When Marvel met DC
AN: I wrote this in a comment chain with some friends months ago and finally decided to post so enjoy.
It was Thanksgiving and everyone was saying what they were thankful for. Peter said, "I'm thankful that there are no more little kids." Cause you know, rough Hydra past, killing...innocent little kids....
Everyone turned to face him. "Peter?" That was Wanda.
"Hmm?" He asked without words.
"There are, like, five little kids here."
Oh. He didn't realize that. He counted the kids in the room, "There's only four though. Cassie, Lila, Cooper, and Nate."
That's when Natasha decided to speak up. "And Clint. You can't forget Clint."
Clint was offended! "Hey! I am not a kid!"
Everyone was laughing a little. "I'm not!"
Laura turned to him, "Sure you're not, Hawkeye." She tried to hide a laugh but didn't succeed.
That's when Clint was done with it. He picked up an empty plate and piled as much food on it as it could carry. "Fine! If you guys won't treat me with respect, then I won't hang out with you people! I'm gonna go up to the vent!" Clint cried out.
He was hurt, everyone was laughing at him. He ran off with his plate of food and disappeared into the vents.
"Great we spooked of the poor bird!" Said Natasha's wild voice.
No one really cared, they were all still laughing their heads off. Peter and Wanda were the only ones that turned to Natasha and listened. They looked at each other, even though there weren't any words said, they knew they had to make Clint feel better. Wait. Or did they use a mind link thingy?
Peter and Wanda climbed into the vents and Peter started to click his tongue. Wanda gave him a weird look, but said nothing. It could work, who knows?
"Uncle Clint? Are you here?" Peter yelled.
And Clint, who was very obviously there, replied with a simple "No." He started to cry.
Peter needed to comfort him, so he went to Clint. Wanda didn't know what to do, so she stayed back.
When Peter reached Clint, he pat Clint's back comforting. "It's okay, it's okay..."
Wanda stared at them thinking, "What the fuck is going on?!"
Even though she was pretty sure they weren't paying attention, she still told them that she was going back down. Right before she jumped down she heard Peter's voice say, "It's going to be okay my little birdie, it's going to be okay."
When she got down, she gathered some food on a plate and left. Her last words before she left were, "There's some weird shit going on up there. . . I'm going to watch some Pocahontas." And with that she left.
And you know, Steve being Steve said, "Language!"
They then heard a familiar scream from the vents, Clint's scream, and, oh boy, that was not good. His blood curdling scream made all of them stand up in horror. "DON'T WORRY! WE'RE OKAY!" Peter screamed back.
It soothed their worries until they heard another scream from Peter saying, "No, Uncle Clint you can't go down there and kill them! No, you can't!"
They heard a faint "Why?" from Clint.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's ILLEGAL!?!" Peter shouted.
That was the last straw, all the adults started to scream.
The younger kids all stared up. "What's going on up there?" They asked.
All the adults were too scared to answer, but it made them stop screaming.
The kids split up, trying to find a way for them to try Clint's bow and arrows. Then Clint fell from the vents. The kids saw (and heard) this, and asked, "Can we play with you bow Uncle Clint?"
The now evil Clint replied with, "Sure kids!"
Wanda, who was back in the room after hearing the commotion, said, "Clint, no!" There was also a faint, "Clint! We talked about this! You can't kill them! Clint, no!" From Peter, who was still inside the vents.
"Clint, yes!!!" Clint paid no attention to either of their protest and went to get his bow, but Lila, the only one other than Peter and Wanda doing anything, started throwing Hershey bars at him (Where'd she get them? Magic! And a magician never reveals her secrets!). "No, dad! Get back!" She screamed.
Clint hisses like a cat and stood up taller, gave Lila a death stare, and said, "If you don't stop this right now I will ground you for months!"
She gasped at her father and turned around to pick up the Hersey bars. Once she was done, she sat down beside Nate and pouted like a two year old child.
Nate, the young toddler, started to babble and pout with Lila. He probably wanted her to continue what she was doing, it was actually highly entertaining. Which to the adults, is the total opposite of entertaining. Maybe for a psychopathic clown maybe. But not Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
Clint jumped back into the vents to hide, because Thor knows that he can't resist his kids pouting and whining.
Tony, being the smart person he is, screamed, "Friday! Smoke the vents!"
