate of biscuits from his hand.
"Can I have my biscuits back now?"
"Do you want any tea?"
"Do you have coffee?" Strange asks, flipping the the book he was able to conjure.
"No, just tea. Sorry," John answers.
"Then no thanks."
"So...," John says sitting down in his chair. "Are you just a wizard or do you do something else for a living."
Strange rolls his eyes before looking up. "Just a 'wizard'. Used to be a neurosurgeon before."
"I was an army doctor! How was your work?"
"Tedious, but I was the best at what I did and I got paid lots for it."
"Maybe I should look into neurosurgery then. Would make paying the rent a lot easier," John jokes.
"With the tremor in your left hand, you wouldn't be able to do it," Strange says, looking back at his book. His shaking hands at the edge of his mind keeping him from focusing—he wills them to still.
John frowns, "Well it was worth a shot."
"Can I do experiments to study how your magic works?"
"No," Wong answers, already tired with Sherlock's endless questions.
"Can I learn how it works then?"
"If you're willing to spend years devoting all your time to it, then yes."
"Hmm, I think I could do it in a couple months if you could provide me with the reading."
The door opens and the smell of grease and milkshakes flows into the room.
"Everett, thank god you're here. Save me from him," Wong pleads.
"From Stephen? What did he do this time?"
"Accidentally replaced himself with someone from a different timeline who happens to be Sherlock Holmes. He looks exactly like him but is ten times worse."
"Are those burgers?" Sherlock asks.
"British accent? I'll definitely take over watching him for you, if you need."
"Thank you!" Wong exclaims rushing out of them room.
"I'm Everett."
Sherlock looks him up and down. He looks just like John. "You just came back from a long day of work, as some kind of government agent. You had pizza and two cups of black coffee for lunch. And now you bring food for you and your partner, and, by the smell, means you have chips. Give 'em here."
By now, there was a small stack of books piled beside Strange. He'd read pages and pages. Flipping through books he remembered might have something that could help.
"Anything yet?"
"No, just memory reversal spells so far."
The sun was starting to set and Strange didn't seem to be getting anywhere.
"So you knowingly gave your boyfriend hallucination inducing drugs then tormented him with dog sound effects? God, I have no clue how he deals with you," Everett laughs.
"Me neither. I'm just very glad he does. I have no clue where I'd be without him."
"Same. I don't know where I would be without Strange. Well, more that I didn't know where he'd be without me. I'm pretty sure me and Wong are like, all of his impulse control."
"I think, I've found it. This reversal spell mixed with this time viewing spell might work..."
"Try it out, I'll step out of the room. Good luck Strange," John smiles.
"Thank you, and I'll get Sherlock back, don't worry."
"I trust you," he replies, turning out of the room, leaving Strange all alone.
Strange begins the spell. Orange magic flowing into the room, and then green weaving its way into it. The spell compresses before encompassing the room in a white glow.
The light fades and then Strange falls through a portal.
In the middle of a sentence, as he paces around the room, Sherlock falls into a portal, leaving Everett alone sitting in his chair, confused.
Sherlock and Strange fall, through the portal for some time before landing on the floor.
"Why is the floor always so hard," Strange complains.
"Because it's the ground, you idiot," Everett answers. He helps Strange off the floor. "I got stuck with a lookalike if you for a day, he was kinda hot."
"What a rude thing to say to your boyfriend who just traveled through time to get back to you."
"Well, first you traveled through time and got away from me."
"Get up Sherlock. You've been laying there for two minutes."
"There's tea and biscuits. And! Greg called with a case," John smiles.
Sherlock quickly stands up. "Case?!"
"I knew that would work!"
"Wow, you're willing to stoop so low and lie about having a case," Sherlock scoffs.
Time is rarely so lazy, but an exception was made and these two timelines lined up perfectly for these four.
"I missed you," John and Everett smile.
"Missed you too."
kinda shitty but whatevs
also, i'm working on other requests and chapters for "wished away" and "hello", don't worry :]
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