Gamora- Father (a)
"You know what Father is doing is wrong don't you?" Gamora, your sister, tied up her boots, not even batting an eye at your comment. "Hey... didn't you here me?" you nudged her but she ignored you still. "Gamora!" You pushed her this time, almost knocking her to the floor from her kneeling position.
"What?!" She had finished tucking in her laces and was now in your face, obviously quite agitated from what you had said.
"I know that you heard me."
"What's so wrong about it? Father is helping the universe."
"Helping the universe? By getting rid of half of it?" She stared into your eyes for a few seconds before walking over to a cache of weaponry, loading up with the same blades that she always used.
"It is a necessary sacrifice that we must make." She threw you a gun from the box which you sat down at your side.
"The only person to say that is Father and his subordinates. There are other ways to help people. What if we're part of the fifty percent?" Gamora stopped for a few moments, hanging her head over a workbench.
"What part do you not understand about sacrifice? Sacrifices don't tend to be enjoyable."
"You really believe him don't you? He's a madman, he's tyrannical and you don't have to go along with him."
"What do you propose exactly?" She loaded up a backpack with explosives, ammunition and anything else that would her on her warpath. "Do you propose that we should kill him? Slit his throat in his sleep? And then what? We engage in a war with the Black Order which we could never succeed and even if we do then what? We float around looking for refuge?"
"You're scared aren't you." She brushed off your comment before slinging the backpack onto her shoulders. "Come on, it's okay to be scared. Father offers us safety and protection. I understand that."
"Fine. Maybe we can agree that Father isn't going about this the best way. What other choice do we have though?"
"We can leave. We can leave this place forever. This whole ship is lined with pods. Father and his warmongering horde drop into whichever planet is due for cleansing and we fly the other way. By the time he notices we could be halfway across the galaxy."
She looked at you, then down to her hips where her bloodstained weapons sat, and then back at you.
"What's the point. He would find us. Even without us there is no stopping him getting the stones."
Written by Aaron.
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