Scott Lang- Baby (c)
Although not your biological daughter, Cassie would always be your daughter, no matter if there was no blood connection. You had been in a relationship with her father Scott for a few years and over that time you had seen Cassie grow and through that time you had done your best to be a good role model for her but to never try to replace her mother. Maggie liked you, she was glad her ex was happy and that the two of you were giving her daughter a stable home when she stayed with you; you couldn't be happier that there was a good supportive family unit there for the young girl, even if her parents were divorced.
Whenever she stayed with you and Scott, you did your best to form the best mini family unit that you could, but now that family was a little bit bigger.
When you had found out that you were pregnant, you were equally terrified and ecstatic. Even though you helped raise Cassie, you missed the baby stage, so this baby would be a whole new ball park for you. You knew Scott would be beyond happy to know he would have a second child and equally his daughter was excited to be an older sister.
Your pregnancy seemed to flow by, and you couldn't believe that you had been home for a week, now with a beautiful bundle that refused to let you get a full night's sleep. For the first week it was you and Scott with your new born baby but having given her a little time to settle and for you to get a handle of how to care for a baby, Cassie was to come over and see her little sister.
Scott picked her up and brought her to your home and you couldn't help the happiness that filled you when you saw the excited expression on the little girl's face.
You were sat in an arm chair, holding your quiet child, finally having settled from crying but hadn't fallen asleep as of yet. Cassie ran straight to you, Scott stood in the doorway, a proud smile upon his lips. She ran to your side, leaning over the arm of the chair to look at her little sister.
"She's beautiful," Cassie squealed.
You couldn't help but smile as she leaned down to press a kiss to the forehead of her sister.
"How do you feel being a big sister?" You smiled.
"I'm going to be the best big sister," she grinned.
Both you and Scott knew that would be true. She was a good kid and you could only hope that she would help your new daughter to become someone like herself.
"Maggie sends her love," Scott said. "She's fine with Cass spending the weekend but she's requested you come with me to drop her back so she can meet little Y/D/N."
"Of course," You smiled. "But for now, Cassie, do you want to hold your sister?"
Her eyes lit up as she nodded her head uncontrollably. With that, Scott helped her settle on the sofa before you gently lay Y/D/N in her arms, both of you cautiously stood around her in case anything went awry.
Written by Charlotte.
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