Luckily, Clint managed to escape the vents before the smoke started to fill the vents. Peter wasn't as lucky though. He came out with his eyes pink and swollen. Natasha rushed to his aid. "Mama! Mama, I can't see! It hurts!" Peter's scared voice screamed, calling for his mother.
Natasha gave Tony a glare that could've given him a heart attack (I mean if he had a heart. Wait. Too far?). Wanda quickly shielded Nat from Tony.
Then suddenly Clint screamed angrily, "Tony! How dare you destroy my home! How dare you!"
Laura turned to Clint. "Your home?! Really!? THE VENTS ARE YOUR HOME?!? THE VENTS FOR PETE'S SAKE??!" She screamed at him.
Peter was confused. "My sake?" He asked her.
She smiled at him. "No, sweetheart, not you." Peter nodded in understanding and went to his mother.
Laura went back to glaring at Clint. "No? You're my home? You're my home!" Clint questioned.
Laura gave him a harder glare that made him state his question again, just more surely.
That made her smile. "That's what I thought, now apologize to your daughter AND Peter AND me...AND maybe everybody else too!!!" He apologized to all of them multiple times.
Then Peter's eyes started to act up again. He whined and cried, while Wanda gave up her defending position to soothe her adoptive brother. Natasha took this to her advantage. "Tony! You tear gassed my son! You have 15 seconds to run before I tear you apart!" Natasha yelled as she hugged Peter and Wanda with a terrifying look on her beautiful face.
"Oop, Tones is in trouble." A slightly invisible person said quietly. We have no idea who this guy is and we will never know...maybe it was Drax 'cause he's practically invincible. They gently threw a bottle of eye drops in Peter and Natasha's direction. "Hopefully that'll work." They mumble.
"HoPeFuLlY!" Another person next to them states. "Do you think they'll ever notice us? I mean, we're usually here and they apparently can't see us."
"Probably not." They both nod in response.
"Wait, who the hell are you?!" Natasha yells in their direction, getting into a defensive stance.
"...AGENTS OF SHIELD!" One yells and whispers, "run!" under their breath and ran away. A good majority of them run, but a few stay behind.
"Hi." One says to Natasha. They wave at her and say, "I'm not going to lie. I'm not a SHIELD Agent."
Another, who didn't run too far says "I'm not one either. I got friendship bracelets, want one? Don't kill me." She asks as an attempt for a peace treaty (not of Versailles from WWI. Although this book could lead to a WWIII...) with the Avenger, but mostly Natasha.
Natasha accepted and friendship bracelets that were passed around. Each bracelet had the person's name.
The honest one, the one that went up to Natasha first, was named Alex. She was the bravest, the most outgoing, and somewhat the leader of the spectators.
The one that made their appearance first was Jack, the kindest, most caring, and the group's unregistered therapist.
Then there was Alice, she was stubborn, creative, and the witnesses unknown mascot. She also hated when anyone pronounced her name wrong, "Hey there authors! My name is pronounced AH-LEE-SS! Got it?!"
Jack squinted their eyes as if looking straight at us. "I can see the readers! Hi there!" The hand waved politely through the screen.
Wait? Why are they breaking the fourth wall? YOU PEOPLE CAN'T BREAK MY FOURTH WALL!
"We can and we just DEFINITELY did! Go solve your author-y conflicts between you guys..." Maybe Jack was a bit troublesome, "Hey, I heard that!" But has a good heart!
"Who are you talking to? By the way, what are your names?" Natasha asked, confused. They all gave their names to the people present and decided it wasn't worth their time to try and explain the fourth wall.
"Guys! Did you forget that Tony just tear-gassed me? Where he'd get that from? The scarecrow?" Peter rambled. Everyone just stared at Peter, confused about the things he just said.
"Who's this 'Scarecrow'?" Wanda asked, she was the only one brave enough to confront her brother.
Then Friday decided to speak up, "Peter. I'm afraid that's from the wrong universe. Please consider what you say. It may lead to catastrophic ends."
"Where's the Scarecrow?!" Batman's deep, shrill voice asked, making everyone take a gigantic step back.
"Who the fuck are you?" Tony asked. "Language..?" Steve said baffled.
"I'm Batman." Then Tony was karate kicked in the face. That had to hurt. A LOT. Like 'getting hit by a truck hurt'. That kind. You know?
