The Christmas Special (OOF: 1/4/22)
AN: You saw the title it's time for the Christmas Special... 10 days after Christmas because life takes priority over writing. Anyways enjoy.
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters AKA X-Mansion. Christmas Morning.
"Merry Christmas Logan." Professor X greated the Canadian mutant. "Merry Christmas Chuck." Logan returned the greating as he fixed his morning coffee. "The others should wake up soon, Perhaps we should make breakfast." Storm proposed as she entered the living room.
"Excellent Idea, I'll get the eggs and bacon going." Beast added as he entered. So the senior X-men made Christmas breakfast before the others were awake. "Logan would you be so kind as to wake up the others?" Beast asked Wolverine.
Logan nodded before going upstairs and yelling. "Everyone downstairs in 5 minutes for Breakfast or I'm returning all of your Christmas presents!" Logan leaned against the railing as everyone got up quickly.
Skip to after Breakfast and Christmas because it's late and that has nothing to do with this story.
Professor X enjoyed the happiness of his X-men but sensed trouble in the mind of Nightcrawler and Rouge. So of course being the powerful telipath that he is he questioned them. "Kurt, Rouge what seems to be troubling you?"
The two shared a glance before looking at there leader. "A few days ago we received a letter from mother." Kurt explained. "She wanted to see us for Christmas." Rouge finished. Charles nodded in understanding. "And you two wish to go see your mother?" He questioned.
Both mutants agreed before Charles cut the mind link and spoke allowed. "Logan could you drop Kurt and Rouge off at Mystique's on your way to visit Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes at the Avengers Compound?" Wolverine was confused but agreed anyways "Sure Chuck but I won't be held responsible if she hurts Rouge and Kurt."
"Mystique may be a member of the brotherhood but she's still there mother and a former X-men, we have nothing to worry about." Charles reassured everyone's concerns. "Have fun at your mother's Kids." Hank wished the duo. "We will Professor McCoy." Kurt assumed the blue man.
"Alright Kids let's move it, if you're not in the truck when I'm in you're getting left. And no bathroom stops so go now!" Logan ordered. Kurt and Rouge ran to best Logan's deadline. "You're not really not stopping are you?" Storm asked. "With Kurt's small bladder I would be surprised if we made it a half hour before stopping." Logan replied.
The young mutants ran to the garage Logan not far behind them. After 2 hours and 3 bathroom breaks they arrived at Mystique's house. "You kids have fun. I'll be by tomorrow afternoon to pick you up." Logan informed them. "Bye Wolverine have fun with your old War buddies." Rouge called before he left. "Let's do this Sister." Kurt said in his German accent.
There was a knock at the door and Mystique put on her robe and went to the door. "Kids what are you doing here?!" She asked in shock. (Hi look the scene from the top) "We got your letter and came to visit you." Rouge told her. "Could we come in? It's cold out here." Kurt added.
Before they she said another thing Mystique brought the kids inside. "I'm happy you two came, I wasn't sure if you'd come so I just got you guys gift cards." She explained. "We got you a dress." Rouge informed there mother. "And makeup." Kurt added.
"You kids must be hungry, I'll make something." Mystique reasoned and led them to the kitchen. Then they had a great Christmas.
AN: This was shorter than normal. But it's a late Christmas Update. Anyways happy new year.
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