Thor x reader
A/n: I lost my promise ring last night guess where I found it. The cat wet food can.
You were Peter's older sister and his last living relative. When Tony learned that Peter was living with you and you guys struggled with money he moved you guys into the tower and paid for your online collage courses.
Thor was visiting avengers tower for the first time since you moved in and when he met you he fell in love.
You and Thor were taking turns asking each other questions. He asked what your favorite color was and you said red
What kind of red
All red except pink
I don't know I just love the color red
The next time he visited he brought beautiful red flowers from Asgard. You loved them and put them in a vase in your room.
He got really close to you and decided to ask you out. You said yes of course.
(After infinity war)
When Thor found out you hadn't been dusted he realized how lucky he was. 1 month after the war of wakanda he brought you to new Asgard. He took you to a garden and got in one knee and said "y/n I have loved you since I met you and you have been with me through it all please please do me the honor of becoming my wife and queen!?!"
You told him of course.
That's the ring (also my promise ring)
When you guys got married the theme was red and blue to honor your little brother that died in you and you guys father figures arms. (You Tony and Peter were hugging as he died)
Tony walked you down the isle. Pepper,Nat, and Valkyrie were your bridesmaids. Bruce,Rhodes, and Steve were the groomsmen. Your vows were said through tears.
You have been with me through Thanos and my brother dieing and my friends dieing. In my lowest time I have you. Even though I wish my brother were here this day is still amazing cause I love you and that will never change.
Y/n you have been there for me through everything. My best friend dieing. My brother dieing. My parents dieing. You have been there for me. You have comforted me and given me a new family. You are brave and kind and I can't wait to be married to you.
You guys said your I do's and stayed in new Asgard. By the time Bruce and rocket showed up you guys had 3 kids running around the house.
Oldest daughter: Daisy: 5 years old and goddess of life
Middle daughter: Lillian or Lily: 3 years old and goddess of family
Youngest son: Loki: 2 years old and god of mischief
They took you to Tony's house and Daisy and Morgan became best friends on the first 10 minutes.
When the avengers and your kids went back to the compound you decided to stay and spend some time with your little sister and your dad.
You guys were happy till Morgan brought up Peter. You had told your kids all about Peter and after you did you would go cry and Thor would hold you and hug till you felt better. Tony told Morgan all about me and him.
She said "when is Peter going to be here. I have never met him but daddy and mommy and you love him so I love him. When can I meet him?"
You said "I don't know Morg but probably not for a long time."
She told you ok and went to go play.
You and Tony sat together and cried missing Peter. After he went to the garage. You asked him what he was going down there to do and he said "I'm getting my son and your brother back"
The next day you drove with Tony to the compound where they assigned the team for the time heist. You were put in a team with your best friend wade wilson(Deadpool) and you guys were going to Vormir.
When you got there and met the red head guy as Deadpool called him he told you about the soul for a soul. Wade said I got this and jumped off the cliff. You got the soup stone and he came back and you guys left.
The battle at the compound happened but captain marvel snapped her fingers and survived.
Peter met your kids and Morgan and congratulated you on your marriage.
You and Thor left Valkyrie in charge of new Asgard and went back to New York with the avengers. You guys lived happily ever after with the avengers and your family.
A/n: this sucked but ima post it anyway.
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Stay safe and clean
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