Hydra's Long Game
Wanda and Pietrove were just Born into Hydra, Nat and Bucky are trapped but Hydra isn't done with them yet.
"Sir project Super Soldier is complete!" The goon said. Arnim Zolla laughed. "Good we are in the long game now!" He said.
A few years later in Berlin. "Hello Mr Stark!" Natasha said. The drunk Playboy smiled. "Hi Fräulein you look good in that dress!" He said surprising keeping his sentence straight. "I look even better with it off!" Natasha said before luring Tony to the bedroom. A few hours later she left the room and Called her boss. "Старк был соблазнен!" (Stark has been suduced!) She said before getting in the car that took her back to base.
2 years later. "Мы должны отправить SPR-1756, чтобы жить с агентом Паркером и его женой в мае в Нью-Йорке для следующей части операции! " (We must send SPR-1756 to live with agent Parker and his wife May in NYC for the next part of the operation!) The camander said reading the transmission from Zolla.
A few years later. "Вдова, вы должны отправиться в Будапешт и «сбежать от нас», однажды в «Дерьме» сохраните прикрытие и ждите дальнейших инструкций!" (Widow you are to go to Budapest and 'escape' from us, once at Shield keep your cover and await further instructions!) The Camander ordered.
2014. "Солдат, вы должны пойти и «убить» директора ЩИТА и подружиться с капитаном Америкой!" (Soldier you must go 'take out' the Shield Director, and Befriend Captian America!) The Camander ordered. Nat and Bucky were fighting. "Давно не виделись солдата какие-нибудь новые заказы?" (Long Time no see soldier, any new orders?) Natasha asked. "Вам нужно убрать DR Banner с планеты, он слишком большой угрозы, и Insight должен потерпеть неудачу!" (You need to get Dr Banner off planet he's too much of a threat, and Insight must fail!) Later "Bucky you saved me!" Cap said in shock. "Of course IDK why but I felt something like I knew you!" Bucky said with a smile before helping his friend up.
2015 Age of Ultron. "Ведьма, Бегун, ты должен отправиться в Саковию и сразиться с Адвертом против Альтрона!" (Witch, Runner you must go to Sakovia and fight with the Avengers against Ultron!) The Camander orders before asking Pietrove to stay back "Qwick Silver you must sacrifice yourself for one of the Avengers so your sister gains there trust and the operation can continue!" Zolla's back up brain said. Pietrove Grined "Anything for the cause!" Later at the battle. "Bruce you need to calm down!" Natasha said. Bruce went crazy and jumped into a jet that flew off to space. "Mission accomplished!" Natasha said before running to join the others. Pietrove shoved Clint in a boy out of the way before dieing Making Wanda go mad with power killing all the robots but Ultron prime.
2016. Grant Ward stormed the Hydra Base the second copy of Dr zolla's brain was being kept. "Alright boys Pierce sends his regards but I'm in charge now!" He said before Zolla's robotic voice laughed. "Mr Ward you have yet to see the bigger picture, allow me to show it to you!" He says before telling Ward the plan. "Nice plan but what about Parker dieing?" Ward asked. Zolla laughed "i foresaw this coming, the plan is still on course and the boy has descoved his powers and is on a collision course with one of the Avengers likely Tony Stark!"
2017. Homecoming. "Peter I'd like you to become an Avenger!" Tony said. Peter frowned. "I'm sorry sir but I'd like to stay a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!" Peter said before turning around and walking towards the car only to be stopped by Bucky, Wanda, and Nat. "Привет маленький паук, куда ты идешь? (Hi little Spider where are you going?) Natasha asked. Than like clock work the brainwashing picked up. "Вдова, какова наша миссия?" (Widow what is our mission?) Peter asked. "Просто мой сын, мы уничтожаем Мстителей!" (Simple my Son we destroy the Avengers!) Natasha replyed.
AN: Следующая глава будет второй частью этого. Наше любимое семейство Нат, Бакет, Ванда и Человек-Сподер тайно злые, теперь они уничтожат Мстителей и мир или у Чанга Для меня, чтобы решить, а вы, чтобы узнать! -Gent
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