Peter was in awe. "Teach me, Sensei!" He practically shouted.
"What...the fuck is even happening right now? Like I'm all for chaos, but only as long as I started it and if it benefits me." Jack said, confused as to why Batman is here.
"Same," Alice and Alex agreed.
"You're a criminal! Criminals do that too! Spiderman, back me up!" Batman shouted.
Peter was confused, and maybe a little bit shocked, and angry, and surprised, and excited, an-, I think you know what I mean... "How'd you know I was Spiderman?" Peter was certain we wasn't wearing his mask, I mean come on! Who wears their masks indoors anyway?!
"You're on the ceiling." When did he get there? Weird but it's normal. Peter wondered dramatically. "Also, because I'm Batman!" Batman said dramatically.
Alice was almost squealing because she was so happy to hear the iconic line. "Because he's Batman.....no other reason needed, he's Batman." They all turned to stare at Alice's face, she looked like she was about to faint.
"Look here son, I'm-" Steve managed to say before he was cut off by Batman.
"Don't call me son, the only people that should call me that are my parents, and my parents are dead..." and he started to laugh maniacally.
A slight gasp then escaped Bucky's mouth, just realizing what just happened. "Hey! Respect the old man!" Bucky told Batman angrily.
"I'm sorry... Grandpa!" Batman screamed out in his scary deep voice and snickers at the shocked faces.
Everyone gasped and Clint being the most dramatic person ever, just had to say, "Le Gasp!" Tony snapped. He couldn't believe that someone managed to call Steve grandpa before him.
He was about to punch Batman in the face when he got a karate kick to the face. Again. In the same place. Boy, was that going to leave a big blue bruise. Ha! Alliteration!
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Bunch of weirdos..." then Batman turned around and place his finger on his comms. "Nightwing come in." There was a slight pause before he continued, "Bring in the Bat-Jet. We're going to teach some noob how to do karate. Bring the Bat Clan with you. Over and out." Then he turns back to face the Marvel Bunch.
Peter seemed unfazed by being called a 'noob' and jumped in joy. "Am I finally going to learn karate?!"
For anyone else, the sight would've put a smile on their faces but Batman just kept on a scowl. Okay, maybe the corners of his mouth twitched up a little, but that stays between the readers, authors, Jack, Alice, and Alex.
"Yes...but remember, I work alone-"
Just then, a smoke bomb enters the living room lounge and a chorus of "We heard that!" Came through the smoke.
Batman turns his scowling face to the new comers. "You didn't let me finish. I work alone...with my family!"
Then Nightwing spoke up. "Aww... he considers us as his family..." He said and did a hair flip, making every girl (and some boys) coo at the sight of this sexy beast.
"We are his family, Gra- Nightwing. Not biological to most of you put he still adopted you." The Damian Wayne version of Robin said as he put his sword in its right position.
"I'm not his family, I'm just an acquaintance." Commissioner Gordon said.
"You are, now shut up!" Batman growled.
There was still some chatters left and we all know how much Bats likes the silence. So Red Hood spoke up. "Who the fuck is still talking?! Bats sent silence and you're not giving it to him!"
This made Red Hood reconsider his words..."Whom the fuck is still talking!?" And literally everyone face palmed.
While the Bat Clan or still arguing, Natasha brought up a point that made the Marvel Bunch freeze. "Guys? Did you forget that the Bats are from a different universe, so technically, they're invading us?"
Then Wong said it. "Attack?"
When Batwing slowly approached the Heroes, he decided to voice this out. But only in a whisper.
And being Bats they communicated through the eyes. They kept silent as if not noticing the advancing heroes. There was definitely one thought in common though. And that is: 'amateurs...'
The few leaders in the group decided to bring backup since there are so many Marvel peeps in the room.
"Calling Justice League!"
"Calling Young Justice!"
Red Hood:
"Calling The Outlaws!"
"Calling Birds of Prey!"
Red Robin:
"Calling Teen Titans!"
"Calling Sypral!"
"Calling the Order of Saint Dumas!"
Ace the Bat-Hound (in barkish):
"Calling Super Pets!"
"Tssk. I know the League of Assassins are bad guys, but I'm sure Grandfather and Mother wouldn't like to see the heir dead. So I'm calling them too.
The Marvel Bunch was getting far too near to the Bat Clan then anyone would've liked and Tony, now in his suit, was about to deliver a blast to Batman's head when the beam hit a red and yellow 'S' instead.
"What on God's green Earth is going on here?!" Askedd the big blue boy scout (of the DC universe, 'cause it's not Cap we're talking about).
And when the smoke cleared, the rest of the DC Bunch stepped out and said a collective "Yeah!"
Since she saw that no one was going to do anything, Spoiler pointed at the Marvel Bunch and said: "Them."
One word but conveying everything the DC Bunch needed to know.
Batman, being as calm as ever, said in a low tone, "Wait for my signal. When you see it, attack. Immediately. No sooner, no later."
The Marvel Bunch was still advancing towards the DC Bunch (like that scene in Civil War).
Batman gets out a switch and with a flip of a button, the Bat-Signal goes on. The yellow Bat-light shone and blinded the Marvel Bunch and the Bat Clan, excluding Commissioner Gordon, vanished in the smoke from the smoke bomb they activated. They slipped into the shadows and no one ever saw them again...
"Guess that's the signal." Wonder Woman said nonchalantly, but with a pinch of irritation in her tone.
Nobody did anything for a full second and Batman was definitely annoyed now.
"Attack them, you morons!!" Came the voice of Batman (or was it his son?) from somewhere...
The Flash and Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) shared a look and sped off in the same direction. No words needed. Cause the look says it all.
Before the fight could get any further, a young Spiderling swings in and holds both his hands up. "Please don't fight. I just want to learn karate..."
"I'm sorry, Peter, but these people have to go." Vision says as he phases through the Marvel Bunch to stand in front of Peter.
"No... please don't leave. Please stay, Batman? Can you back me up here?" The boy says as tears starts to spill from his eyes.
Then Doctor Strange opens a portal besides Peter and steps out of the orange ring. "It's for the best. I'm sorry but they have to go." He says and opens a portal under the DC Bunch, Ragnarok style.
"B-but who's going to teach me karate?" The boy cries out.
"I will." Batman says and steps out of the shadows with the Bat Clan.
Everyone was obviously surprised to see the Dark Knight still here, cause hey, the Doc sent them all back already.
"Idiots. I was not with the rest of the heroes when you sent them back." Batman said and his rolled their eyes as the hype men.
This also caused the two men with a hella good hair and facial hair to roll their eyes as well. One being Tony and the other being Stephen.
Doctor Strange scowled and opened another portal for the Bat Clan and the Marvel Universe is back to peace once again.
"But seriously. Who's going to teach me karate?!"
Then silence.
Tony walked over to Peter, holding his bruised face and gently patted the brown curls on the boy's head. "I'll teach you, Kid. Just don't kick me in the face like what Batsy did. Okay?"
Peter did not hesitate. He ran up to Tony and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug. Literally. Everybody heard Tony's rib cage crack, accompanied with a "Oh, shit." from the man.
"Oh please, grandpa. Language this, language that. It's fucking annoying." Tony said and rolled his eyes.
"Language, Tones. There are five little kids here!" Cap said, not realizing his mistake until it was too late.
Everything and everyone was quiet.
Laura face palms. 'Here we go again...' she thought to herself, and maybe Wanda too.
"I am not a kid!!" Clint yelled.
"Ha! You admitted!" Sam said and fell to the floor, laughing. There goes the falcon.
"Nobody said it was you." Nat pipes up, smirking as the color drains from Clint's face.
While the chaos was going on, Peter secretly told Friday to lock the vents from entering or exiting.
Clint jumps up, meaning to get into the vent when his head bumps against the metal door of the vent, hard. "Peter!!!!" He whined and everyone laughed at him again.
He gets his explosive arrows and shoots it at the door. The explosion occurred but not a single scratch on the metal.
"Geez! Is the vent made out of vibranium or something?!" Clint complains.
Shuri spoke up, tone full of Wakandian accent. "As a matter of fact, Mr. Barton, it is. We collaborated with Stark Industries and provided them with part of our supplies of vibranium."
Well, that's just great for Clint.
That was Thanksgiving with the Avengers, and I think it's safe to say that they're all thankful that there aren't any more heroes from different universes. . .
There is still a certain Spiderchild that wants to learn karate, though.
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